Rapture anyday now!

After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

OK, when it happens I will wonder why GOD didn't just make everything right and fix all the sinners because God is love and because his is almighty? That is what I would think, but, given the alternate, what if there isn't god and there isn't a rapture and the pious Muslims/Christians/Jews are just wasting your lives waiting for a messiah and an afterlife that won’t ever come? Ever wonder? Why not wise up? Good question.

If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Actually not, it’s delusional and pathetic.

This is also representative of the arrogance of Christians, who perceive themselves better than those free from faith.

So much for Christian humility and forbearance.
What will Christians do if Jesus decides to take the billions of Jews Muslims Hindus and atheist and leave you Christians here? What would you do?

If he took all the Muslims and atheists.....i would probably celebrate because that means he removed the evil from the earth. I really don't know much about Hindus, and i doubt all the Jews would go. Many Jews are becoming Christians.....
What will Christians do if Jesus decides to take the billions of Jews Muslims Hindus and atheist and leave you Christians here? What would you do?

If he took all the Muslims and atheists.....i would probably celebrate because that means he removed the evil from the earth. I really don't know much about Hindus, and i doubt all the Jews would go. Many Jews are becoming Christians.....

the only way us Jews would become christians if we had head trauma
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? [...]

I'll heave a heavy sigh of relief, knowing that your annoying ass won't be around to bump this stupid thread again.
At first glance the new pope looks like a good choice!!! I expect to see millions of good bible believing catholics in heaven,but those that ignore god's word and follow man's ideas and opinions ??????? Where will they be?? Hot spot!!!

Im curious, you oppose following man's ideas and opinions and yet you have started a thread on the doctrine of the rapture which, as a doctrine, did not exist until the 19th century based, as far as I can tell, only on a misunderstanding of scripture. how do you reconcile that?

How is this a misunderstanding of scripture? Scripture talks about being "caught up"

For the record, the word "rapture" comes from the Latin word rapturo, which is a translation of the Greek verb "caught up" that's found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. You can call it the "pre-trib rapture," the "pre-trib rapturo," or the "pre-trib caught up" - it's all the same thing.
Isn't it true that the word "rapture" is not found in the Bible?
I would expect the Muslims to quickly realize their mistake and recognize Jesus as the Son of God when they see the scars in His hands, wrists, feet, and side.

Because they are right about one thing: Jesus will return.
ummmm they also believe that Jesus was crucified. They don't think he's the son of God, because how would God have a son? They believe that he just made the virgin Mary pregnant without impregnating her.

Pretty sure that Jesus appearing and saying "I am the Son of God" is pretty much going to remove all doubt.

Remove what doubt exactly? Just because someone believes themselves to be something doesn't make it true. You could believe that you are the Prince of Wales but that doesn't make you a prince. Simply making an outrageous claim doesn't prove anything at all other than that there are some who are gullible enough to believe anything no matter how off the wall it might be. Jesus is going to have to offer something more substantial than just his words and no, some Hollywood makeup effects aren't going to cut it either.
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? [...]

I'll heave a heavy sigh of relief, knowing that your annoying ass won't be around to bump this stupid thread again.

It may be to you to act like a smart ass about this now....go ahead, have your laughs while you can. :)
After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

OK, when it happens I will wonder why GOD didn't just make everything right and fix all the sinners because God is love and because his is almighty? That is what I would think, but, given the alternate, what if there isn't god and there isn't a rapture and the pious Muslims/Christians/Jews are just wasting your lives waiting for a messiah and an afterlife that won’t ever come? Ever wonder? Why not wise up? Good question.

If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Do you seriously believe that those that don't share your beliefs think about something as trivial and meaningless as that? There are a whole lot more important things to be thinking about. Like caring for loved ones and spending time with them. Enjoying time together because the love that you give to others is passed on down the generations. Friends and family are way more important than wondering about what might happen after one dies.
OK, when it happens I will wonder why GOD didn't just make everything right and fix all the sinners because God is love and because his is almighty? That is what I would think, but, given the alternate, what if there isn't god and there isn't a rapture and the pious Muslims/Christians/Jews are just wasting your lives waiting for a messiah and an afterlife that won’t ever come? Ever wonder? Why not wise up? Good question.

If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Do you seriously believe that those that don't share your beliefs think about something as trivial and meaningless as that? There are a whole lot more important things to be thinking about. Like caring for loved ones and spending time with them. Enjoying time together because the love that you give to others is passed on down the generations. Friends and family are way more important than wondering about what might happen after one dies.

I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.
OK, when it happens I will wonder why GOD didn't just make everything right and fix all the sinners because God is love and because his is almighty? That is what I would think, but, given the alternate, what if there isn't god and there isn't a rapture and the pious Muslims/Christians/Jews are just wasting your lives waiting for a messiah and an afterlife that won’t ever come? Ever wonder? Why not wise up? Good question.

If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Actually not, it’s delusional and pathetic.

This is also representative of the arrogance of Christians, who perceive themselves better than those free from faith.

So much for Christian humility and forbearance.

How am I being arrogant. I stated it's a lot better than thinking worms are going to eat you....which MANY non-believers have said will happen! Did i say i was any better than those "free from faith" as you put it? No.....I just stated I'm happy with what i believe. If it makes you happy to be eaten by worms....I imagine you'll find out some day.
C, you have confused arrogance with love. It is not arrogant to want all of our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Christians want none left behind.

Plus, no self-respecting pastor in a cheap suit and a B-rate toupée would pass up the teeniest opportunity to increase the number of tithers in the pews.
C, you have confused arrogance with love. It is not arrogant to want all of our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Christians want none left behind.

Plus, no self-respecting pastor in a cheap suit and a B-rate toupée would pass up the teeniest opportunity to increase the number of tithers in the pews.

How does that account for those who preach without pay?
C, you have confused arrogance with love. It is not arrogant to want all of our brothers and sisters in Paradise. Christians want none left behind.

Plus, no self-respecting pastor in a cheap suit and a B-rate toupée would pass up the teeniest opportunity to increase the number of tithers in the pews.

How does that account for those who preach without pay?

It doesn't; but then there's really no accounting for the Mormons. ;)
Damn it I am sick and tired of waking up and still being here!

How's that rapture thing going for you?
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