Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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A smart pollster can get any result he wants by picking his sample and how he words the questions.

Moron....you just CONFIRMED exactly what conservative, right leaning Rasmussen does.....LMAO....
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

Donald Trump tweet on 50% approval cherry-picks polling data ...
https://www.politifact.com/.../donald-trump-tweet-50-approval-cherry-picks-pollin/Claim: "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating. That's higher than O's #'s!"
Claimed by: Donald Trump

Fact check by PolitiFact: False

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias | TheHill
Rasmussen Reports uses research techniques that make its polls favor Republicans, Ipsos Public Affairs research director Mallory Newall said Monday during ...

Trump's favorite pollster was the least accurate in the ...
Dec 8, 2018 - That's in-line with the FiveThirtyEight average of polls among voters, ... Rasmussen's polling does not meet CNN standards for a number of ...

Rasmussen is to Trump what Fox Noise is to Trump.
Didn’t take long for the snow flake melt down lol

America isn't getting tired of the constant attacks against a president that has been exonerated.[/QUOTE]

For you and other Trump ass lickers........LMAO...(find a grown up to read the sentence below to you....maybe use pictures?)

The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Keep the witch hunt alive, you might find Hillary. Amazing how you dems wish for you own party's collapse.
A smart pollster can get any result he wants by picking his sample and how he words the questions.

Moron....you just CONFIRMED exactly what conservative, right leaning Rasmussen does.....LMAO....

what I said, gnat, is that they all do it. but you are so stupid that you believe the ones that give negative results about Trump.

lets try again: all pollsters lie, polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it. They are all paid to get a certain result. THEY ALL LIE. UNDERSTAND?
fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

Actually, the DOW is a terrible predictor of future corporate results. Enron's stock was through the roof, how did that work out?

and the DOW is not up. It has been stagnant for the last 430 days.

bullshit. last April it was below 21,000, last friday it was almost 27,000. Sorry dude, thats not stagnation, thats equity growth.

Jan 22 2018...26,616.71

April 4 2019....26,424.99

440 days of basically zero growth. That is the textbook definition of stagnation.
Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

Donald Trump tweet on 50% approval cherry-picks polling data ...
https://www.politifact.com/.../donald-trump-tweet-50-approval-cherry-picks-pollin/Claim: "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating. That's higher than O's #'s!"
Claimed by: Donald Trump

Fact check by PolitiFact: False

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias | TheHill
Rasmussen Reports uses research techniques that make its polls favor Republicans, Ipsos Public Affairs research director Mallory Newall said Monday during ...

Trump's favorite pollster was the least accurate in the ...
Dec 8, 2018 - That's in-line with the FiveThirtyEight average of polls among voters, ... Rasmussen's polling does not meet CNN standards for a number of ...

Rasmussen is to Trump what Fox Noise is to Trump.
Didn’t take long for the snow flake melt down lol

fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

Actually, the DOW is a terrible predictor of future corporate results. Enron's stock was through the roof, how did that work out?

and the DOW is not up. It has been stagnant for the last 430 days.

bullshit. last April it was below 21,000, last friday it was almost 27,000. Sorry dude, thats not stagnation, thats equity growth.

Jan 22 2018...26,616.71

April 4 2019....26,424.99

440 days of basically zero growth. That is the textbook definition of stagnation.
lol poor guy
Keep the witch hunt alive, you might find Hillary.

You should know, Mr. Tuna........that as soon as an idiot like you brings up Hillary and types "witch hunt"....
You fucking lost the argument.......LMAO
Obama was the absolute worst, FDR was probably second, Clinton gets credit for working with Newt on balancing the budget, and both Bushes were disappointments.

But I'm curious, who of the current crop of dems and independents do you think would do a better job of managing the budget? Please don't say pot head Johnson.

Bush II was worse than Obama. Iraq alone makes that a fact.

