Rasmussen: Trump approval hits 1 month high


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO


You know how many points are in a hundred?

By the way, this just in -- we usually form plurals by adding the letter S.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

That's irrelevant. This is a personal approval rating. For an entity self-arrested in the petulancy of a seven-year-old.

Don't know if anyone's taken a poll for it but I'd imagine Rump's approval is very high among grammar school age bullies.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

That's irrelevant. This is a personal approval rating. For an entity self-arrested in the petulancy of a seven-year-old.

Don't know if anyone's taken a poll for it but I'd imagine Rump's approval is very high among grammar school age bullies.

No it's a poll of those folks who still watch the MSM. I'd say that most folks ain't watching, and sure as hell have better things to do than take stupid polls. I suspect it's college movements frankly.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Yeah no, the Obama economy sucked ass for so long that "the recession" actually reached Alaska and did damage - that's bad shit right there.

Eventually ya'll are going to lose your narrative on the whole "it's Obama's economy," I'll be waiting for ya'lls next excuse as to why "capitalism is destroying everything!"
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/4 - 12/27 -- 39.3 56.2 -16.9
Rasmussen Reports 12/21 - 12/27 1500 LV 46 53 -7
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Gallup 12/22 - 12/26 1500 A 38 56 -18
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18
Marist 12/4 - 12/7 1079 RV 39 55 -16
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?

I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?

It sure isn't some sure fire sign that the economy was booming. Common sense tells you it wasn't.

And, as I said in another thread, had the Fed not artificially kept inflation at zero things would have been worse.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

It was worse under him than even under Bush which was bad enough.the sad facts are Obama expanded everything Bush got started including ruining the economy. Trump unlike the last several bozo presidents we have had,is bringing jobs back to america.
These poor kids on the left, they've never seen a booming economy in their lifetimes so they think Obama's was "good"

Ya'll need a lesson on how 'Merica used to be, that's all.
I hope Trump avoids these polls and does what is right. Next up, China, Canada, Mexico, North Korea, The Wall.

If he keeps his focus 2018 will be excellent for America and Western liberty.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?

you listen WAY too much to what the CIA controlled media tells you.:haha:
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?

you listen WAY too much to what the CIA controlled media tells you.:haha:

Is the tin foil on your head Reynolds?
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

It was worse under him than even under Bush which was bad enough.the sad facts are Obama expanded everything Bush got started including ruining the economy. Trump unlike the last several bozo presidents we have had,is bringing jobs back to america.

Sign, another factless post from a conservative.

But hard economic data on growth, job creation and wages look very similar to the last several years under Obama. The pace of job growth actually slowed slightly to 174,000 per month in 2017 through November, compared with 187,000 per month in Obama’s final year.

Even Trump’s stock market performance is similar to or trails Obama’s. In the first 11 months of Obama’s presidency, the Standard & Poor’s 500 rose 37 percent. It rose 18 percent under Trump. The Dow rose 30 percent in Obama’s first 11 months to Trump’s 24 percent.

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