Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

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to keep the boom going, moron.
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

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so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.
That’s job creation - here is civilian unemployment :

Civilian unemployment rate

View attachment 254305

Trumpo is worse than Obama when you look at the chart, but I am honest to admit ttat since the UE can’t go much lower. Between Trumpo and Obama when it comes to a rate of lowering unemployment we have a statistical tie.

Don’t run away. You made an outrageously false claim now back it up.

You moron, Unemployment rate going down is a GOOD THING, doofus.


He is wrong. Unemployment was much higher when BHO took office because GW was an idiot. So it was easier for him to lower unemployment. Plus BHO played with very inexpensive monies. What DJT has done is actually very impressive.

How is what Trump has done more impressive? He has added 2.1 trillion dollars to the national debt in just over 2 years to achieve his success. I mean, I guess that is a pretty impressive amount of debt, but is that really the goal here?

Hmmm, did you ask that when Obama was adding 9 trillion in 8 years?

yep, sure fucking did. That is the difference between you and I.

I care about debt no matter who is sitting in the White House, but you are not allowed to care about ti when there is Repub in the White House because you are mindless fucking partisan sheep.

I too care about the national debt and I too am not happy that has grown the last 2 years. But Trump has 6 more years to turn it around, lets wait before making a final judgement. I know that goes against your rhetoric and Trump-hate, but its what reasonable people do.
You moron, Unemployment rate going down is a GOOD THING, doofus.


He is wrong. Unemployment was much higher when BHO took office because GW was an idiot. So it was easier for him to lower unemployment. Plus BHO played with very inexpensive monies. What DJT has done is actually very impressive.

How is what Trump has done more impressive? He has added 2.1 trillion dollars to the national debt in just over 2 years to achieve his success. I mean, I guess that is a pretty impressive amount of debt, but is that really the goal here?

Hmmm, did you ask that when Obama was adding 9 trillion in 8 years?

yep, sure fucking did. That is the difference between you and I.

I care about debt no matter who is sitting in the White House, but you are not allowed to care about ti when there is Repub in the White House because you are mindless fucking partisan sheep.

I too care about the national debt and I too am not happy that has grown the last 2 years. But Trump has 6 more years to turn it around, lets wait before making a final judgement. I know that goes against your rhetoric and Trump-hate, but its what reasonable people do.

Turning the country over to the Dem-Socialist-SJW-Fascists isn't going to shrink the debt. We're better off with Trump.
Have none of you learned anything from 2016? Giving any credibility to these polls is a fool’s errand. The Democrats got shafted hard in 2016 by believing the polls, and now the Republicans are falling for the same shit.

Nope. The polls were largely accurate. Hillary won the popular vote by the margin predicted.

Yeah, Clinton by 14 points with only 2 weeks to go.... Give me a break.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

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to keep the boom going, moron.

if the boom requires artificially low interest rates to keep going, then it is not really a boom, just an illusion.
been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

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so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.

No, huge debt is never good. It is not unexpected during a recession, but it should be avoided at all cost during a "booming" economy".

If we added a trillion dollars in a year to the debt during a booming economy with near record tax revenue...what the fuck happens when the next down turn happens?

This is like someone taking out massive debt when they are getting a lot of overtime and bringing in extra money...then they get laid off and instead of a savings they have massive debt. That is what our country is doing and you are cheering it on.
if the boom requires artificially low interest rates to keep going, then it is not really a boom, just an illusion.
Yes indeed do not believe your own eyes and wallet...forget that your savings is finally going up instead of down an Obama do nothing hole...you idiot...you said 3 months ago this great economy was Obama's...now you are saying its an illusion?....you are a Chameleon a fool...you don't think we remember what you have stated in the past?....this economy is working for the middle class....for the first time in years we are saving more than we are spending....and you take a liberal shit all over that?...damn fool idiot....go ahead...wish to be back in the Obama days of Malaise...click your little heals together and say three times there is no place like the Obama recession....
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

After the 2010 midterm elections, Nate Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points..
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

After the 2010 midterm elections, Nate Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points..

Nate Silver?........:10::21::71::auiqs.jpg::badgrin::cul2::cuckoo::laughing0301::laugh2::laugh::lmao::lol:
Yes indeed do not believe your own eyes and wallet...forget that your savings is finally going up instead of down an Obama do nothing hole...you idiot...

If I took out a million dollar loan and put it in my wallet and savings things would look great, up until the time the loan came due.

According to your fellow Trump ass lickers, the economy is booming because the government is spending more money than it has. If that is the case, then the boom is fake and evenually the debt will come due

you said 3 months ago this great economy was Obama's...now you are saying its an illusion?....you are a Chameleon a fool...you don't think we remember what you have stated in the past?....this economy is working for the middle class....for the first time in years we are saving more than we are spending....and you take a liberal shit all over that?...damn fool idiot....go ahead...wish to be back in the Obama days of Malaise...click your little heals together and say three times there is no place like the Obama recession....

why must you morons always lie about me. I have never given Obama credit for the economy, Obama sucked, how many times do I have to say that, he was the 2nd worst POTUS ever, I have said that my entire time on this forum.
If I took out a million dollar loan and put it in my wallet and savings things would look great, up until the time the loan came due.

