Rapture anyday now!

Speaking of mandatory insurance, do Christian drivers have to carry extra rapture protection on their automobile policies? I wouldn't be fair for the rest of us to get stuck with paying for the damages caused by all those unmanned cars careening about.
Two words: contingency plan.

If and when I found myself 'left behind', I'll simply refuse to take the mark, have my head lopped off, and I'll be golden.

I expect the rapture of all true believers anyday before the end of 2016,are you ready???? Or will you be left behind?? Your choice!!

After The Rapture Pet Care | If The Rapture Happened Right Now, What Would Happen To Your Pets?

There is no end to how gullible these people are.

Yes, but if you 'just believe' that you could float up into the sky at any minute to meet a make believe triune mangod in the clouds you too can 'be saved', lose your mind and become a gibbering idiot.

your choice!
The rapture isnt Biblical. So Ill probably forget this post within five minutes.

Sure it is.

{ I Thessalonians 4:16-18

"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage each other with these words."}
Again, since the Rapture isnt a biblical concept, waiting for it is pointess.

And God wont force people to come to Him. He gives us free will for a reason. I dont know why you would want to avoid making choices or being accounable to them.

Don't be silly my friend.

The rapture is central to Christian theology and is prominent in both the Old and New Testaments.

{Isaiah 26:19-21 "Your dead will live; their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust awake and shout for joy. For your dew is as the dew of the dawn, And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. Come, my people, enter into your rooms, And close your doors behind you; Hide for a little while, Until indignation runs its course. For behold, the Lord is about to come out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth will reveal her bloodshed, and will no longer cover her slain."}

That it is clear from actual scripture that Paul taught the Church that THEY would be raptured is much of the reason I first rejected Christianity. What Paul taught did not come to pass.
The rapture isnt Biblical. So Ill probably forget this post within five minutes.

Sure it is.

{ I Thessalonians 4:16-18

"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage each other with these words."}

When Jesus appeared the first time he said he came down from heaven but eveyone knows that he was born into a family.

If he appears a second time, why and how could he come down from heaven in any other way?

A careful reading of acts 1:9-11 shows that Jesus did not literally float up into the sky and since the men in white said he will return in the same way they saw him go, he will not float down from the sky.
Again, since the Rapture isnt a biblical concept, waiting for it is pointess.

And God wont force people to come to Him. He gives us free will for a reason. I dont know why you would want to avoid making choices or being accounable to them.

Don't be silly my friend.

The rapture is central to Christian theology and is prominent in both the Old and New Testaments.

{Isaiah 26:19-21 "Your dead will live; their corpses will rise. You who lie in the dust awake and shout for joy. For your dew is as the dew of the dawn, And the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. Come, my people, enter into your rooms, And close your doors behind you; Hide for a little while, Until indignation runs its course. For behold, the Lord is about to come out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth will reveal her bloodshed, and will no longer cover her slain."}

That it is clear from actual scripture that Paul taught the Church that THEY would be raptured is much of the reason I first rejected Christianity. What Paul taught did not come to pass.

Who can say? Everything is in how it is perceived.

Maybe you were one of those 'dead in Christ' who are supposed to be the first to rise ???
The ""big"" question=do you believe god's word or not? Do you hope to be left behind to be a slave to the anti-christ or die? Why?

Hey gismo, maybe the droves of people who are leaving superstitious churches like the one that screwed up your mind are the ones being taken and die hard believers in delusional BS like yourself are the ones who have been left behind to be tormented by the confusion of your delusions and hallucinations day and night forever and ever amen?

wouldn't that be funny?
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Who can say? Everything is in how it is perceived.

Maybe you were one of those 'dead in Christ' who are supposed to be the first to rise ???

Many things are unknown - but several things are known. We know that the tale Paul told his flock never came to pass. It won't come to pass 2000 years later - or ever.

Of course you are right if the prophecy is seen through the lense of a literal interpretation.

My personal opinion is that Paul didin't know WTF he was talking about if he thought people would literally vanish into thin air or float up into the sky.

But Jesus did speak of one being taken and the other being left behind, which I'm sure is happening all the time.

I bet you seemed to vanish into thin air to those who you left behind in whatever church that once held you like a tomb......

Is "rapture" synonymous with "end times"?

And, what exactly is supposed to happen with "rapture:?
Of course you are right if the prophecy is seen through the lense of a literal interpretation.

My personal opinion is that Paul didin't know WTF he was talking about if he thought people would literally vanish into thin air or float up into the sky.

I'm far more cynical.

When studied critically, Paul was not terribly different than Muhammad, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, and Jim Jones. Paul created a cult for the purpose of self-aggrandizement and to gain wealth.

