Rashida Talib: Palestinians Are People Too

The palis agree with Goebbles to kill all the Jews. Kill all the Goebbles instead. Start with the Gaza Goebbles.
No they don't. That's the big lie you keep telling. When in fact the truth is, you're trying to wipe them out. You are a sick, disgusting, fascist, lying country of narcissistic assholes, walking around like your shit don't stink.
No they don't. That's the big lie you keep telling. When in fact the truth is, you're trying to wipe them out. You are a sick, disgusting, fascist, lying country of narcissistic assholes, walking around like your shit don't stink.
They need to be wiped out. Then ask the Muslim terrorist world "who wants to be next?"
It's not my claim, it's yours. You must have had a reason for calling me a Jew hater. Well, what was that reason? Or do you just say things for no particular reason whatsoever?
Oh, I think you have published your feelings herein in such volume that I should not have to spell anything out for you, Dildo. Secondly, this would be the second time we have had this very conversation.
No they don't. That's the big lie you keep telling. When in fact the truth is, you're trying to wipe them out. You are a sick, disgusting, fascist, lying country of narcissistic assholes, walking around like your shit don't stink.
The terrorists should be wiped out. Terrorists like Tlieb want to exterminate Israel and you have no problem with that. Just be honest and admit it.
Oh, I think you have published your feelings herein in such volume that I should not have to spell anything out for you, Dildo. Secondly, this would be the second time we have had this very conversation.
Why would a white, Irish Catholic, living in Southern California, with no dog in this Israeli-Hams war, hate Jews? This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way. So why would I just arbitrarily hate Jews? It doesn't make any sense.
The terrorists should be wiped out. Terrorists like Tlieb want to exterminate Israel and you have no problem with that. Just be honest and admit it.
Because it is not true. The worst thing I want for Bibi Netanfuckyou, is to be unemployed.

You want to talk about terrorists, that's what the Likud Party is. Their roots are in Irgun. And Irgun was a Zionist terrorist group.
Because it is not true. The worst thing I want for Bibi Netanfuckyou, is to be unemployed.

You want to talk about terrorists, that's what the Likud Party is. Their roots are in Irgun. And Irgun was a Zionist terrorist group.
Israel is committing terrorist war crimes far greater than anything Hamas has done, but these dumb fuckers can’t see it. Dupes of the establishment. They never learn.
Israel is committing terrorist war crimes far greater than anything Hamas has done, but these dumb fuckers can’t see it. Dupes of the establishment. They never learn.
They are going to learn the hard way that God does not choose arrogant assholes who walk around like their shit don't stink!
Trash like tlieb and the Somalian wouldn't be an issue except for Democrats who imported their voters. Democrats hate this country.
Fuckup unless you’re an Native American your fuckup voters were imported too.
and the earth is flat, and electric cars will save us all!!!!

Laughable, since EMH not only refutes the Co2 FRAUD, but EMH has also fully explained what does cause Earth climate change since Co2 does nothing.

Truth be told, the list of traitors who covered up the truth about the Co2 Fraud is a who's who of your Zionist Fascist heroes...


Some frauds are TOO CHOSEN to be exposed, and we pay the price....
Why would a white, Irish Catholic, living in Southern California, with no dog in this Israeli-Hams war, hate Jews? This conflict doesn't affect my daily life in any way. So why would I just arbitrarily hate Jews? It doesn't make any sense.
I note that you do not deny hating Jews.


And what are you?

You cheered Zionist Fascism when it

murdered JFK
the USS Liberty
hate hoaxed 250 US Marines on Hezbo, later changed to "Islamic Jihad"
the Jew Army Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ

You cheer when America's #1 enemy murders Americans....

The Joker is of higher character than you.... traitor.
You have absolutely no evidence Israel was "attacked" in the manner they claim. In fact, several of the videos released showing the "attack" are already exposed as complete fraud.
There has been No complete fraud revelations
Ukrainians resemble Arabs very very little
There has been No complete fraud revelations
Ukrainians resemble Arabs very very little

Ever notice that today proves Mel Gibson correct...

Who is at war?

Jews in Ukraine
Jews in Israel

"Jews start all the wars" is looking 100% spot on today....

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