Rapture anyday now!

TODAY'S Technology is another sign of the nearness of JESUS'S return.— The book of Daniel says that there will be an explosion of knowledge in the end times and that people will move about quickly (Daniel 12:4). There are many Bible prophecies that cannot be understood apart from modern technology. For example, how can the whole world look upon two bodies lying in the streets of Jerusalem (Revelation 11:8-9)? Modern television satellite technology makes it easy. How can the False Prophet build an image of the Anti-Christ that appears to be alive (Revelation 13:15)? The answer, of course, is the science of robotics. How can the False Prophet require all people on earth to take the mark of the Anti-Christ in order to buy and sell (Revelation 13:16-17)? It would not be possible apart from computers and lasers.

Jesus said that the Tribulation will be so terrible that all life on earth would cease to exist if He did not cut the period short (Matthew 24:21-22). How could all life be threatened prior to the advent of nuclear weapons? Another reference to nuclear power is likely contained in Luke's statement that men in the end times will "faint from fear" because "the powers of the heavens will be shaken" (Luke 21:26). That certainly sounds like a reference to the splitting of the atom.

Every singe point in history is an explosion of knowledge its called progress

Get your head out of the sand. Knowledge has increased in the last 50 years more than the 5000 years before today!
The Signs of Israel — The signs related to the state of Israel are prolific and very important.

The most frequently repeated prophecy in the Old Testament is the prediction that the Jewish people will be regathered from the "four corners of the earth" in the end times (Isaiah 11:10-12). The Bible states that a consequence of this regathering will be the re-establishment of the state of Israel (Isaiah 66:7-8). The Scriptures say that once the Jews are back in their land, the land itself will experience a miracle of reclamation (Isaiah 35). The desert will bloom and people will exclaim, "This desolate land has become like the garden of Eden" (Ezekiel 36:35).

Another end time miracle will be the revival of the Hebrew language (Zephaniah 3:9). Most people are not aware of the fact that when the Jews were dispersed from their land in 70 A.D., they ceased to speak the Hebrew language. The Jews who settled in Europe developed a new language called Yiddish — a combination of German and Hebrew. The Jews who migrated to the Mediterranean basin created a language called Ladino — a combination of Hebrew and Spanish.

Other significant signs of Israel that we are told to watch for in the end times include the re-occupation of Jerusalem (Luke 21:24), the resurgence of Israeli military strength (Zechariah 12:6), and the re-focusing of world politics on Israel (Zechariah 12:3).

All these signs have been fulfilled in this century. The nation has been re-established, the land has been reclaimed, the ancient language has been revived, the Jews are back in Jerusalem, and Israel is the focal point of world politics.

Jesus says in Luke 21:28 that when these signs begin to happen, we should "straighten up and lift up our heads" because "our redemption is drawing near."
More Key Signs of the nearness of Jesus's return=
The most important signs are the ones that relate to Israel because God uses the Jews throughout the Scriptures as His prophetic time clock. By this I mean that very often when the Lord is revealing an important event that will take place in the future, He will point to the Jewish people and state that when a certain thing happens to them, the important event will also occur.

A good example of this principle can be found in Daniel 9 in the famous "Seventy Weeks of Years" prophecy. The prophet tells us to watch for a decree to be issued that will authorize the rebuilding of Jerusalem. He then says that the Messiah will come sixty-nine weeks of years (483 years) after that decree is issued to the Jewish people.

There are two key prophecies which relate the return of Jesus to events that have occurred in Jewish history since 1948. These two events clearly established the period in which we are now living as the season of the Lord's return.

The State of Israel
The first is the re-establishment of the state of Israel which occurred on May 14, 1948. Jesus singled out this event as the one that would signal His soon return.

His prophecy is contained in the fig tree parable (Matthew 24:32-35) which He presented in His Olivet Discourse. The day before He delivered this speech, He had put a curse on a barren fig tree, causing it to wither (Matthew 21:18-19). This was a symbolic prophecy that God would soon pour out His wrath upon the Jewish people because of their spiritual barrenness in rejecting His Son.

The next day Jesus reminded His disciples of the fig tree. He said to watch for it to bloom again. In other words, He said watch for the rebirth of Israel. He indicated that when the fig tree blooms again, He would be at the gates of Heaven, ready to return (Matthew 24:33).

Equally significant, He added an interesting observation: "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Matthew 24:34). What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree blossom.

We are that generation. The fig tree has blossomed. Jesus is at the gates.
Jesus will come back, but will only take cool people like me. No duffus Christians. :cool:

Jesus as the salvation for all humanity means "Equal Justice" will come for ALL people.
And yes, that means with a double edged sword, where you get the justice you live by.

If you invoke Retributive Justice by wishing judgment and punishment on people,
that is what you get in return and wish on yourself, you reap what you sow.

If you live by Restorative Justice and seek mutual forgiveness and correction WITH people,
then you receive equal grace and mercy as you ask for others. So be careful what you ask for!

You get the mercy you give, the forgiveness or the unforgiveness.

If this is already happening to you, if you already see judgment being passed onto others as they would pass it themselves, then we are already in the same process of Judgment Day.

it is not that much different than what we already experience, except all people would become aware of the collective process so it is magnified and accelerated universally.

Wow, that's a whole lot gibberish for just one post!!!!!
she's famous for that!
the re-establishment of the state of Israel which occurred on May 14, 1948. Jesus singled out this event as the one that would signal His soon return.

