Rasmussen: Trump approval hits 1 month high


Surprising it is that high. pew just came out with a study that showed only 5% of coverage of Trump has been positive, and most attacks were on character, not on policy.
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

It was worse under him than even under Bush which was bad enough.the sad facts are Obama expanded everything Bush got started including ruining the economy. Trump unlike the last several bozo presidents we have had,is bringing jobs back to america.

here it is all in black and white.

Every one of President Obama's signature programs, starting with Obamacare, have brought nothing but death, destruction and economic ruin to the American people. Today, Obamacare is totally collapsing, as millions of working families, living just above the poverty level, are facing premium hikes of 60-70 percent a year, as coverage shrinks.
Obama's Legacy: Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin

proof that Obama expanded everything Bush got started.

For every innocent person killed abroad by Obama's drone wars, overseen personally by President Obama through his regular Tuesday "kill sessions" at the White House,
This Christmas is as horrific for libs as last Christmas....
Tax plan passed...
Obamascare mandate gone!...
Isis is running out of Iraq...
Economy hits new highs daily...
Mueller investigation is nearly over with nothing to show...
Conservative Judges are filling seats daily...
And the Clinton's are dead forever...
and the erasing of Obama's presidency continues...
These poor kids on the left, they've never seen a booming economy in their lifetimes so they think Obama's was "good"

Ya'll need a lesson on how 'Merica used to be, that's all.
Been here since 1943. And have seen many economic swings. President Obama was handed the economy in a basket. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown was handed an economy that was roaring. We shall see what the economy is like in 2019.
These poor kids on the left, they've never seen a booming economy in their lifetimes so they think Obama's was "good"

Ya'll need a lesson on how 'Merica used to be, that's all.
Been here since 1943. And have seen many economic swings. President Obama was handed the economy in a basket. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown was handed an economy that was roaring. We shall see what the economy is like in 2019.

LMAO @ Obungle's economy was "roaring" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Roaring economies break 3% GDP
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

It was worse under him than even under Bush which was bad enough.the sad facts are Obama expanded everything Bush got started including ruining the economy. Trump unlike the last several bozo presidents we have had,is bringing jobs back to america.

here it is all in black and white.

Every one of President Obama's signature programs, starting with Obamacare, have brought nothing but death, destruction and economic ruin to the American people. Today, Obamacare is totally collapsing, as millions of working families, living just above the poverty level, are facing premium hikes of 60-70 percent a year, as coverage shrinks.
Obama's Legacy: Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin

proof that Obama expanded everything Bush got started.

For every innocent person killed abroad by Obama's drone wars, overseen personally by President Obama through his regular Tuesday "kill sessions" at the White House,

old rocks troll is black obviously the fact he is so much in denial mode here.lol
Interesting how the polls are wrong when they're against Trump. But when they're in his highness's favor the polls are awesome!
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?
What kind of jobs?
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO
Rasmussen is notoriously right leaning. Of course you run to them.
The fat bitch is at 38% according to the best polling outfit, Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

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