Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.

It is measurable as you can see from the economy. I recently Attended a conference and a BNY Mellon economist praised our economy and actually our unemployment is too low if you can believe it.

On one hand you call stats meaningless and then then other you say that things are "measurable". You cannot have it both ways. you never offer anything but platitudes and anecdotes.

This confidence you keep speaking of is leading to corporations taking on massive debt, the wrong thing to do during a boom, be it a country or a corporation

Did the BNY Mellon economist speak of the coming correction/recession? They can only be held off so long, our system was designed to fail on occasion as a method of control.


Her name is Liz Young. You may Google her. She said zero chance of recession this year and at best 10% chance next year. I gave you stats? 3% unemployment. More jobs than people to fill them. This creates issues with commutes, utilities and a strong dollar impacts trade. As she said, what other currency do you trust more? EUR? No. British Pound? No. Yen? No.

Because employers are fighting for new skilled employees and trying to retain their values ones, for
the first time in a long time, wages are going up notably. Now this creates inflation so BNY foresees one more rate increase this year.

In terms of debt, a lot of it is from shadow banking not true commercial banking. So you’re looking at debt funds, asset managers, etc. The next possible bubble is student loan debt.
Damn...you have to SPEND MONEY TO TURN THIS FUCKING COUNTRY AROUND....and yes caused by Clinton, THE BUSH'S, and the Surrender Monkey....all Sewer Dwellers!

No, you fucking do not. You get the hell out of the way and let the economy do its thing. Going massively deeper into debt during a booming economy is the worst possible thing that we could do.
And why do you think it is booming....AOC economic genius!

If it is booming why is your savior begging the Fed to drop the rates?

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to keep the boom going, moron.

if the boom requires artificially low interest rates to keep going, then it is not really a boom, just an illusion.

the FED has been manipulating the economy since its inception. Yes, its artificial and unnecessary, and it should not ever be used as a political tool. To pretend that this is something new, is naive.
I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.

It is measurable as you can see from the economy. I recently Attended a conference and a BNY Mellon economist praised our economy and actually our unemployment is too low if you can believe it.

On one hand you call stats meaningless and then then other you say that things are "measurable". You cannot have it both ways. you never offer anything but platitudes and anecdotes.

This confidence you keep speaking of is leading to corporations taking on massive debt, the wrong thing to do during a boom, be it a country or a corporation

Did the BNY Mellon economist speak of the coming correction/recession? They can only be held off so long, our system was designed to fail on occasion as a method of control.


Her name is Liz Young. You may Google her. She said zero chance of recession this year and at best 10% chance next year. I gave you stats? 3% unemployment. More jobs than people to fill them. This creates issues with commutes, utilities and a strong dollar impacts trade. As she said, what other currency do you trust more? EUR? No. British Pound? No. Yen? No.

Because employers are fighting for new skilled employees and trying to retain their values ones, for
the first time in a long time, wages are going up notably. Now this creates inflation so BNY foresees one more rate increase this year.

In terms of debt, a lot of it is from shadow banking not true commercial banking. So you’re looking at debt funds, asset managers, etc. The next possible bubble is student loan debt.

5% median wage growth in 2015 is not notable? :rolleyes:

And if all you are down to in the GREATEST ECONOMY EVER! is “no recession this year!” Then it’s probably not that great...kinda like what we had for 7 years now.
ptbw forever, post: 22154116,
Obama had negative quarterly growth numbers.

This is definitely not a continuation of Obama’s economy.

Obama had two quarters at a fraction of a percent negative out of 84 since the recession ended. Your prejudice against Obama is overwhelmingly crude.

Look at GDP growth from 2009 through 2018:


Those two slight negatives do not show up at all.

Obama’s curve matches Trumpo’s except for a few times it slowed a bit but very very briefly.

Trump has a bit of a slowdown going on riight now that started last October.

Only a hatefilled moron TrumpOroid wouid conclude “This is definitely not a continuation of Obama’s economy.”

Obama’s recovery is about to go down as the longest economic expansion in US history come this July. That’s if tRUMPo doesn’t eff it up.

Have you ever heard about the Hare and the Tortoise?

Obama was a Tortoise, but with the numbers coming in so far, Trumpo is a Tortoise too. Trumpo thinks he’s a hare but its good that he is wrong. The Tortoise always wins you know.

Reality bites Trumpo on the ass:

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018.

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015.

It’s a continuation of the Obama expansion.
ROTFLMFAO....SO YOU WANT TO STOP THE ECONOMY....you infectious reeling-ripe writhled shrimp

Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

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so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.

No, huge debt is never good. It is not unexpected during a recession, but it should be avoided at all cost during a "booming" economy".

If we added a trillion dollars in a year to the debt during a booming economy with near record tax revenue...what the fuck happens when the next down turn happens?

This is like someone taking out massive debt when they are getting a lot of overtime and bringing in extra money...then they get laid off and instead of a savings they have massive debt. That is what our country is doing and you are cheering it on.

we agree on all of that. As far as running up the debt Obama was the worst in history. Trump is trying to reverse that trend but the dems in the house keep adding spending in an effort to buy 2020 votes. Why are you unable to see this as it really is?
Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.

