Rashida Talib want auto insurance companies to not be allowed to check credit scores

Good. What does credit have to do with veing a good or bad driver?
It actually correlates well with both risk of valid claims and risk of adverse selection. That is why actuaries use that data. Unfortunately, it is what it is. I pay nearly twice the auto insurance premium for my 16 year old son than I would if he were female. Is that sexism? Nope, it's just mathematics.
Good. What does credit have to do with veing a good or bad driver?
Well fucking duh! Credit scores probably indicate whether or not you will pay your insurance premiums! How did libtards get so libtarded?
i think credit score information is overused and abused. It is time to put some brakes on it.
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Good. What does credit have to do with veing a good or bad driver?
Well fucking duh! Credit scores probably indicate whether or not you will pay your insurance premiums! How did libtards get so libtarded?
Well duh...easy fix. If they dont pay they get dropped. That is how the market works. I thought you tards knew that.
Horseshit. You must have very bad credit!

Democrats are about three things:

1) killing business

2) rewarding bad behavior \ failure

3) punishing good behavior \ success
Pay your bills.
Live within your means.
Don't drive like an ass.

Why should I subsidize the rates of those that are irresponsible in life?
Driving is a privilege. Not a right.
She's grabbing at straws trying to sound sane (she ain't) but I didn't know insurance rates are set by credit scores and doubt it's true. I've rated hundreds of prospective new merchants by credit score for Visa/Mastercard acceptance and all three of the major reporting agencies give different results. Our agency used the best score, First Data fraud-prevention used the lowest and they decided who they'd accept and at what rate....it's a dirty little game.
Good. What does credit have to do with veing a good or bad driver?
Well fucking duh! Credit scores probably indicate whether or not you will pay your insurance premiums! How did libtards get so libtarded?
Well duh...easy fix. If they dont pay they get dropped. That is how the market works. I thought you tards knew that.
Well duh tard< the insurance co still loses money! Duh!
but I didn't know insurance rates are set by credit scores and doubt it's true.
Wwll, now you know, and yes, it's true. But its not the credit score they use . They look at your unsecured debt and revolving credit usage. Ballooning unsecured debt is a risk factor for both valid claims and for adverse action (like, fraud).
Good. What does credit have to do with veing a good or bad driver?

ILMAO............We'll disregard the obvious, it's well above your head. How did you come to the conclusion Talib and yourself know more about insurance than insurance companies?

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