Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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That’s job creation - here is civilian unemployment :

Civilian unemployment rate

View attachment 254305

Trumpo is worse than Obama when you look at the chart, but I am honest to admit ttat since the UE can’t go much lower. Between Trumpo and Obama when it comes to a rate of lowering unemployment we have a statistical tie.

Don’t run away. You made an outrageously false claim now back it up.

You moron, Unemployment rate going down is a GOOD THING, doofus.


He is wrong. Unemployment was much higher when BHO took office because GW was an idiot. So it was easier for him to lower unemployment. Plus BHO played with very inexpensive monies. What DJT has done is actually very impressive.

How is what Trump has done more impressive? He has added 2.1 trillion dollars to the national debt in just over 2 years to achieve his success. I mean, I guess that is a pretty impressive amount of debt, but is that really the goal here?

Hmmm, did you ask that when Obama was adding 9 trillion in 8 years?

yep, sure fucking did. That is the difference between you and I.

I care about debt no matter who is sitting in the White House, but you are not allowed to care about ti when there is Repub in the White House because you are mindless fucking partisan sheep.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!
how does one negotiate with dems who have declared that they will vote against everything he proposes?

They offered him 25 billion dollars for his fence, his negotiating skills brought that down to 1.3 billion.

He did get NATO to pay up,

NATO is sticking to the agreement that they made long before Trump even announced his run for the office. Nothing has changed.

he got China and the EU to fix some of the trade imbalances,

Has he now...U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

"The U.S. trade deficit in goods with China set a new record during President Donald Trump’s second year in office, despite his efforts to rein in what the administration views as Beijing's trade transgressions. The trade gap rose to $419.2 billion in 2018, from the previous record of $375.5 billion in 2017, a Commerce Department report released Wednesday showed."

he opened dialog with NK.

And what has come of that? Trump has canceled a major training exercise involving SK and the US and other nations. Trump has stopped further sanctions against NK. And what has Trump gotten from NK...a nice photo Op.

He got hostages released. I would say that those are pretty good negotiations.

NK released 10 hostages during the Obama years, does that mean you think he is a good negotiator as well?
Trump offered our ABNORMALS DACA for $25 billion for the wall and the DeathRATS refused....So you LIED AGAIN....YOU are one big piece of shit!
Trump seeks $25 billion for border wall, offers 'Dreamer' citizenship

Jan 24, 2018 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday previewed his outline for an immigration bill that he will promote next week, saying he wants $25 billion to build a border wall and is open to granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United ..

Wrong again...

Statement from the Press Secretary regarding the Schumer-Rounds-Collins Amendment | The White House

If the President were presented with an enrolled bill that includes the Amendment, his advisors would recommend that he veto it.
That is HIS ADVISORS WHO WE HAVE SEEN ARE IGNORED MANY TIMES...NOT HIM....YOU can't even get that right!....YOU also believe ANONYMOUS sources.....ROTFLMFAO!
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
how does one negotiate with dems who have declared that they will vote against everything he proposes?

They offered him 25 billion dollars for his fence, his negotiating skills brought that down to 1.3 billion.

He did get NATO to pay up,

NATO is sticking to the agreement that they made long before Trump even announced his run for the office. Nothing has changed.

he got China and the EU to fix some of the trade imbalances,

Has he now...U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

"The U.S. trade deficit in goods with China set a new record during President Donald Trump’s second year in office, despite his efforts to rein in what the administration views as Beijing's trade transgressions. The trade gap rose to $419.2 billion in 2018, from the previous record of $375.5 billion in 2017, a Commerce Department report released Wednesday showed."

he opened dialog with NK.

And what has come of that? Trump has canceled a major training exercise involving SK and the US and other nations. Trump has stopped further sanctions against NK. And what has Trump gotten from NK...a nice photo Op.

He got hostages released. I would say that those are pretty good negotiations.

NK released 10 hostages during the Obama years, does that mean you think he is a good negotiator as well?
Trump offered our ABNORMALS DACA for $25 billion for the wall and the DeathRATS refused....So you LIED AGAIN....YOU are one big piece of shit!
Trump seeks $25 billion for border wall, offers 'Dreamer' citizenship

Jan 24, 2018 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday previewed his outline for an immigration bill that he will promote next week, saying he wants $25 billion to build a border wall and is open to granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United ..

Wrong again...

Statement from the Press Secretary regarding the Schumer-Rounds-Collins Amendment | The White House

If the President were presented with an enrolled bill that includes the Amendment, his advisors would recommend that he veto it.
That is HIS ADVISORS WHO WE HAVE SEEN ARE IGNORED MANY TIMES...NOT HIM....YOU can't even get that right!....YOU also believe ANONYMOUS sources.....ROTFLMFAO!

