Rasmussen: 45% of Democrats want the unvaccinated forced into "designated facilities," -- that is, concentration camps

Read for comprehension, please.
"An apt way to describe the 45% of Democrats who want to build them."

Why do you agree with these Democrats "nutballs"?
No. I do not even believe 45% of Democrats only, want prison camps. You are being taken for a ride and gladly going along.
Just stating reality
No you are stating that you are hopeful that people die and think they deserve it. Since you are engaging in wishing death I will start in on your family members and see where we go from here.
No. I do not even believe 45% of Democrats only, want prison camps
Did you note how you inserted "only" in there?
I did.
You hate the fact Rasmussen exposed you and your people for the authoritarian fascists you are.
. You are being taken for a ride and gladly going along.
You hate the truth.
Covid will take care of that
With its very low mortality rate? No. Then the survivors are stronger, get out and come for you. First thing they'll do is look you up and infect you. They'll be fine, you won't.
Did you note how you inserted "only" in there?
I did.
You hate the fact Rasmussen exposed you and your people for the authoritarian fascists you are.

You hate the truth.
I thought you were making the point it was 45% of Democrats, if you think it is 45% of Americans, you are way, way off. Do you know at least 4 people (not even talking about 4 or 10) personally that would support it? No. I don't either.
I thought you were making the point it was 45% of Democrats, if you think it is 45% of Americans, you are way, way off. Do you know at least 4 people (not even talking about 4 or 10) personally that would support it? No. I don't either.
Except Freudian slips says all anyone needs to read
I thought you were making the point it was 45% of Democrats, i
Because I obviously am.
If you think it is 45% of Americans, you are way, way off.
No one could honestly read anything I posted and come to that conclusion.

Why do you, like 45% of Democrats, believe the unvaccinated should be placed into internment camps?
Because I obviously am.

No one could honestly read anything I posted and come to that conclusion.

Why do you, like 45% of Democrats, believe the unvaccinated should be placed into internment camps?
These people are frightened losers who never made progress in the world. Their sole power and pleasure is to try and boss their betters around and it’s hysterical to watch it.
Why do you, like 45% of Democrats, believe the unvaccinated should be placed into internment camps?

So, they can cough on each other and get vaccinate by the virus.

Either that, or die from the virus.
Why do you, like 45% of Democrats, believe the unvaccinated should be placed into internment camps?

Why do you assume I want them locked up?

Locking that much retard into one place would create a retard singularity that would suck the whole United States down a hole.
If you are unvaccinated:
55% of Democrats want to fine you
59% want you confined to your home
48% want you fined/imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy,
45% want you forced into "designated facilities,"
46% want you digitally tracked
29% want to take your children.

I'm not sure if this is an illustration of the ignorance of democrats, their inherent authoritarian disposition, or both.

Is there an option for 'All of the Above'?

If not, I'll settle for disembowelment.

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