Rasmussen: 45% of Democrats want the unvaccinated forced into "designated facilities," -- that is, concentration camps

WTF are you babbling about? You clowns have been bleating for over a year how our entire government was seconds away from being overthrown by some guy with zip ties and another guy in a horn hat.
That was because Trumps Sec Def made the capitol police fight with one hand tied behind their backs.
If you are unvaccinated:
55% of Democrats want to fine you
59% want you confined to your home
48% want you fined/imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy,
45% want you forced into "designated facilities,"
46% want you digitally tracked
29% want to take your children.

I'm not sure if this is an illustration of the ignorance of democrats, their inherent authoritarian disposition, or both.
Socialist love them some Endlösung.
Polls like these are conducted by calling people who still have landlines. They do not call people with cell phones. Which means these polls are becoming more and more inaccurate.

Is that a confession the left got you through your "smart" phone?
Besides no camps the next thing to go are these damn piecemeal local rulings. Governor says one thing, county executive something else, Mayor or city council something else. All nitwits grabbing at power and authority
If you are unvaccinated:
55% of Democrats want to fine you
59% want you confined to your home
48% want you fined/imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy,
45% want you forced into "designated facilities,"
46% want you digitally tracked
29% want to take your children.

I'm not sure if this is an illustration of the ignorance of democrats, their inherent authoritarian disposition, or both.
they are called demafascist for a reason
Democrats propagandist are just trying to lie and deny how many democrats really are internment camp supporting nazis.

Democrats treat anti vaxxers like their nazi predecessors treated jews.
Demofks still can’t explain why a vaccinated person is afraid of me being unvaccinated.

snd since choice us no longer acceptable no more fking killing babies.

why don’t they just mandate killing all babies
Demofks still can’t explain why a vaccinated person is afraid of me being unvaccinated.

snd since choice us no longer acceptable no more fking killing babies.

why don’t they just mandate killing all babies
They would if they thought they could.
How has that ever worked out. A standoff between an armed citizen and the police, and the FBI.
If a standoff occurred over taking a family to a concentration camp for not being vaccinated the law enforcement types might find themselves surrounded by a number of people who feared they might be next to be taken to a concentration camp.

Remember the Bundy incident?

Fk em traitors no tax money how are they different from a business.

again, hey demofkers, what’s are you afraid of?
Great point. If the vaccines worked, nobody would care if others got it and all this would be over.

Bottom line... if the mask, vaccines, and lockdown bit was good for America and Americans, Democrats would oppose their use.

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