Rasmussen: Trump approval hits 1 month high

Son I didn't give any numbers, nor did I give a poll. I don't believe in polls because pretty much anyone can make a poll say anything they want it to. Polls are bullshit, all of them.

All I'm saying is that a vast swath of the American public is onto the fact that the MSM is full of shit and they've stopped watching it. The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

Show me where the poll has anything to do with the "MSM". Show me any link to this purported poll at all.

Kinda odd that you "don't believe in polls" and yet simultaneously believe this one is derived from the MSM, without any evidence. Doncha think?

Having it both ways: Priceless

"Son" :rofl:

Come off it Pogo, I know you're not that stupid; don't try to pretend to be it just makes you look like a partisan hack.

Many of the polls being talked about in here are MSM polls, but as I said, it doesn't matter /who/ does the polls, they're all inherently biased.

I asked you how you have the basis that this alleged poll is of "folks who still watch the MSM".
And the record shows you have no answer.

Which poll was I "incorrectly" talking about? There were /many/ polls being touted in the thread, I noted that the ones which were being posted up as some kind of evidence were MSM biased polls, and I also noted that /all/ polls are inherently biased.

Son I didn't give any numbers, nor did I give a poll. I don't believe in polls because pretty much anyone can make a poll say anything they want it to. Polls are bullshit, all of them.

All I'm saying is that a vast swath of the American public is onto the fact that the MSM is full of shit and they've stopped watching it. The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

That was, and continues to be, my answer. ~shrug~

Watch Rubin's recent interview with the former National Public Radio CEO about "leaving the liberal bubble" and you should be able to get what I'm saying. They're both far more... patient with their wording than I.

What continues to have been your assertion is that this specific poll was targeted to "those who still watch MSM" and more problematically that they're "all biased". Not only can't you back either of those up but the blanket statement reveals you just don't know how polls work. There's absolutely a science to designing polls so that they're not biased.

Sure it's possible to put a biased one together or a 'push-poll". I've dealt with both, and the difference is clear, but the fact that it's possible to bias a poll in no way means they 'all" are. That's why you first examine the methodology, which will quickly reveal whether that bias is there or not. And for this poll we don't have one. So far we don't even have a link to a poll at all, just Alex Freaking Jones claiming it exists. Without some meat on those bones it's impossible to say who it surveyed, or what it actually says.

Son, you're having a comprehension problem. Again, what did I say?

The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

As I noted, I wasn't specifically talking about the OP's Ramussen poll, it even fucking says it in my god damn quote, which I've now posted three times trying to let you bow out gracefully from your comprehension failure.

It is blatantly obvious to the entire country that the polls didn't work and that they were massively biased left (for Clinton for example), no one really fucking questions that but you partisan hacks. I pointed you to a video about the liberal bubble, from a fucking former NPR [AKA NEWS] CEO no less, which more than substantiates my claim that the MSM bubble dwellers are voting on these MSM polls and thus they are inherently biased. The same goes for whatever Alex Jones polls being biased toward the right-wing bubble.

Look, you can bitch about being wrong all you want, but I think folks in the thread know that you've talked yourself into a circle over nothing here. Could ya a grip please, I'm getting super tired of repeatedly playing your stupid "gotcha games" where you try to back peddle yourself out of your mistakes like a damned six year old. I used to at least somewhat appreciate your posts because you used to put some thought into them, but lately you've lost your damned mind and gone full troll. I don't "discuss" with trolls son, they're just not worth my time. I'd much rather not put you on my "troll list" because I think there's a lot of shit we see eye to eye on that you articulate very well, if you stopped with the bullshit games and hatred you'd have a much better chance of educating folks, or at least guiding them to a path of discovering the "reality" for themselves. You and I both know damn well that the MSM is biased as fuck and that their polls were off because of their biased viewership, why the fuck are you destroying your credibility in order to prop up a blatantly flawed polling system? What the hell is the purpose of doing that to yourself?

Whatever, it's just a damn shame to see seemingly reasonable folks lose it like this over something so stupid as polls. Just sad really. Is your life so wrapped up in politics and your side winning that you can't bare to lose such a weak thread as polls? Ugh man, if it is, do go find a new hobby because seriously that's not healthy.
Show me where the poll has anything to do with the "MSM". Show me any link to this purported poll at all.

Kinda odd that you "don't believe in polls" and yet simultaneously believe this one is derived from the MSM, without any evidence. Doncha think?

Having it both ways: Priceless

"Son" :rofl:

Come off it Pogo, I know you're not that stupid; don't try to pretend to be it just makes you look like a partisan hack.

