Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:



TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.


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His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
It saved us $2.3 trillion, but even that isnt enough to compensate for capitalism insatiable need for ever increasing profits. (i.e. blue cross)

Sure it did. You silly people will believe anything, won't you. Typical mushroom.
stat news has a good reputation. Even forbes reported an earlier finding in 2016.
His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

The Fed has to peg the rate to zero for years under Obama. Not to mention having to extend unemployment benefits to 2 years at one point in time. In fact, the Fed had to take extraordinary measures just to keep the economy afloat. Quantitative easing, zero rates. Don't forget cash for clunkers.

By the way, the crisis was not President Obama's fault. However, it took years just get the rate back to 2.5%.
His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.
Nope, the low bar was what you had for the kenyan messiah. For the first time in generations, we have a president who is actually doing the JOB of president, and the majority of americans are smart enough to see that.

Obama was the 2nd worst president ever and the best you Trump worshipers can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying someone was a better QB than Ryan Leaf...it is not really a compliment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
I never ask anyone if they love/hate the ACA because everybody hates the schvartza.
I ask them how the ACA has affected them as a Health Care professional.
I have yet to hear from anybody that they hate it.
why don't you stick that sick ass racist surrender monkey shit right up your chickenshit ass, boy? do you like showing what a mentally challenged piece of shit you are or do you just not have any other choice? imagine a severely retarded POS like you, filled to the brim with racist hate and ignorance, trying to judge a great human being like Obama. that is like Scott Baio calling Al Pacino a lousy actor.

"great human being" ?????? Obozo??? worst president in history, hated america, traitor, criminal. You are FOS POS
if you thought he was even okay, i would be worried, bitch. Obama soars over stupid fuck bigoted punks like you as an Eagle soars over a maggot feasting on a dead rat in the sewer...boy. with emphasis on the "boy."

really? then how about giving us a list of his accomplishments that helped all americans.

tell us how he improved the economy, how he secured the borders, how he improved trade, how he got NATO to pay its share, how he opened dialog with NK, how he negotiated better trade deals with china and the EU. how he brought the country together and healed racial tensions.

Obozo was a terrible president, and your juvenile attempts at insulting me cannot change that.
You havent put Jones on ignore yet?


Jones has taken over as the stupidest poster on this board. I laugh when I see his childish rants.
Somebody had to excel at stupidity.
Nope, the low bar was what you had for the kenyan messiah. For the first time in generations, we have a president who is actually doing the JOB of president, and the majority of americans are smart enough to see that.

Obama was the 2nd worst president ever and the best you Trump worshipers can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying someone was a better QB than Ryan Leaf...it is not really a compliment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
if that is true, junior, why have the repubs who have had political power for the first two years of asshole trump been afraid to end it? BECAUSE THEY KNOW MOST AMERICANS LOVE MANY OF THE MANDATES INCLUDED IN EVERY INSURANCE PLAN UNDER OBAMACARE HAS TO HELP THOSE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, COVER REHAB, COVER EMERGENCY AMBULANCE COSTS, AND PROVIDE ONE PHYSICAL EXAM EACH YEAR...and, it saves about 40,000 lives a year does increase some support from right wingers.

Yeah, right, single 25 year old males and 60 year old women enjoy paying for maternity care. obozocare was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation and it was passed by dems only in the dark of night after crooked Harry Reid changed the rules and before anyone had a chance to read the POS bill.
I pay Verizon for millions of sites I don’t visit...
Obama was the 2nd worst president ever and the best you Trump worshipers can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying someone was a better QB than Ryan Leaf...it is not really a compliment

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
I never ask anyone if they love/hate the ACA because everybody hates the schvartza.
I ask them how the ACA has affected them as a Health Care professional.
I have yet to hear from anybody that they hate it.

Do any of them you know actually work for a hospital?
Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
I never ask anyone if they love/hate the ACA because everybody hates the schvartza.
I ask them how the ACA has affected them as a Health Care professional.
I have yet to hear from anybody that they hate it.

