Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll...OOH MY!!!

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Can this be called the MUELLER BOUNCE?... ROTFLMFAO

Friday, April 05, 2019

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove.

The Surrender Monkey at this time in his term had a 49% Approval.....DAMN!

Donald Trump tweet on 50% approval cherry-picks polling data ...
https://www.politifact.com/.../donald-trump-tweet-50-approval-cherry-picks-pollin/Claim: "The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating. That's higher than O's #'s!"
Claimed by: Donald Trump

Fact check by PolitiFact: False

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias | TheHill
Rasmussen Reports uses research techniques that make its polls favor Republicans, Ipsos Public Affairs research director Mallory Newall said Monday during ...

Trump's favorite pollster was the least accurate in the ...
Dec 8, 2018 - That's in-line with the FiveThirtyEight average of polls among voters, ... Rasmussen's polling does not meet CNN standards for a number of ...

Rasmussen is to Trump what Fox Noise is to Trump.

Right. Some of the 2016 election polls had Hillary up by 14 points. :21:


Number of polls in your snapshot showing Hillary up by 14 points or even 7 - ZERO
They think repetition turns lies into truth.
No, they are confusing what they remember.

Here, two weeks out, CBS was saying Clinton had a nine point lead.
State of the presidential race two weeks from Election Day

If you look at their state level map, they completely got it wrong across the board, especially in the midwest.

The RealClear averages through mid October showed Clinton with up to a 17 point lead.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

In every poll you have outliers and the pollsters cull the data to get what they think is realistic and in this election it bit them in the ass hard.

Typical poll analysis before the election.

Great comedy.

Yes, before Comey publicly announced he was reopening the investigation into Hillary’s email server.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Since I do not worship the government, I do not think the government controls the economy. I want the government to get the fuck out of the way. But that is something you will never understand, your whole life revolves around worshiping the government and its leader.
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.

No, huge debt is never good. It is not unexpected during a recession, but it should be avoided at all cost during a "booming" economy".

If we added a trillion dollars in a year to the debt during a booming economy with near record tax revenue...what the fuck happens when the next down turn happens?

This is like someone taking out massive debt when they are getting a lot of overtime and bringing in extra money...then they get laid off and instead of a savings they have massive debt. That is what our country is doing and you are cheering it on.

we agree on all of that. As far as running up the debt Obama was the worst in history. Trump is trying to reverse that trend but the dems in the house keep adding spending in an effort to buy 2020 votes. Why are you unable to see this as it really is?
Liar. Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the Executive branch for both of trump’s first two years as he added $2 trillion in debt.
I do not want to beat a dead horse here, but what has Trump done that Obama did not do as far as the economy?

not one single economic measure is on a different path than it was on Nov 9 2016.

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

Or do you mean something like this...

America’s companies have binged on debt; a reckoning looms

or this

The $6.3 trillion debt binge: American companies have never owed this much

or this

The biggest red flag for the next recession? Corporate debt-to-cash ratios, top economist says

fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

The stock market is not an indicator of the economy.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW

There has been a lot of months over 3.8% during the last 8 years...

Corporate confidence. He is is seen as a business friendly Pres

So, some random, un-measurable emotion.

I guess you have to take what you can get.
As opposed to taking out corporate loans one cannot possibly repay?

Or do you mean something like this...

America’s companies have binged on debt; a reckoning looms

or this

The $6.3 trillion debt binge: American companies have never owed this much

or this

The biggest red flag for the next recession? Corporate debt-to-cash ratios, top economist says

fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

The stock market is not an indicator of the economy.

nor is it an accurate predictor of future corporate results
BUT the Surrender Monkey put all those hideous regulations on our economy which Trump is erasing

How Trump is rolling back Obama's legacy - Washington Post
Washington Post › graphics › politics › tr...

During President Trump's first year in office, Congress and his administration plan to ... A approved by the House would erase many of the regulations called for

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.

No, huge debt is never good. It is not unexpected during a recession, but it should be avoided at all cost during a "booming" economy".

If we added a trillion dollars in a year to the debt during a booming economy with near record tax revenue...what the fuck happens when the next down turn happens?

