Rapture anyday now!

After rapture day and you are left behind will you believe then??? Will you remember this post on that day??? Millions of believers will have vanished,what will you think??? What will you say??? What will you do???? Your only chance is to call out to god! Repent and confess your sins,accept jesus as your lord and savior though after the rapture the anti-christ will try to hunt you down and kill you!!! Why not wise up and be saved now????

Why NOW?

What are the "signs" that tell you it's upon us?

The signs of final change, are people are finally getting it that we cannot depend on others to save us from ourselves. the more people take spiritual responsibility for change internally and personally, and quit depending on external religions and leaders; and the more people take financial and political responsibility locally, and quit relying on party and govt leaders.

So you can see people figuring it out now, as we speak, that the change and work has to come from all people contributing equally.

Changing our perceptions of what we cannot and cannot do, who we can and cannot work with, which institutions we can or cannot trust.

The more we let go and forgive the problems of the past,
the more insights we receive on the solutions in the future.

So as you see change happening in attitude, focus or approach to solving problems,
that is where these changes are happening globally.

it will reach critical mass, with a ripple effect or chain reaction,
and once it really gets going, change will accelerate exponentially like going viral.

it will come in waves, and like labor contractions they will
get more frequent, closer and closer together and more intense
leading up to the birth of big social change across the spectrum.

more breakthroughs, more aha's and insights or new ideas and solutions coming out.
The media will spread these so the changes in information and reactions will replicate.

the biggest thing we will experience is changes in perception and relationships
with people around us. and if you can imagine that multiplying by 1000 people by 1000 nations, then you understand how the impact of change is universal for all humanity.
Jesus will come back, but will only take cool people like me. No duffus Christians. :cool:

Jesus as the salvation for all humanity means "Equal Justice" will come for ALL people.
And yes, that means with a double edged sword, where you get the justice you live by.

If you invoke Retributive Justice by wishing judgment and punishment on people,
that is what you get in return and wish on yourself, you reap what you sow.

If you live by Restorative Justice and seek mutual forgiveness and correction WITH people,
then you receive equal grace and mercy as you ask for others. So be careful what you ask for!

You get the mercy you give, the forgiveness or the unforgiveness.

If this is already happening to you, if you already see judgment being passed onto others as they would pass it themselves, then we are already in the same process of Judgment Day.

it is not that much different than what we already experience, except all people would become aware of the collective process so it is magnified and accelerated universally.
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my great-grandfather bundled up my grandfather (age 9 at the time) and took him by buggy to South Dakota where he expected to meet Jesus on the Platte River.....he believed the same thing......
we are the generation that will be living when jesus returns!!!
my great-grandfather bundled up my grandfather (age 9 at the time) and took him by buggy to south dakota where he expected to meet jesus on the platte river.....he believed the same thing......

to bad your grea grand fateher did not understand bible prophecy if he understood prophecy he would have known israel would need to be a nation (may 15,1948) before jesus returns!!!
before his death JC was denied by his congregation, the Cock crowed three times. - (he did not die for their sins but because of them) as witnessed from above.

before his incarnation God was denied by all humanity......yet, he died for their sins....

obviously not, there would not have been a need for a crucifixion but was rather an outcome of the individuals choice - it was not an act by the mortal but a statement about those who chose to follow him. they are the humanity you chose yourself to speak for.

The majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?

Signs of the time
The astute in the evangelical church are expecting Jesus to come back soon. The dead church will not accept any knowledge that we are near the end times. Their unbelief is displayed in their paganistic and humanistic worldly lifestyle

The Holy Spirit led awakening of the true Church to the soon return of Jesus is a very strong indicator that that is this generation that will see the promise of the coming of Jesus fulfilled.
we are the generation that will be living when jesus returns!!!
my great-grandfather bundled up my grandfather (age 9 at the time) and took him by buggy to south dakota where he expected to meet jesus on the platte river.....he believed the same thing......

to bad your grea grand fateher did not understand bible prophecy if he understood prophecy he would have known israel would need to be a nation (may 15,1948) before jesus returns!!!
lol.....so if I pack up my son and drive to the Platte today, all would be good?.......
The majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?

Signs of the time
The astute in the evangelical church are expecting Jesus to come back soon. The dead church will not accept any knowledge that we are near the end times. Their unbelief is displayed in their paganistic and humanistic worldly lifestyle

The Holy Spirit led awakening of the true Church to the soon return of Jesus is a very strong indicator that that is this generation that will see the promise of the coming of Jesus fulfilled.

yet we aren't limited to a choice between only two groups.....one insisting that Christ will return in this generation and those that just drift......

what about those who simply have faith in Christ and serve and tell others about him......to be honest, I think that group is the one that the spirit is speaking through.....

if you mark life to include the moment of death, then EVERYONE will face Jesus within their "lifetime"........
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Jesus says believers are to know the times,we are to know when he is at the door ready to return and that time is """now"""!!!!
Jesus says believers are to know the times,we are to know when he is at the door ready to return and that time is """now"""!!!!

if that's true Gism, you had better get your act together. HURRY!

