Rasmussen: 82 Percent of Republicans, 54 Percent of Independents Back Trump’s Refugee Moratorium

...'Minority' Democratic Party NOT happy about it though.... :p

That is because they are confused.

Expect liberals to burn down Rasmussen...it the spirit of inclusivity of course...just like they did Milo...


Damn it Easy, you keep screwing the pooch! Now you know we won't be able to mess with lefties in this thread, because it goes against their whole narrative. Look at all their fake news threads, getting hit after hit on this site, as they mentally become Alice in Wonderland, and create their own reality, lol!

I know screwing with lefties is loads of fun, but I still do not get why conservatives continue to argue with fake facts! This is NOT when Obama was in office, we control EVERYTHING......they have no power, nothing! Why argue with them?

Why not start a thread about boycotting California, lololol.....that will trip their trigger-) New York-) Insist we are all going to write Trump and tell him to use some law to cut off California colleges from fed funds, or take their scholastic credits from them.

Hell, lets make up some FAKE NEWS TOO-) They are avoiding the truth like your thread to much. To come in here, they would have to take 3 valiums, drink a bottle of ripple, break a window, and start a car on fire to give them some confidence:Boom2:

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