Rapture anyday now!

There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.
How do you know Adam and Eve were not black?

Have you ever tried to take a rib from a black man?

If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Do you seriously believe that those that don't share your beliefs think about something as trivial and meaningless as that? There are a whole lot more important things to be thinking about. Like caring for loved ones and spending time with them. Enjoying time together because the love that you give to others is passed on down the generations. Friends and family are way more important than wondering about what might happen after one dies.

I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.

Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?
ummmm they also believe that Jesus was crucified. They don't think he's the son of God, because how would God have a son? They believe that he just made the virgin Mary pregnant without impregnating her.

Pretty sure that Jesus appearing and saying "I am the Son of God" is pretty much going to remove all doubt.

Remove what doubt exactly? Just because someone believes themselves to be something doesn't make it true. You could believe that you are the Prince of Wales but that doesn't make you a prince. Simply making an outrageous claim doesn't prove anything at all other than that there are some who are gullible enough to believe anything no matter how off the wall it might be. Jesus is going to have to offer something more substantial than just his words and no, some Hollywood makeup effects aren't going to cut it either.

No make up necessary. Every scar will be visible. And when we see Him the next time, He isn't going to be interested in whether or not you believe what He said the first time He was here. He's coming to over rule evil in this world.
But just in case you might miss it, the sky you are used to is going to be torn in half just like a canvas backdrop in a vaudeville show. < dimensions (Bible science).

He'll be the white haired warrior on the big white horse, with His troops on mount behind him. The one with a name on His thigh. The one that wins WW3, and saves mankind from self extermination.
You'll know Him by the way your knees are going to buckle at the sight of Him. :eusa_angel:
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It doesn't; but then there's really no accounting for the Mormons. ;)

I highly doubt Mormons are the only ones who preach without pay.

No, but if the CJCLDS can rightfully be called a "Christian" sect (and I don't have a dog in that fight), it would be the only such sect that doesn't pay its clergy as a matter of official policy.

Again, i doubt that is true. Though It may be one of the largest.
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

If you have no need of a physical body in heaven, why did Christ resurrect?
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

Thing is, according to the Bible, God's children are coming back to earth with Christ, and will remain in our glorified bodies, just as Christ remains in His.
Since the cross our spirit goes to God, while our remains do not. But that same flesh will rise from the grave and reunite with the spirit. The body will no longer be subject to the 4 dimensions that we are now, and will be like Christ, able to appear and disappear through the dimensions the scientists are finding now.
It defies what we used to believe as physical law. We have since become enlightened by Hawking and others. And in no way defies spiritual law. For instance, what laws do you believe the Holy Spirit is bound by?
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

If you have no need of a physical body in heaven, why did Christ resurrect?

Who says he did?
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

Thing is, according to the Bible, God's children are coming back to earth with Christ, and will remain in our glorified bodies, just as Christ remains in His.
Since the cross our spirit goes to God, while our remains do not. But that same flesh will rise from the grave and reunite with the spirit. The body will no longer be subject to the 4 dimensions that we are now, and will be like Christ, able to appear and disappear through the dimensions the scientists are finding now.
It defies what we used to believe as physical law. We have since become enlightened by Hawking and others. And in no way defies spiritual law. For instance, what laws do you believe the Holy Spirit is bound by?

No, the bible clearly says that the dead were calling out from their graves "Are we there yet?" and the Magic Sky Fairy told them to wait a bit longer. Eventually the day came and the first to go were the dead that rose from their graves and ascended into the sky.

If you're going to argue over Revelations, please take the time to read it.
Do you seriously believe that those that don't share your beliefs think about something as trivial and meaningless as that? There are a whole lot more important things to be thinking about. Like caring for loved ones and spending time with them. Enjoying time together because the love that you give to others is passed on down the generations. Friends and family are way more important than wondering about what might happen after one dies.

I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.

Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?

I said I'M NOT AFRAID...I didn't say anything about others who don't believe do...but i know some do, i've talked to people that do. So it's not a baseless assumption. Maybe you're not afraid...but some are.
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

If you have no need of a physical body in heaven, why did Christ resurrect?

Who says he did?

The scriptures, His Apostles, the eye witnesses He's appeared to both in ancient & modern times, His Holy Spirit.

Only them.
Do you seriously believe that those that don't share your beliefs think about something as trivial and meaningless as that? There are a whole lot more important things to be thinking about. Like caring for loved ones and spending time with them. Enjoying time together because the love that you give to others is passed on down the generations. Friends and family are way more important than wondering about what might happen after one dies.

I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.

Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?

Why do you accuse others of baseless assumptions they never made? Usually when you have to defend yourself against a claim that was never made, you are doing so because it's true.
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

Thing is, according to the Bible, God's children are coming back to earth with Christ, and will remain in our glorified bodies, just as Christ remains in His.
Since the cross our spirit goes to God, while our remains do not. But that same flesh will rise from the grave and reunite with the spirit. The body will no longer be subject to the 4 dimensions that we are now, and will be like Christ, able to appear and disappear through the dimensions the scientists are finding now.
It defies what we used to believe as physical law. We have since become enlightened by Hawking and others. And in no way defies spiritual law. For instance, what laws do you believe the Holy Spirit is bound by?

No, the bible clearly says that the dead were calling out from their graves "Are we there yet?" and the Magic Sky Fairy told them to wait a bit longer. Eventually the day came and the first to go were the dead that rose from their graves and ascended into the sky.

If you're going to argue over Revelations, please take the time to read it.

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Acrually according to the bible many known people were raised from the dead at the time of Jesus's crusifixation.
Jesus was not the only one.
This according to the scriptures.
So why is jesus priased for it?
Who says he did?

The scriptures, His Apostles, the eye witnesses He's appeared to both in ancient & modern times, His Holy Spirit.

Only them.

Scriptures were written hundreds of years after the facts according to carbon dating. Ditto everything written about the Apostles and any "eye witnesses".

Nonsense. Especially considering the earliest copies have been dated back to the 1st century. You know, the century they were written.
I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.

Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?

Why do you accuse others of baseless assumptions they never made? Usually when you have to defend yourself against a claim that was never made, you are doing so because it's true.

In less than 3 weeks you have been exposed twice as less than honest but have failed on both occasions to admit as much. Your defensiveness says volumes and justifiably so.

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