Rashida Talib: Palestinians Are People Too

And IDF "doesn't" shoot... lol. And there are "no" tanks in Gaza ...🤣🤣🤣

The "evidence" of a "Hamas Attack" is as laughable as it is pathetic. The Chosen are already busted here using Ukraine footage as "evidence" of the "attack."

This is EXODUS 3300 years later. Exterminate all neighbors because of Book of Joshua Ch 1.

The Zionist Fascist mass murder here will have a lot of consequences...

And Faux "News" is where your beaked birdbrain gets its "truth..."
right. and there was no attack on 9-11. It was all made up. believing America allowed planes to be hi jacked and flown into buildings requires an IQ under 5.

Im actually trying to decide if your post is serious, or a joke. Can you confirm if you are joking, or a complete fucking idiot? Thanks in advance.

Actually, there was nothing Islamic about 911, it was all Zionist Fascism and a fraud which required an IQ over 5 to notice.

That 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the South Tower didn't register with IQ<5 SUBS as

I knew we could count on you...

Fucking sad.

You have absolutely no evidence Israel was "attacked" in the manner they claim. In fact, several of the videos released showing the "attack" are already exposed as complete fraud.
Actually, there was nothing Islamic about 911, it was all Zionist Fascism and a fraud which required an IQ over 5 to notice.

That 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the South Tower didn't register with IQ<5 SUBS as

and the earth is flat, and electric cars will save us all!!!!
You have absolutely no evidence Israel was "attacked" in the manner they claim. In fact, several of the videos released showing the "attack" are already exposed as complete fraud.
and you have no evidence that Israel is currently attacking the terrorists in Gaza!! well, only the same evidence we have that the terrorist killed Israelis!!!
You can support Israel AND admit that there are many completely innocent Palestinians who are suffering.

If you can't do something that simple, that obvious, then your ideology has stripped you of your humanity.
Humanity left the middle east a long time ago
You have absolutely no evidence Israel was "attacked" in the manner they claim. In fact, several of the videos released showing the "attack" are already exposed as complete fraud.

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