Many of the polls being talked about in here are MSM polls, but as I said, it doesn't matter /who/ does the polls, they're all inherently biased.

I asked you how you have the basis that this alleged poll is of "folks who still watch the MSM".
And the record shows you have no answer.

Which poll was I "incorrectly" talking about? There were /many/ polls being touted in the thread, I noted that the ones which were being posted up as some kind of evidence were MSM biased polls, and I also noted that /all/ polls are inherently biased.

Son I didn't give any numbers, nor did I give a poll. I don't believe in polls because pretty much anyone can make a poll say anything they want it to. Polls are bullshit, all of them.

All I'm saying is that a vast swath of the American public is onto the fact that the MSM is full of shit and they've stopped watching it. The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

That was, and continues to be, my answer. ~shrug~

Watch Rubin's recent interview with the former National Public Radio CEO about "leaving the liberal bubble" and you should be able to get what I'm saying. They're both far more... patient with their wording than I.

What continues to have been your assertion is that this specific poll was targeted to "those who still watch MSM" and more problematically that they're "all biased". Not only can't you back either of those up but the blanket statement reveals you just don't know how polls work. There's absolutely a science to designing polls so that they're not biased.

Sure it's possible to put a biased one together or a 'push-poll". I've dealt with both, and the difference is clear, but the fact that it's possible to bias a poll in no way means they 'all" are. That's why you first examine the methodology, which will quickly reveal whether that bias is there or not. And for this poll we don't have one. So far we don't even have a link to a poll at all, just Alex Freaking Jones claiming it exists. Without some meat on those bones it's impossible to say who it surveyed, or what it actually says.

Son, you're having a comprehension problem. Again, what did I say?

The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

As I noted, I wasn't specifically talking about the OP's Ramussen poll, it even fucking says it in my god damn quote, which I've now posted three times trying to let you bow out gracefully from your comprehension failure.

It is blatantly obvious to the entire country that the polls didn't work and that they were massively biased left (for Clinton for example), no one really fucking questions that but you partisan hacks. I pointed you to a video about the liberal bubble, from a fucking former NPR [AKA NEWS] CEO no less, which more than substantiates my claim that the MSM bubble dwellers are voting on these MSM polls and thus they are inherently biased. The same goes for whatever Alex Jones polls being biased toward the right-wing bubble.

Look, you can bitch about being wrong all you want, but I think folks in the thread know that you've talked yourself into a circle over nothing here. Could ya a grip please, I'm getting super tired of repeatedly playing your stupid "gotcha games" where you try to back peddle yourself out of your mistakes like a damned six year old. I used to at least somewhat appreciate your posts because you used to put some thought into them, but lately you've lost your damned mind and gone full troll. I don't "discuss" with trolls son, they're just not worth my time. I'd much rather not put you on my "troll list" because I think there's a lot of shit we see eye to eye on that you articulate very well, if you stopped with the bullshit games and hatred you'd have a much better chance of educating folks, or at least guiding them to a path of discovering the "reality" for themselves. You and I both know damn well that the MSM is biased as fuck and that their polls were off because of their biased viewership, why the fuck are you destroying your credibility in order to prop up a blatantly flawed polling system? What the hell is the purpose of doing that to yourself?

Whatever, it's just a damn shame to see seemingly reasonable folks lose it like this over something so stupid as polls. Just sad really. Is your life so wrapped up in politics and your side winning that you can't bare to lose such a weak thread as polls? Ugh man, if it is, do go find a new hobby because seriously that's not healthy.

Actually it's simply because I have some background in statistical analysis, enough to know that a blanket statement like "they're all biased" is bullshit. No more complex than that.

If you don't want to be called on bullshit --- don't post it in the first place, K?

As far as "what did you say" --- roll tape.

Polls are bullshit, all of them.

It's a poll of those folks who still watch the MSM.

Et voilà.
Come off it Pogo, I know you're not that stupid; don't try to pretend to be it just makes you look like a partisan hack.

Many of the polls being talked about in here are MSM polls, but as I said, it doesn't matter /who/ does the polls, they're all inherently biased.

I asked you how you have the basis that this alleged poll is of "folks who still watch the MSM".
And the record shows you have no answer.

Which poll was I "incorrectly" talking about? There were /many/ polls being touted in the thread, I noted that the ones which were being posted up as some kind of evidence were MSM biased polls, and I also noted that /all/ polls are inherently biased.

Son I didn't give any numbers, nor did I give a poll. I don't believe in polls because pretty much anyone can make a poll say anything they want it to. Polls are bullshit, all of them.