None of the Dem side of course, I have not seen who the Libertarian candidate will be so I do not know. And yes, Johnson would have done a better job with the budget than Trump. It would be about impossible to be worse than adding 1.47 trillion dollars in a booming economy with near record revenue.
why not use a consensus of the latest polls? you know, to be fair and stuff-

RCP Average 3/23 - 4/4 -- 44.0 52.1 -8.1
Rasmussen 4/2 - 4/4 1500 LV 51 47 +4
Economist 3/31 - 4/2 1227 RV 43 54 -11
Politico 3/29 - 4/1 1945 RV 42 53 -11
Reuters 3/26 - 4/1 3962 A 42 53 -11
PPP (D) 3/27 - 3/28 846 RV 42 52 -10
NPR/PBS/Marist 3/25 - 3/27 834 RV 44 50 -6
NBC/WSJ 3/23 - 3/27 1000 A 43 53 -10
Harris 3/25 - 3/26 1437 RV 45 55 -10
Polls mean nothing. Didn't you learn that in 2016?

Actually the polls were right in 2016 they had Hillary at 45 to 47 percent and IGNORED the HUGE undecided vote.
Her name is Liz Young. You may Google her. She said zero chance of recession this year and at best 10% chance next year. I gave you stats? 3% unemployment. More jobs than people to fill them. This creates issues with commutes, utilities and a strong dollar impacts trade. As she said, what other currency do you trust more? EUR? No. British Pound? No. Yen? No.

Because employers are fighting for new skilled employees and trying to retain their values ones, for
the first time in a long time, wages are going up notably. Now this creates inflation so BNY foresees one more rate increase this year.

In terms of debt, a lot of it is from shadow banking not true commercial banking. So you’re looking at debt funds, asset managers, etc. The next possible bubble is student loan debt.

Nothing too impressive about Liz Young, she has basically the same education that I do.

She is right, there will not be a recession this year, all of the deficit spending by the government is pushing it off as long as possible. The problem with that is that doing so just makes it worse when it finally happens.

3.8% unemployment is great, it has also been steadily dropping since 2010. Longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country.

It is also, you notice, a problem. When there are more jobs than people to fill them it stymies growth. A company cannot grow without people to fill into the new positions.

The next bubble to burst will be debt of any sort.

Consumer debt is at an all time high, despite the booming economy.

Corporate debt is in the same boat.

Fed government debt is at an all time high and climbing the fastest it has in the last 8 years.

All of this in a booming economy. What happens to all that debt burden when the economy finally slows down and contracts?
The Purge, post: 22153466,
The Surrender Monkey added millions to unemployment!

View attachment 254448
Which curve of private sector employment is a reality in your head? The red line showing Obama produced 7/9ths of new jobs and TrumpO 2/9ths.

Or is it the racist black line that shows no new jobs under Obama and millions created by Trumpo in two years.

Tell me what do you see.
For which he did very little as this article proves....

Study: 2014's Employment Boom Almost Entirely Due to the Expiration of Unemployment ...
National Review › corner › stud...

Jan 26, 2015 · Those who've listened to President Obama's speeches over the past ... argued that extended benefits raised the unemployment rate ...
National Review?? Huffington Post says otherwise.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?

I work in business with leaders and companies and banks. You read empty stats that are meaningless. Trump is killing it in terms of the economy and if you had any finance acumen I would explain how.
Yes, trump is killing it. At about the same rate Obama did for some 7 years before trump.

Seems the only rightarded explanation for that is .... trump is responsible for the economy but Obama wasn’t. :cuckoo:
Obama was the absolute worst, FDR was probably second, Clinton gets credit for working with Newt on balancing the budget, and both Bushes were disappointments.

But I'm curious, who of the current crop of dems and independents do you think would do a better job of managing the budget? Please don't say pot head Johnson.

Bush II was worse than Obama. Iraq alone makes that a fact.

None of the Dem side of course, I have not seen who the Libertarian candidate will be so I do not know. And yes, Johnson would have done a better job with the budget than Trump. It would be about impossible to be worse than adding 1.47 trillion dollars in a booming economy with near record revenue.

LOL, you are a funny dude, gator. I do agree that Bush screwed up on Iraq, he let a vendetta against Saddam for trying to put a hit on Bush 41 cloud his judgement. 9/11 was on Clinton for allowing the terrorists into the country. A covert hit on OBL would have been much more effective and much less expensive in lives and money, and obozo gets credit for reluctantly authorizing that hit.

Viet Nam, where 58,000 americans died for nothing was on Kennedy and Johnson, and was finally ended with Nixon declared defeat and brought us home.

But as far as screwing up the country, emboldening our enemies, and dividing this nation, Obama was the absolute worst ever.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
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