Saul of Tarsus was an educated man, and a Pharisee. He was clever and knew all the myths, both Gnostic and Messianic. Saul was a persecutor of heretics, but saw an opportunity. He changed his name and started a cult. He was good at the game. He gathered all the competing myths and wove them into a somewhat cohesive whole. The 12 Joshua figures were compiled into one consolidated "Jesus," with a smattering of Greek and Roman mythology to widen the appeal of the cult.

But Jesus did speak of one being taken and the other being left behind, which I'm sure is happening all the time.

The words of Jesus are from many sources. Some that were promoted by Paul, others by Constantine, yet others by later figures in the Church. I have found no evidence that an actual "Jesus" existed at all - not the wandering Jew with 12 disciples. There certainly was no Crucifixion during passover. No Jewish nor Roman documents mention such an event. The clumsy frauds in the writings of Josephus and Pliny the Younger only further the evidence that the whole thing is a fraud.

I bet you seemed to vanish into thin air to those who you left behind in whatever church that once held you like a tomb......

Actually, I still have contact with many of them.

Is "rapture" synonymous with "end times"?

And, what exactly is supposed to happen with "rapture:?

Answer: No.

The rapture is the calling up of the church. There is a great deal of debate among churches as to WHEN the rapture occurs. Most Protestants hold that it occurs just prior to the 7 year tribulation, when the Anti-Christ becomes global dictator. The Catholics hold that is occurs after the tribulation. ALL Christian churches teach that the rapture is coming. Some of the fringe cults such as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses have fairly bizarre views. The JW's kept predicting the rapture in 1914, 1925, 1975. When it didn't happen, the JW's initially changed the date. But then got REALLY weird and decided the rapture already happened and we all just failed to notice. The Mormons reject the rapture because Joseph Smith found that it conflicted with his Masonic faith. Smith set out to rewrite the Bible to omit verses about the rapture, but never finished the job. The rewrite was later finished - but even the Mormons reject that version.

Does that answer your question?
When millions of believers vanish (are raptured)do you really think the world will not know????
When millions of believers vanish (are raptured)do you really think the world will not know????

... and celebrate!! :clap2:

uncensored, I didn't want another damn sermon preached at me. Scanning that mess ... looks like its a non-answer. Thanks anyway.
When millions of believers vanish (are raptured)do you really think the world will not know????

God is not going to rapture any christians.

Christians provide the best comedy that God has seen in the last 2000 years!
Of course you are right if the prophecy is seen through the lens of a literal interpretation.

My personal opinion is that Paul didn't know WTF he was talking about if he thought people would literally vanish into thin air or float up into the sky.

I'm far more cynical.

When studied critically, Paul was not terribly different than Muhammad, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, and Jim Jones. Paul created a cult for the purpose of self-aggrandizement and to gain wealth.

Saul of Tarsus was an educated man, and a Pharisee. He was clever and knew all the myths, both Gnostic and Messianic. Saul was a persecutor of heretics, but saw an opportunity. He changed his name and started a cult. He was good at the game. He gathered all the competing myths and wove them into a somewhat cohesive whole. The 12 Joshua figures were compiled into one consolidated "Jesus," with a smattering of Greek and Roman mythology to widen the appeal of the cult.

From the story given it seems that Paul had a psychotic break with reality probably as a result of being guilt ridden from persecuting and killing Christians. An even more sinister scenario is that as such a rabid Christian persecuter Paul deliberately infiltrated inner Christians circles to usurp a place of authority only to put his own perverse homophobic and misogynistic pharisaic teachings in the mouth of Jesus mingled with a claim of divinity to obscure what Jesus actually taught and insure that the Jewish people would never accept Jesus as the messiah.,

The words of Jesus are from many sources. Some that were promoted by Paul, others by Constantine, yet others by later figures in the Church. I have found no evidence that an actual "Jesus" existed at all - not the wandering Jew with 12 disciples. There certainly was no Crucifixion during passover. No Jewish nor Roman documents mention such an event. The clumsy frauds in the writings of Josephus and Pliny the Younger only further the evidence that the whole thing is a fraud.

There is as much if not more evidence that Jesus existed as there is that Homer existed and no reputable scholar disputes either ones existence.

The fact is that the four gospels do exist and are the basis for what people profess to believe or not believe about Jesus. Whether Jesus existed or not anyone can look to the scriptures cited to support the belief that Jesus is God and see that those very same verses do no such thing.

If there is a fraud involved is is perpetuated by the people who claim to know what Jesus meant by the things he said according to scripture. Exposing that fraud is as simple as learning what the truth conveyed is, even if its all just a fairy tale loosely based on an actual historical figure or the figment of some creative writers imagination.

I bet you seemed to vanish into thin air to those who you left behind in whatever church that once held you like a tomb......

Actually, I still have contact with many of them.

Sure, like a breeze blowing through a tomb that they don't know where it is coming from or where its going.

Just a surely as you couldn't remain in that tomb, they can't leave..... or they would have..
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