It is measurable as you can see from the economy. I recently Attended a conference and a BNY Mellon economist praised our economy and actually our unemployment is too low if you can believe it.

On one hand you call stats meaningless and then then other you say that things are "measurable". You cannot have it both ways. you never offer anything but platitudes and anecdotes.

This confidence you keep speaking of is leading to corporations taking on massive debt, the wrong thing to do during a boom, be it a country or a corporation

Did the BNY Mellon economist speak of the coming correction/recession? They can only be held off so long, our system was designed to fail on occasion as a method of control.


Her name is Liz Young. You may Google her. She said zero chance of recession this year and at best 10% chance next year. I gave you stats? 3% unemployment. More jobs than people to fill them. This creates issues with commutes, utilities and a strong dollar impacts trade. As she said, what other currency do you trust more? EUR? No. British Pound? No. Yen? No.

Because employers are fighting for new skilled employees and trying to retain their values ones, for
the first time in a long time, wages are going up notably. Now this creates inflation so BNY foresees one more rate increase this year.

In terms of debt, a lot of it is from shadow banking not true commercial banking. So you’re looking at debt funds, asset managers, etc. The next possible bubble is student loan debt.

5% median wage growth in 2015 is not notable? :rolleyes:

And if all you are down to in the GREATEST ECONOMY EVER! is “no recession this year!” Then it’s probably not that great...kinda like what we had for 7 years now.

you are a piece of work, Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and you would complain that he was putting doctors out of work. Are you the love child of Pelosi and Schumer? Or is it Rosie O'Donnel and Alec Baldwin?
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

After the 2010 midterm elections, Nate Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points..

and the pollsters that said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes were accurate???? Face it dude, they all lie.
Obama was the 2nd worst president ever and the best you Trump worshipers can say about Trump is that he is better than Obama.

That is like saying someone was a better QB than Ryan Leaf...it is not really a compliment

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Why was Obama so bad?
Almost everyone I know made back the millions in investments they lost under GW.

Perhaps you have heard of this thing called “ObamaCare”... which fucked up the system even more than it was.

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if that is true, junior, why have the repubs who have had political power for the first two years of asshole trump been afraid to end it? BECAUSE THEY KNOW MOST AMERICANS LOVE MANY OF THE MANDATES INCLUDED IN EVERY INSURANCE PLAN UNDER OBAMACARE HAS TO HELP THOSE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, COVER REHAB, COVER EMERGENCY AMBULANCE COSTS, AND PROVIDE ONE PHYSICAL EXAM EACH YEAR...and, it saves about 40,000 lives a year does increase some support from right wingers.

Yeah, right, single 25 year old males and 60 year old women enjoy paying for maternity care. obozocare was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation and it was passed by dems only in the dark of night after crooked Harry Reid changed the rules and before anyone had a chance to read the POS bill.
I pay Verizon for millions of sites I don’t visit...

the difference is that you chose to contract with Verizon, you weren't mandated to do so. Understand?
Do you work in finance? I do. Trump is the most business friendly president since Reagan I am told. Plus Obama dealt with super cheap monies. Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer. Just sucks he has not addressed entitlements

I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

Or do you mean something like this...

America’s companies have binged on debt; a reckoning looms

or this

The $6.3 trillion debt binge: American companies have never owed this much

or this

The biggest red flag for the next recession? Corporate debt-to-cash ratios, top economist says

fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.
...the economy is better because taxes are lower...giving more money for investment...it will take time but with more people working investing growing and paying their taxes we will see the national debt begin to fall...remember we lived under an Obama spending sequester for four years cutting off military spending...cutting off any government investment in technology...we were being left behind by other nations like China....now we have to pay for that blunder...and we are...we are rebuilding the military and getting back in the space race that Obama removed us from...it is expensive to have a socialist for a leader.....just ask Venezuela....they will be paying for their Obama for decades to come....

The economy was better before the tax cuts, all they did was increase the debt since they were not accompanied by spending cuts.

You talk about Venezuela, yet you think that our economy needs the government to keep spending more and more money to sustain its growth, which is very much a socialist point of view.

but the obama stimulus spending and his adding 9 trillion to the debt was good???????????????? The dem plans for medicare for all, green new deal, open borders, etc will curtail govt spending????? WTF is wrong with you?
and the pollsters that said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes were accurate???? Face it dude, they all lie.

Eternal mkoron, Mr. Tuna......

Pollsters poll PEOPLE.........not the "electoral college".......and pollsters were 100% accurate in predicting that THREE MILLION people voted AGAINST Trump......

Plus, pollsters could not predict Comey's cute statement about Clinton days before the election.....