All I'm saying is that a vast swath of the American public is onto the fact that the MSM is full of shit and they've stopped watching it. The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

That was, and continues to be, my answer. ~shrug~

Watch Rubin's recent interview with the former National Public Radio CEO about "leaving the liberal bubble" and you should be able to get what I'm saying. They're both far more... patient with their wording than I.

What continues to have been your assertion is that this specific poll was targeted to "those who still watch MSM" and more problematically that they're "all biased". Not only can't you back either of those up but the blanket statement reveals you just don't know how polls work. There's absolutely a science to designing polls so that they're not biased.

Sure it's possible to put a biased one together or a 'push-poll". I've dealt with both, and the difference is clear, but the fact that it's possible to bias a poll in no way means they 'all" are. That's why you first examine the methodology, which will quickly reveal whether that bias is there or not. And for this poll we don't have one. So far we don't even have a link to a poll at all, just Alex Freaking Jones claiming it exists. Without some meat on those bones it's impossible to say who it surveyed, or what it actually says.

Son, you're having a comprehension problem. Again, what did I say?

The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

As I noted, I wasn't specifically talking about the OP's Ramussen poll, it even fucking says it in my god damn quote, which I've now posted three times trying to let you bow out gracefully from your comprehension failure.

It is blatantly obvious to the entire country that the polls didn't work and that they were massively biased left (for Clinton for example), no one really fucking questions that but you partisan hacks. I pointed you to a video about the liberal bubble, from a fucking former NPR [AKA NEWS] CEO no less, which more than substantiates my claim that the MSM bubble dwellers are voting on these MSM polls and thus they are inherently biased. The same goes for whatever Alex Jones polls being biased toward the right-wing bubble.

Look, you can bitch about being wrong all you want, but I think folks in the thread know that you've talked yourself into a circle over nothing here. Could ya a grip please, I'm getting super tired of repeatedly playing your stupid "gotcha games" where you try to back peddle yourself out of your mistakes like a damned six year old. I used to at least somewhat appreciate your posts because you used to put some thought into them, but lately you've lost your damned mind and gone full troll. I don't "discuss" with trolls son, they're just not worth my time. I'd much rather not put you on my "troll list" because I think there's a lot of shit we see eye to eye on that you articulate very well, if you stopped with the bullshit games and hatred you'd have a much better chance of educating folks, or at least guiding them to a path of discovering the "reality" for themselves. You and I both know damn well that the MSM is biased as fuck and that their polls were off because of their biased viewership, why the fuck are you destroying your credibility in order to prop up a blatantly flawed polling system? What the hell is the purpose of doing that to yourself?

Whatever, it's just a damn shame to see seemingly reasonable folks lose it like this over something so stupid as polls. Just sad really. Is your life so wrapped up in politics and your side winning that you can't bare to lose such a weak thread as polls? Ugh man, if it is, do go find a new hobby because seriously that's not healthy.

Actually it's simply because I have some background in statistical analysis, enough to know that a blanket statement like "they're all biased" is bullshit. No more complex than that.

If you don't want to be called on bullshit --- don't post it in the first place, K?

As far as "what did you say" --- roll tape.

Polls are bullshit, all of them.

It's a poll of those folks who still watch the MSM.

Et voilà.

Fourth time dense one and don't take my shit out of context to try to defend your stupid shit:

Son I didn't give any numbers, nor did I give a poll. I don't believe in polls because pretty much anyone can make a poll say anything they want it to. Polls are bullshit, all of them.

All I'm saying is that a vast swath of the American public is onto the fact that the MSM is full of shit and they've stopped watching it. The polls the MSM cite are polls they do of folks watching their shows - which means, they're automatically biased. The ones put out by right leaning sites are also biased, automatically, inherently biased.

Again, why are you trashing your rep on here over such a stupid thing? You're clearly an idiot.
View attachment 168340
Surprising it is that high. pew just came out with a study that showed only 5% of coverage of Trump has been positive, and most attacks were on character, not on policy.
When you have a dumb ass in a job that requires high competence, you will get negative reviews.
That incompetent dumbass beat the pantsuits off of Hillary.

That makes anyone who voted against Trump the people who got beat by an incompetent dumbass.
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO

One month high? This is good?
View attachment 168340
Surprising it is that high. pew just came out with a study that showed only 5% of coverage of Trump has been positive, and most attacks were on character, not on policy.
When you have a dumb ass in a job that requires high competence, you will get negative reviews.
That incompetent dumbass beat the pantsuits off of Hillary.

That makes anyone who voted against Trump the people who got beat by an incompetent dumbass.
Now here we have a real dumb fuck. Hillary got about 3 million more votes than did the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. The Russians did the numbers for his campaign, and it worked. And the clown cooperated with them. Now we need to know what the quid pro was.
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO

One month high? This is good?