His prophecy is contained in the fig tree parable (Matthew 24:32-35) which He presented in His Olivet Discourse. The day before He delivered this speech, He had put a curse on a barren fig tree, causing it to wither (Matthew 21:18-19). This was a symbolic prophecy that God would soon pour out His wrath upon the Jewish people because of their spiritual barrenness in rejecting His Son.

The next day Jesus reminded His disciples of the fig tree. He said to watch for it to bloom again. In other words, He said watch for the rebirth of Israel. He indicated that when the fig tree blooms again, He would be at the gates of Heaven, ready to return (Matthew 24:33).

Equally significant, He added an interesting observation: "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (Matthew 24:34). What generation? The generation that sees the fig tree blossom.

We are that generation. The fig tree has blossomed. Jesus is at the gates.

Technically, a generation is 40 years. Israel became a state in 1948 - which meant that if you were right, Jesus had to "return" by 1988.

It didn't happen.

A BIBLE generation is aprox 52 to 70 years.
wow! that's handy!
LOL!!! So you admit you do not believe in GOD but you want to tell about GOD'S WORD???? NO THANKS!! YOU WILL BELIEVE GOD'S WORD OR SATAN'S LIES!!!! YOUR CHOICE!

I don't believe in Gandalf, but if you start claiming that Sauron took the ring to Mordor, I might just correct you.

IOW, if you must be a fanatic, fer christs sake get it right....
I’m thankful the Rapture will take place before the mark of the beast comes on the scene. But when the Antichrist appears there won’t be many places for those who oppose world government to hide. The mark of the beast is to track and eliminate those who oppose world government. American citizens who use the Internet and who are opposed to world government are seen as a great threat and they need to be spied on and identified so they can be eliminated. Some even consider them to be a greater threat than radicalized Muslims. Who knows? An “extraordinary crisis” may be closer than any of us realize.
HOW MANY YEARS MAKE A BIBLE GENERATION???Mark 1:17, there were 42 generations, and that is from Abraham to Christ, a total of 2160 years. So when one divides 42 into 2160, it comes out to basically 51.5 years. So a generation is not 40 years as we so often said, or others have said, but 51.4. Then when we get to Luke chapter 3, verses 23 to 38, there are 77 generations from Adam to Christ and that's 4,000 years. When one divides 77 into 4,000, he also comes out to 51.9 years. So a generation is 51 years. We begin counting this countdown to the return of Christ from the time that Jerusalem is captured by the Jews, Luke 21:24, because the 70 weeks are determined upon thy people, the Jews, Daniel 9:24. So when one adds 51.5 to 1967, when the Jews captured Jerusalem, it comes out to 2018.
Matthew 1 verse 17 it lists 42 generations from Abraham to Christ. 42. Historically, that covers 2,160 years. Divide 42 into that number and you come out to 51.4 years. What's the countdown? Jerusalem being taken by the Jews, for Jerusalem starts the seven-year period of tribulation, Daniel 9:24. Add 51.4 to 1967 and you come out to 2018. But I just saw this, this week: you add the extra six months because it happened in June of '67 and the 4/10 and you come out to 2019 BUT ALLOW TWO TO THREE YEARS FOR CALENDAR ERROR!! SO BELIEVERS WILL BE RAPTURED SOMETIME FROM TODAY TO THE END OF 2015. IMHO.
Matthew 1 verse 17 it lists 42 generations from Abraham to Christ. 42. Historically, that covers 2,160 years. Divide 42 into that number and you come out to 51.4 years. What's the countdown? Jerusalem being taken by the Jews, for Jerusalem starts the seven-year period of tribulation, Daniel 9:24. Add 51.4 to 1967 and you come out to 2018. But I just saw this, this week: you add the extra six months because it happened in June of '67 and the 4/10 and you come out to 2019 BUT ALLOW TWO TO THREE YEARS FOR CALENDAR ERROR!! SO BELIEVERS WILL BE RAPTURED SOMETIME FROM TODAY TO THE END OF 2015. IMHO.
do I get to kick you in the balls when you're wrong?
Matthew 1 verse 17 it lists 42 generations from Abraham to Christ. 42. Historically, that covers 2,160 years. Divide 42 into that number and you come out to 51.4 years. What's the countdown? Jerusalem being taken by the Jews, for Jerusalem starts the seven-year period of tribulation, Daniel 9:24. Add 51.4 to 1967 and you come out to 2018. But I just saw this, this week: you add the extra six months because it happened in June of '67 and the 4/10 and you come out to 2019 BUT ALLOW TWO TO THREE YEARS FOR CALENDAR ERROR!! SO BELIEVERS WILL BE RAPTURED SOMETIME FROM TODAY TO THE END OF 2015. IMHO.

Hmmm, I don't know about that professor. If scripture is true, people have been 'taken up' ever since Jesus first walked the earth.

According to my calculations if you take one bible add esoteric language and then divide that among idiots you get a lot of embarrassed people left behind.

But thanks, Lord Gism, son of the almighty yet edible triune mangod, for proving the wisdom of God in giving the command to refrain from the vile and contaminating flesh of brown nosed dorks by so generously demonstrating the consequences for disobedience.
Hey!!! Anyone that wants is free to pray to be left behind on rapture day!!!! Go for it! No skin off my pretty nose!!! Tweak!

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