Check with an adult about how pollsters work.
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

Donald Trump tweet on 50% approval cherry-picks polling data ...
https://www.politifact.com/.../donald-trump-tweet-50-approval-cherry-picks-pollin/Claim: "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating. That's higher than O's #'s!"
Claimed by: Donald Trump

Fact check by PolitiFact: False

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias | TheHill
Rasmussen Reports uses research techniques that make its polls favor Republicans, Ipsos Public Affairs research director Mallory Newall said Monday during ...

Trump's favorite pollster was the least accurate in the ...
Dec 8, 2018 - That's in-line with the FiveThirtyEight average of polls among voters, ... Rasmussen's polling does not meet CNN standards for a number of ...

Rasmussen is to Trump what Fox Noise is to Trump.
Yup....don't believe your eyes.
America isn't getting tired of the constant attacks against a president that has been exonerated.
ptbw forever, post: 22154116,
Obama had negative quarterly growth numbers.

This is definitely not a continuation of Obama’s economy.

Obama had two quarters at a fraction of a percent negative out of 84 since the recession ended. Your prejudice against Obama is overwhelmingly crude.

Look at GDP growth from 2009 through 2018:

View attachment 254456Is

Those two slight negatives do not show up at all.

Obama’s curve matches Trumpo’s except for a few times it slowed a bit but very very briefly.

Trump has a bit of a slowdown going on riight now that started last October.

Only a hatefilled moron TrumpOroid wouid conclude “This is definitely not a continuation of Obama’s economy.”

Obama’s recovery is about to go down as the longest economic expansion in US history come this July. That’s if tRUMPo doesn’t eff it up.

Have you ever heard about the Hare and the Tortoise?

Obama was a Tortoise, but with the numbers coming in so far, Trumpo is a Tortoise too. Trumpo thinks he’s a hare but its good that he is wrong. The Tortoise always wins you know.

Reality bites Trumpo on the ass:

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018.

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015.

It’s a continuation of the Obama expansion.
I hope you have some vaseline handy for this bumpy cucumber:
we agree on all of that. As far as running up the debt Obama was the worst in history. Trump is trying to reverse that trend but the dems in the house keep adding spending in an effort to buy 2020 votes. Why are you unable to see this as it really is?

How is Trump trying to reverse the trend, but submitting the largest budget request in history?

you are such a mindless sheep all you do is parrot Trump's campaign slogans.
but the obama stimulus spending and his adding 9 trillion to the debt was good???????????????? The dem plans for medicare for all, green new deal, open borders, etc will curtail govt spending????? WTF is wrong with you?

how many times are you going to ask me the same fucking stupid question.

NO, adding 9 trillion was not good, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

But that does not change what Trump is doing.

Yelling "but Obama" every time someone talks about Trump does nothing but show how alike the two men are.
and the pollsters that said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes were accurate???? Face it dude, they all lie.

Eternal mkoron, Mr. Tuna......

Pollsters poll PEOPLE.........not the "electoral college".......and pollsters were 100% accurate in predicting that THREE MILLION people voted AGAINST Trump......

Plus, pollsters could not predict Comey's cute statement about Clinton days before the election.....

Check with an adult about how pollsters work.

its you that needs to check on how they work, gnat. The results depend on who they poll, where they poll, and how they ask the questions. A smart pollster can get any result he wants by picking his sample and how he words the questions.

As to the 3 million vote delta, it all occurred in California. Trump did not campaign in california because he understood how the EC works, If we picked presidents based on the popular vote, the candidates would spend nearly all of their time in LA county and NYC, and maybe a little in Houston and Miami. They would never visit any of the less populated states and the voters in those states would have zero say in who won. If that happened we have no idea what the result would have been.

But I will concede that you are probably one of the best at making a fool of yourself on this message board,. GNAT
fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

Actually, the DOW is a terrible predictor of future corporate results. Enron's stock was through the roof, how did that work out?

and the DOW is not up. It has been stagnant for the last 430 days.
America isn't getting tired of the constant attacks against a president that has been exonerated.[/QUOTE]

For you and other Trump ass lickers........LMAO...(find a grown up to read the sentence below to you....maybe use pictures?)

The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
but the obama stimulus spending and his adding 9 trillion to the debt was good???????????????? The dem plans for medicare for all, green new deal, open borders, etc will curtail govt spending????? WTF is wrong with you?

how many times are you going to ask me the same fucking stupid question.

NO, adding 9 trillion was not good, Obama was the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

But that does not change what Trump is doing.

Yelling "but Obama" every time someone talks about Trump does nothing but show how alike the two men are.

Obama was the absolute worst, FDR was probably second, Clinton gets credit for working with Newt on balancing the budget, and both Bushes were disappointments.

But I'm curious, who of the current crop of dems and independents do you think would do a better job of managing the budget? Please don't say pot head Johnson.
fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

Actually, the DOW is a terrible predictor of future corporate results. Enron's stock was through the roof, how did that work out?

and the DOW is not up. It has been stagnant for the last 430 days.

bullshit. last April it was below 21,000, last friday it was almost 27,000. Sorry dude, thats not stagnation, thats equity growth.
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