According to your fellow Trump ass lickers, the economy is booming because the government is spending more money than it has. If that is the case, then the boom is fake and evenually the debt will come due
I haven't seen anyone say anything like that...the economy is better because taxes are lower...giving more money for investment...it will take time but with more people working investing growing and paying their taxes we will see the national debt begin to fall...remember we lived under an Obama spending sequester for four years cutting off military spending...cutting off any government investment in technology...we were being left behind by other nations like China....now we have to pay for that blunder...and we are...we are rebuilding the military and getting back in the space race that Obama removed us from...it is expensive to have a socialist for a leader.....just ask Venezuela....they will be paying for their Obama for decades to come....
...the economy is better because taxes are lower...giving more money for investment...it will take time but with more people working investing growing and paying their taxes we will see the national debt begin to fall...remember we lived under an Obama spending sequester for four years cutting off military spending...cutting off any government investment in technology...we were being left behind by other nations like China....now we have to pay for that blunder...and we are...we are rebuilding the military and getting back in the space race that Obama removed us from...it is expensive to have a socialist for a leader.....just ask Venezuela....they will be paying for their Obama for decades to come....

The economy was better before the tax cuts, all they did was increase the debt since they were not accompanied by spending cuts.

You talk about Venezuela, yet you think that our economy needs the government to keep spending more and more money to sustain its growth, which is very much a socialist point of view.
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

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I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

I happen to be married to a RN who works as a floor nurse on a critical care floor. She and her fellow nurses have seen the damage done first hand.

First off, the burdensome regulations are killing smaller, rural hospitals. They are either closing or in the case of my wife's hospital being forced to "affiliate" with larger hospitals/medical companies.

Then to cut cost nurse-to-patient ratios keep going up, meaning worse care and more chance for critical mistakes.

Then there is the stupid idea to tie reimbursement rates to HCAHPS, or patient satisfaction. The thing many of those outside of the medical world fail understand is very often what is good for the patient does not make them happy. The 300 pound non-compliant diabetic that gets pissed because they will not let him eat the pizza he ordered from Domino's does not give them a good rating, even though it was the right thing for them to do. This is forcing hospitals to care more about HCAHPS than medical care, and that is fucked up.

Then if someone is admitted for chest pains and then tells the nurse/doctor "and I have this really bad pain in my back", the can do nothing but give pain meds, they cannot treat it since it was not what they were admitted for. The patient would have to leave and come back a 2nd time if they needed it cared for.

Oh, and then hospitals get punished for readmission even if the person did not follow a single thing they were told to do when they were discharged.

And yes, I know way more RNs than you.
I also know way more RNs than you.
I live amongst my fellow Observant Jews and in my Town alone there are hundreds of people in my community in health care.
These things are not happening in NYS.
It could be NYS protects hospital employees.
Maybe your state sucks in regards to this matter.

HIPA is an issue?
My wife, an audiologist, has no problems adhering to HIPA.
The doctors are making money hand over fist.
No one I know has mentioned patient satisfaction as an income issue.

I will admit that I don't know anyone who works in a rural area because Jews don't tend to live in rural areas.

These things are happening everywhere, the rules for HCAHPS and readmission and such are the rules for the country thanks for ObamaCare.

As for smaller hospitals closings...


you claim to know nurses and doctors but are clueless as to what is happening to our healthcare.

you are out of your league here. you should stick to whining about Indians stealing your job

Quite a few of those hospitals in rural areas closed particularly in red states because they depended on Medicaid reimbursement's that they lost.

Obamacare: Rural Hospitals Stayed Open
Last edited:
Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

I happen to be married to a RN who works as a floor nurse on a critical care floor. She and her fellow nurses have seen the damage done first hand.

First off, the burdensome regulations are killing smaller, rural hospitals. They are either closing or in the case of my wife's hospital being forced to "affiliate" with larger hospitals/medical companies.

Then to cut cost nurse-to-patient ratios keep going up, meaning worse care and more chance for critical mistakes.

Then there is the stupid idea to tie reimbursement rates to HCAHPS, or patient satisfaction. The thing many of those outside of the medical world fail understand is very often what is good for the patient does not make them happy. The 300 pound non-compliant diabetic that gets pissed because they will not let him eat the pizza he ordered from Domino's does not give them a good rating, even though it was the right thing for them to do. This is forcing hospitals to care more about HCAHPS than medical care, and that is fucked up.

Then if someone is admitted for chest pains and then tells the nurse/doctor "and I have this really bad pain in my back", the can do nothing but give pain meds, they cannot treat it since it was not what they were admitted for. The patient would have to leave and come back a 2nd time if they needed it cared for.