Do any of them you know actually work for a hospital?
A few hundred.
I will presume that most of the people I know work for hospitals located in large cities that get massive donations.
Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
I never ask anyone if they love/hate the ACA because everybody hates the schvartza.
I ask them how the ACA has affected them as a Health Care professional.
I have yet to hear from anybody that they hate it.

Do any of them you know actually work for a hospital?
A few hundred.
I will presume that most of the people I know work for hospitals located in large cities that get massive donations.

Do they work "for" the hospital or at the hospital? There is a very big difference.
I have asked dozens of people in the Health field how the ACA affected them...
Catching up with Case Management took an average of 3 years; it never should have been so far behind.

Purchasing approved instruments was a 3 year write-off; I helped them wipe off their crocodile tears.

Being forced to go full electronic meant no more cheating on CPTs and IDC10s; more tears.

Less than 10% of claims are rejected vs over 50%.

Physicians can now see more than 25 patients a day and they make more money by sacrificing their personal lives.

The ACA, like all bills, has lots of earmarks for God knows what.

What’s truly bad?
It was passed under a Black President.
My physicians can no longer provide free services for people who cannot afford health insurance.

What’s neutral?
The scumbag GE caused massive unemployment and people lost their Health Insurance.

And yes, I know way more MDs than you.

And i probably know more than you do. Every one of them that I know, hates obamacare. The level of paperwork is mind boggling. It drove two independent pharmacy's out of business in Carson City. I had to change doctors and ALL of my costs went up while my actual coverage went down. The only people who liked it were the assholes who wrote that piece of shit, and the insurance companies that profited big time from that abomination.
I never ask anyone if they love/hate the ACA because everybody hates the schvartza.
I ask them how the ACA has affected them as a Health Care professional.
I have yet to hear from anybody that they hate it.

Do any of them you know actually work for a hospital?
A few hundred.
I will presume that most of the people I know work for hospitals located in large cities that get massive donations.

Do they work "for" the hospital or at the hospital? There is a very big difference.
Both...we’re talking hundreds of people from RNs to Brain Surgeons.
In addition, there’s not one major hospital in the US where my US Jewish community doesn’t know the head of any given department.
My wife has had, unfortunately, two major surgeries in the last 5 years where the waiting list became non-existent overnight.
Not only do we thank the staff excessively, I ask everyone I meet how the ACA has affected them and, if anything, the RNs are grateful that they now have state of the art equipment and instruments and plenty of other staff to rely on.
His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres
His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
His budget management sucks but the economy is doing great because partly corporate confidence is up as he is seen as a business friendly POTUS. The dollar remains strong so that is neither good nor bad but overall sans the budget he has done well. Unfortunately without addressing entitlements the budget cannot be balanced IMO. 2nd term maybe if he wins?.

Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?
Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

could you elaborate just a little bit?
Surely the economy has done well since January 2017. But the facts are the key job trends/curves (Unemployment, Job Creation. GDP) are all tracking in the right direction at about the same rate through seven years of Obama and two years of Trumpo.

All the curves are like this one:

View attachment 254395

View attachment 254402

TrumpO had two good quarters but he cut taxes 1.5 trillion for ttat.

"Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.m

Trumpo is no better than Obama because he now is the second “president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth,"

There are no forecasts for a year of 3.0 GDP or more in Trumpo’s future as President.

The trashing of Obama and glorification of Trumpo needs to stop.

Trumpo’s economy is good. By actual comparison Obama’s economy is just as good.

Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

Or do you mean something like this...

America’s companies have binged on debt; a reckoning looms

or this

The $6.3 trillion debt binge: American companies have never owed this much

or this

The biggest red flag for the next recession? Corporate debt-to-cash ratios, top economist says 
Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

Or do you mean something like this...

America’s companies have binged on debt; a reckoning looms

or this

The $6.3 trillion debt binge: American companies have never owed this much

or this

The biggest red flag for the next recession? Corporate debt-to-cash ratios, top economist says
Let’s face reality...
When an R is in the White House, lenders are not afraid of being audited.
It also causes 99% of “responsible” business owners to live way above their heads.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
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