Wow, now if your fucked up partisan world the www.whitehouse.gov is an anonymous source.

you are truly too stupid to waste any more time on.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!
how does one negotiate with dems who have declared that they will vote against everything he proposes?

They offered him 25 billion dollars for his fence, his negotiating skills brought that down to 1.3 billion.

He did get NATO to pay up,

NATO is sticking to the agreement that they made long before Trump even announced his run for the office. Nothing has changed.

he got China and the EU to fix some of the trade imbalances,

Has he now...U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump

"The U.S. trade deficit in goods with China set a new record during President Donald Trump’s second year in office, despite his efforts to rein in what the administration views as Beijing's trade transgressions. The trade gap rose to $419.2 billion in 2018, from the previous record of $375.5 billion in 2017, a Commerce Department report released Wednesday showed."

he opened dialog with NK.

And what has come of that? Trump has canceled a major training exercise involving SK and the US and other nations. Trump has stopped further sanctions against NK. And what has Trump gotten from NK...a nice photo Op.

He got hostages released. I would say that those are pretty good negotiations.

NK released 10 hostages during the Obama years, does that mean you think he is a good negotiator as well?
Trump offered our ABNORMALS DACA for $25 billion for the wall and the DeathRATS refused....So you LIED AGAIN....YOU are one big piece of shit!
Trump seeks $25 billion for border wall, offers 'Dreamer' citizenship

Jan 24, 2018 · WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday previewed his outline for an immigration bill that he will promote next week, saying he wants $25 billion to build a border wall and is open to granting citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United ..

Wrong again...

Statement from the Press Secretary regarding the Schumer-Rounds-Collins Amendment | The White House

If the President were presented with an enrolled bill that includes the Amendment, his advisors would recommend that he veto it.
That is HIS ADVISORS WHO WE HAVE SEEN ARE IGNORED MANY TIMES...NOT HIM....YOU can't even get that right!....YOU also believe ANONYMOUS sources.....ROTFLMFAO!

Wow, now if your fucked up partisan world the www.whitehouse.gov is an anonymous source.

you are truly too stupid to waste any more time on.
Asshole I said YOU ALSO BELIEVE IN ANONYMOUS SOURCES...NOT THE WH...DAMN...check with a 3rd grader before posting for what these posts mean!....but I Love bitch slapping low IQ people, like yourself!
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

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The Purge, your doing this all wrong. For instance, I learned early on not to read goofy gators posts. :21:

Liberals = NOSE PICKERS Liberals exude scumbaggery. Bottom line is, there only two kinds of people on the left. There are the people that WANT to be communist, those are the haters. then there are the bottom feeders, the lazy, the idiots, the takers. Apology monkey, you are a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel, and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice damned no-good son of a bitch.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!
The Purge, your doing this all wrong. For instance, I learned early on not to read goofy gators posts. :21:

Liberals = NOSE PICKERS Liberals exude scumbaggery. Bottom line is, there only two kinds of people on the left. There are the people that WANT to be communist, those are the haters. then there are the bottom feeders, the lazy, the idiots, the takers. Apology monkey, you are a rogue, a rascal, a villain, a thief, a scoundrel, and a mean, dirty, stinking, sniveling, sneaking, pimping, pocket-picking, thrice damned no-good son of a bitch.
I enjoy watching them make assholes of themselves...my entertainment while on USMB:)
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

Are you saying the only reason the economy is booming is because of massive deficit spending by the Fed Govt?
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

Are you saying the only reason the economy is booming is because of massive deficit spending by the Fed Govt?
It certainly helps...the Surrender Monkey with 0 interest rates tried!
No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for
If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Read an economics textbook...you abominable ill-bred ratsbane!

been there, done that. One thing they will all tell you is that you do not lower rates during a booming economy.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

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That’s job creation - here is civilian unemployment :

Civilian unemployment rate

View attachment 254305

Trumpo is worse than Obama when you look at the chart, but I am honest to admit ttat since the UE can’t go much lower. Between Trumpo and Obama when it comes to a rate of lowering unemployment we have a statistical tie.

Don’t run away. You made an outrageously false claim now back it up.

You moron, Unemployment rate going down is a GOOD THING, doofus.


He is wrong. Unemployment was much higher when BHO took office because GW was an idiot. So it was easier for him to lower unemployment. Plus BHO played with very inexpensive monies. What DJT has done is actually very impressive.

How is what Trump has done more impressive? He has added 2.1 trillion dollars to the national debt in just over 2 years to achieve his success. I mean, I guess that is a pretty impressive amount of debt, but is that really the goal here?

His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.
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