Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Obama was the absolute worst, FDR was probably second, Clinton gets credit for working with Newt on balancing the budget, and both Bushes were disappointments.

But I'm curious, who of the current crop of dems and independents do you think would do a better job of managing the budget? Please don't say pot head Johnson.

Bush II was worse than Obama. Iraq alone makes that a fact.

None of the Dem side of course, I have not seen who the Libertarian candidate will be so I do not know. And yes, Johnson would have done a better job with the budget than Trump. It would be about impossible to be worse than adding 1.47 trillion dollars in a booming economy with near record revenue.

LOL, you are a funny dude, gator. I do agree that Bush screwed up on Iraq, he let a vendetta against Saddam for trying to put a hit on Bush 41 cloud his judgement. 9/11 was on Clinton for allowing the terrorists into the country. A covert hit on OBL would have been much more effective and much less expensive in lives and money, and obozo gets credit for reluctantly authorizing that hit.

Viet Nam, where 58,000 americans died for nothing was on Kennedy and Johnson, and was finally ended with Nixon declared defeat and brought us home.

But as far as screwing up the country, emboldening our enemies, and dividing this nation, Obama was the absolute worst ever.

Spits the lying rightard who falsely claimed the DJIA was 21000 in April, 2018, when it was actually 24000.

All you ever do here is lie.
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

I totally understand your frustration
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
Why would trump doing as well as Obama frustrate me?
Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

Lol obama .. stop it haha
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
America isn't getting tired of the constant attacks against a president that has been exonerated.[/QUOTE]

For you and other Trump ass lickers........LMAO...(find a grown up to read the sentence below to you....maybe use pictures?)

The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Keep the witch hunt alive, you might find Hillary. Amazing how you dems wish for you own party's collapse.
If you want to make America great again first you need to get rid of the folks that are destroying America.

  • Barack Obama
  • Bill Clinton
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Chuck Schumer
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Ilhan Omar
  • AOC
  • Maxine Waters
  • Adam Schiff
  • The ladies on The View
  • George Soros
  • CNN
  • Rachel Madow
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Jerry Nadler
  • Al Sharpton
  • Cory Booker
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kamala Harris
  • Eric Holder
  • The Cohen Brothers
  • John McCain
  • George H.W. Bush
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Warren Buffet
  • Bill Gates
  • Pope Benedict XVI
Didn’t take long to bring out the troll in you.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
Trolling still doesn’t help your argument.
Dude it’s 2019... it’s pretty obvious Obama was a bad mistake America is regretting ( real Americans)
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
Trolling still doesn’t help your argument.
Def not trolling.. just living in reality
What happened to your discussion about rising wages? :lmao:

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
Trolling still doesn’t help your argument.
Def not trolling.. just living in reality
I showed you reality and you still deny it...

You posting a poll is like a retard trying to get attention. According to most economist And other countries it’s because of trump polices that has us here.. lol not obama .. seriously haha
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
Trolling still doesn’t help your argument.
Def not trolling.. just living in reality
I showed you reality and you still deny it...

Obama said we would never see 3% gdp.. or Manufacturing jobs..deregulation is huge
And here you are, still quoting no one but yourself saying others say what you say.

All the while, wages have been rising at about the same level for years now...

You are definitely in the minority haha
Trolling still doesn’t help your argument.
Def not trolling.. just living in reality
I showed you reality and you still deny it...

Obama said we would never see 3% gdp.. or Manufacturing jobs..deregulation is huge
And we haven’t had a year of 3% annualized growth since he said it.

AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?

I work in business with leaders and companies and banks. You read empty stats that are meaningless. Trump is killing it in terms of the economy and if you had any finance acumen I would explain how.
Yes, trump is killing it. At about the same rate Obama did for some 7 years before trump.

Seems the only rightarded explanation for that is .... trump is responsible for the economy but Obama wasn’t. :cuckoo:

Again, Obama started at the lowest possible point and played with ultra cheap monies for 7 of his 8 yrs. LIBOR was 20 bps under Obama and is 260 bps under Trump so money costs way more and yet the economy is still cranking.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Sigh. If I borrow $10mil for a project and LIBOR is 20 bps and my loan is LIBOR + 200 bps my rate is 220 bps or 2.2%. This same loan today would have a rate of 4.6%!!!! Yet wages are still up. So despite paying a higher interest payment I can still afford to give my employees a raise is very impressive and didn’t happen under BHO. It happened under DJT.
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