What if Jesus found you prancing around naked making stupid claims about him and perjuring yourself in the name of the Lord?

Heaven or hell gism, YOUR CHOICE!

You are already intimately acquainted with hell, why not try to sing a new song before you blow your only chance for the salvation you are always blubbering about?

You aren't getting any younger, chubby. Starting a new life in the kingdom of Heaven is only as hard or as easy as it is for you to be honest with yourself and other people...
Jesus will come back, but will only take cool people like me. No duffus Christians. :cool:

Jesus as the salvation for all humanity means "Equal Justice" will come for ALL people.
And yes, that means with a double edged sword, where you get the justice you live by.

If you invoke Retributive Justice by wishing judgment and punishment on people,
that is what you get in return and wish on yourself, you reap what you sow.

If you live by Restorative Justice and seek mutual forgiveness and correction WITH people,
then you receive equal grace and mercy as you ask for others. So be careful what you ask for!

You get the mercy you give, the forgiveness or the unforgiveness.

If this is already happening to you, if you already see judgment being passed onto others as they would pass it themselves, then we are already in the same process of Judgment Day.

it is not that much different than what we already experience, except all people would become aware of the collective process so it is magnified and accelerated universally.

Wow, that's a whole lot gibberish for just one post!!!!!
Jesus will come back, but will only take cool people like me. No duffus Christians. :cool:

Jesus as the salvation for all humanity means "Equal Justice" will come for ALL people.
And yes, that means with a double edged sword, where you get the justice you live by.

If you invoke Retributive Justice by wishing judgment and punishment on people,
that is what you get in return and wish on yourself, you reap what you sow.

If you live by Restorative Justice and seek mutual forgiveness and correction WITH people,
then you receive equal grace and mercy as you ask for others. So be careful what you ask for!

You get the mercy you give, the forgiveness or the unforgiveness.

If this is already happening to you, if you already see judgment being passed onto others as they would pass it themselves, then we are already in the same process of Judgment Day.

it is not that much different than what we already experience, except all people would become aware of the collective process so it is magnified and accelerated universally.

Wow, that's a whole lot gibberish for just one post!!!!!

If you think that's impressive, I've seen some believers pack way more gibberish into just one sentence.

Hey but don't feel bad. If you would only trade in your rational mind for the mind of a dingbat you too could be saved from facing any responsibilities (by reason of insanity), live your life worry free, and gibber away till kingdom come.
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Many people believe there is nothing that can be known about the timing of the Lord's return because Jesus said He would return like a "thief in the night" (Matthew 24:42-44).

But Paul makes it clear in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 that Jesus' statement does not apply to believers: "But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief..." He then proceeds to explain why: "for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober." Paul is referring, of course, to the light of the Holy Spirit who indwells all true believers and who can enlighten us through our study of Scripture to know the season of the Lord's return (1 John 2:27
God is warning the world today that His Son is about to return. He is calling the world to repentance. The message of the hour to unbelievers can be summed up in these words: "Flee from the wrath that is to come by fleeing into the loving arms of Jesus now." Jesus came the first time as an expression of God's love; He came to die for the sins of Mankind. But when He returns, He will come in vengeance to pour out the wrath of God on those who have rejected God's love and grace.

The soon return of Jesus also carries with it a message for believers. Lukewarm Christians and carnal Christians are being called to commit their lives to holiness: "The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts
the re-establishment of the state of Israel which occurred on May 14, 1948. Jesus singled out this event as the one that would signal His soon return.

His prophecy is contained in the fig tree parable (Matthew 24:32-35) which He presented in His Olivet Discourse. The day before He delivered this speech, He had put a curse on a barren fig tree, causing it to wither (Matthew 21:18-19). This was a symbolic prophecy that God would soon pour out His wrath upon the Jewish people because of their spiritual barrenness in rejecting His Son.

The next day Jesus reminded His disciples of the fig tree. He said to watch for it to bloom again. In other words, He said watch for the rebirth of Israel. He indicated that when the fig tree blooms again, He would be at the gates of Heaven, ready to return (Matthew 24:33).

Equally significant, He added an interesting observation: "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Matthew 24:34). What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree blossom.

We are that generation. The fig tree has blossomed. Jesus is at the gates.
ANOTHER= key event was prophesied by Jesus in the same speech, as recorded by Luke: "[The Jews] will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).

The first half of this prophecy was fulfilled in 70 A.D., forty years after Jesus spoke the words. In that year the Romans under Titus conquered Jerusalem and dispersed the Jews among the nations. Jerusalem remained under Gentile occupation for 1,897 years — until June 7, 1967, when Israel won the city back during the Six Day War.

The Jewish re-occupation of the city of Jerusalem is proof positive that we are living in the season of the Lord's return. Jesus said it would mark the end of the Gentile Age.

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