Oh, and then hospitals get punished for readmission even if the person did not follow a single thing they were told to do when they were discharged.

And yes, I know way more RNs than you.
I also know way more RNs than you.
I live amongst my fellow Observant Jews and in my Town alone there are hundreds of people in my community in health care.
These things are not happening in NYS.
It could be NYS protects hospital employees.
Maybe your state sucks in regards to this matter.

HIPA is an issue?
My wife, an audiologist, has no problems adhering to HIPA.
The doctors are making money hand over fist.
No one I know has mentioned patient satisfaction as an income issue.

I will admit that I don't know anyone who works in a rural area because Jews don't tend to live in rural areas.

These things are happening everywhere, the rules for HCAHPS and readmission and such are the rules for the country thanks for ObamaCare.

As for smaller hospitals closings...


you claim to know nurses and doctors but are clueless as to what is happening to our healthcare.

you are out of your league here. you should stick to whining about Indians stealing your job

Quite a few of those hospitals in rural areas closed particularly in red states because they depended on Medicaid reimbursement's that they lost.

Obamacare: Rural Hospitals Stayed Open

ObamaCare increased their expenses and cut their reimbursements.
Have none of you learned anything from 2016? Giving any credibility to these polls is a fool’s errand. The Democrats got shafted hard in 2016 by believing the polls, and now the Republicans are falling for the same shit.

Nope. The polls were largely accurate. Hillary won the popular vote by the margin predicted.

Yeah, Clinton by 14 points with only 2 weeks to go.... Give me a break.

You've just lied. Did it feel good?
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

At this point under Obama the UE was still 9%.

You people have a very low bar for your savior in the White House

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Nope, the low bar was what you had for the kenyan messiah. For the first time in generations, we have a president who is actually doing the JOB of president, and the majority of americans are smart enough to see that.
Doing a job that only 42% of American adults approve of.
Obama was the 2nd worst president ever and the best you Trump worshipers can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying someone was a better QB than Ryan Leaf...it is not really a compliment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
It saved us $2.3 trillion, but even that isnt enough to compensate for capitalism insatiable need for ever increasing profits. (i.e. blue cross)

Sure it did. You silly people will believe anything, won't you. Typical mushroom.
I think after taking a look at these, we can all rest assured that polling is totally on the level.


Another day, another disastrous poll for Donald Trump. A new McClatchy/Marist poll conducted on Monday, August 1, found Clinton with a staggering 15-point lead, 48% to 33%.


Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a double digit lead -- 15 points -- on Donald Trump in New Hampshire, according to a new poll released Wednesday.


Hillary Clinton has widened her lead over Donald Trump, polling 14 percentage points ahead nationally, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which comes 12 days before the presidential election.


Hillary Clinton leads him by seven percentage points, 46 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way race.


Hillary Clinton is ahead of Donald Trump by double digits with just over three weeks until Election Day, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted entirely after the second presidential debate.


With 11 days to go before the U.S. presidential election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks, according to the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.


A friend asked me the other day whether there’s anything preventing Hillary Clinton from rising further in our forecast, beyond what have generally been very good polls for her. Clinton’s chances are up a bit — she’s hit 88 percent in our polls-only forecast, up slightly from 86 percent on Friday and 83 percent a week ago. In the polls-plus forecast, Clinton’s chances are 85 percent, up from 80 percent a week earlier


Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a 15-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump in Virginia, according to a tracking survey released Sunday by the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Clinton leads Trump among likely voters in Virginia, 44-29 percent.

“It’s crystal clear why the Trump campaign pulled staff out of Virginia this week,” said Dr. Quentin Kidd, Director of the Wason Center.


A New York Times Upshot/Siena College survey released on Tuesday confirms that Mr. Trump’s standing has deteriorated considerably. Hillary Clinton has a seven-point lead over Mr. Trump in North Carolina, 46 percent to 39 percent, among likely voters in a three-way race including the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.


Texas may be a battleground state this election, according to a new poll of all 50 states by the Washington Post, which shows Hillary Clinton with a narrow edge over Donald Trump in Texas 46 to 45 percent among registered voters.


Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points, 52% to 37%, among likely voters -- with 10% supporting neither candidate. That's a huge jump from the same poll's findings in July, when it had Clinton at 45% to Trump's 41%.


EAST LANSING, MI -- A survey from Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research suggests Democrat Hillary Clinton has a wide lead over Republican Donald Trump among Michigan's likely voters.

The quarterly State of the State Survey conducted by the institute tracked voters from Sept. 1 to Oct. 30 and found that among likely voters in Michigan, 52 percent said they would vote for Clinton and 32 percent said they would vote for Trump.


(CNN)A new poll shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a lead in the traditional Republican stronghold of Arizona, yet another sign of Donald Trump's shrinking path to the nomination.
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