This is like someone taking out massive debt when they are getting a lot of overtime and bringing in extra money...then they get laid off and instead of a savings they have massive debt. That is what our country is doing and you are cheering it on.

we agree on all of that. As far as running up the debt Obama was the worst in history. Trump is trying to reverse that trend but the dems in the house keep adding spending in an effort to buy 2020 votes. Why are you unable to see this as it really is?
Liar. Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the Executive branch for both of trump’s first two years as he added $2 trillion in debt.
Americans are stuggling debt should be bigger

Illegals cost Americans trillions
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW

There has been a lot of months over 3.8% during the last 8 years...

View attachment 254463
Lol poor guy

fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

The stock market is not an indicator of the economy.

nor is it an accurate predictor of future corporate results

more bullshit, the market is always forward looking. stocks go up or down depending on expected results for the next quarter or FY. It has always been the most accurate predictor of corporate results, good or bad.

the net value of american's 401K and investment accounts is up since 2016. That is an absolute fact.
fake news. the DOW is a much more accurate predictor of future corporate results, and its up.

Actually, the DOW is a terrible predictor of future corporate results. Enron's stock was through the roof, how did that work out?

and the DOW is not up. It has been stagnant for the last 430 days.

bullshit. last April it was below 21,000, last friday it was almost 27,000. Sorry dude, thats not stagnation, thats equity growth.

Last April’s low was barely below 24,000...

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Stock Historical Prices & Data

Meanwhile, the Dow was higher in January, 2018, than it is now. You know, what you call, “up.”
more bullshit, the market is always forward looking. stocks go up or down depending on expected results for the next quarter or FY. It has always been the most accurate predictor of corporate results, good or bad.

nope, you are fucking wrong....it is not an accurate predictor of future corporate results. The stock market is legal gambling, nothing more.

the net value of american's 401K and investment accounts is up since 2016. That is an absolute fact.

The the net value of american's 401K and investment accounts is up since 2010. That is an absolute fact.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

And yet he is spending more money that Obama every dreamed of spending.

Booming debt during a booming economy is begging for an economic collapse

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

so you think a shrinking economy and huge debt is better? thats what we got from obozo the kenyan messiah, your hero.

No, huge debt is never good. It is not unexpected during a recession, but it should be avoided at all cost during a "booming" economy".

If we added a trillion dollars in a year to the debt during a booming economy with near record tax revenue...what the fuck happens when the next down turn happens?

This is like someone taking out massive debt when they are getting a lot of overtime and bringing in extra money...then they get laid off and instead of a savings they have massive debt. That is what our country is doing and you are cheering it on.

we agree on all of that. As far as running up the debt Obama was the worst in history. Trump is trying to reverse that trend but the dems in the house keep adding spending in an effort to buy 2020 votes. Why are you unable to see this as it really is?
Liar. Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress and the Executive branch for both of trump’s first two years as he added $2 trillion in debt.
Americans are stuggling debt should be bigger

Illegals cost Americans trillions
You’re lying about tat too. Lowering the debt is easiest while the economy is strong.
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590
Trump may not be your cup of tea but in terms of the economy his is a killer.

In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
AzogtheDefiler, post: 22151590 In terms of GDP, unemployment, and job creation, Trumpo’s numbers are running the same curve line / trending same as Obama’s.

Trumpo’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2018. I guess you are referring to 2018 as Trumpo’s killer year.

TrumpO highest GDP at 2.9 and TrumpO calls 2.9 anemic:

“Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth," Trump said during an Oct. 28 (2016) campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.

Obama’s highest full year average GDP was 2.9 in 2015 so I guess you are also referring to 2015 as Obama’s killer year.

Trumpo will be the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth. Trumpo said, about Obama being the first, it was anemic economic numbers.

So according to TrumpO (as the second president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth) his very own economic numbers are anemic. Yet you tell us he is killing it.

What is going on in your head?
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Dude, Trump has only had two years so far and you assertion that none of the next six will have 3% growth is laughable, like most of your posts.
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade
Why should we have 3% growth? We’ve had only 2 years of 3% or higher real GDP growth for 18 years now; and those 2 years were only north of 3% because of the real estate bubble (which then cratered the economy).
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
And wages are up 3.8% from last year .. WOW
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
Try another excuse, wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now...

Lol that’s not what I said
You said wages are up 4% from last year and I showed you wages have been rising at about the same rate for years now.
Not like this.. according to most economist they haven’t seen anything like this in a decade

I just showed you the official figures from the BLS. You counter that with opinions.
Call it what you want
I’m calling it what the numbers show... about the same rise in wages for years...

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