Yeah that title doesn't do him much good does it " One month high" lol.........

Despite Fake News, Trump’s Approval Ratings Are Rising

RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO
I reject the premise because you seem to think that opposing the Teump presidency is anti-American. We are all Americans and pledging loyalty to someone unworthy of it is Authoritarianism. And that political ideology is what is widely considered to be actually anti-American. You cannot govern without compromise in the constitutional system we have here.

Outright refusal to even acknowledge your opposites as American, when that opposition is committed to making the country work for all its citizens, shows a bit of political hubris that has historically failed.

Phrase your OP in a more 'American" manner.
Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/8 - 12/28 -- 39.3 56.4 -17.1
Gallup 12/26 - 12/28 1500 A 38 57 -19
Rasmussen Reports 12/26 - 12/28 1500 LV 45 53 -8
Economist/YouGov 12/24 - 12/26 1004 RV 43 53 -10
Reuters/Ipsos 12/15 - 12/19 2492 A 35 60 -25
Quinnipiac 12/13 - 12/18 1230 RV 37 59 -22
CNN 12/14 - 12/17 898 RV 36 59 -23
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 12/13 - 12/15 900 A 41 56 -15
CNBC 12/10 - 12/13 800 A 42 49 -7
PPP (D) 12/11 - 12/12 862 RV 41 56 -15
Monmouth 12/10 - 12/12 702 RV 33 59 -26
Harvard-Harris 12/8 - 12/11 1989 RV 41 59 -18
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
Poor Fat Donnie

Finally passes major legislation and still can't crack 50 percent

Even on Rassmussen
Even Rasmussen won’t tell us how many of each party they surveyed.Most that do show Dems far outnumber those surveyed of the Repa.
Poor Fat Donnie

Finally passes major legislation and still can't crack 50 percent

Even on Rassmussen
Rasmussen was the ONLY poll to have the elections correct.

All of the rest of the fake propaganda polls designed to influence Americans were wrong.

Which elections?

The one where kuuunt lost. That one. The one where the pathetic stupid snot nosed losers cried. That election
It's interesting how much visceral hatred the left has for Trump and anyone who supports him.

I guess the plus side is it's really just the political ones, which is probably only like 10ish percent of D voters, out of around 50ish percent of the total US population of voters (average ball park.) So basically maybe 6-7M + some unknown percent of the 11-14M illegals who hate Trump because he represents the end of their free rides, and of course those folks who join in on anything America hating (a lot of the socialists probably, communists surely, the criminals & gangs, the wanna-be-terrorists, the anarchists, etc.)

I suppose it sounds a bit terrible to estimate that 7M American's have lost their minds this year, but it helps to keep in mind that they say that some 40M American's have mental health issues, so I'm sure we could whittle that number down even further taking out the genuinely crazy ones. Probably could cut it down a bit further accounting for the college kids who are a bit stupid yet (the difference between being "educated" and being "wise" is quite vast.)

The thing to remember is that these 6-7M, or whatever's left of the "sane" and "reasonable" American voters who hate Trump, will eventually lose their voices. The MSM is completely self-destructing in their seditious attacks on the president and at some point the mindless hatred they have is going to bury them. Most American's don't give two shits about the circus around the elections, nor do they listen to the 24/7 hatred from the MSM, they watch an hour or two of news a night (if that.) Most American's look at their paychecks and their taxes, they look at the economy and their bank accounts and IRAs. Then there's the business folks who look at their profit margins and the regulations they have to deal with. THAT is the playing field where Trump is winning. Despite all the incoherent screaming and panicking from the left's fruit loops, the reality is that the vast majority of average American voter's aren't listening to their hysterics.
The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

It was worse under him than even under Bush which was bad enough.the sad facts are Obama expanded everything Bush got started including ruining the economy. Trump unlike the last several bozo presidents we have had,is bringing jobs back to america.

here it is all in black and white.

Every one of President Obama's signature programs, starting with Obamacare, have brought nothing but death, destruction and economic ruin to the American people. Today, Obamacare is totally collapsing, as millions of working families, living just above the poverty level, are facing premium hikes of 60-70 percent a year, as coverage shrinks.
Obama's Legacy: Death, Destruction and Economic Ruin

proof that Obama expanded everything Bush got started.

For every innocent person killed abroad by Obama's drone wars, overseen personally by President Obama through his regular Tuesday "kill sessions" at the White House,

old rocks troll is black obviously the fact he is so much in denial mode here.lol

pesky facts old rocks is in denial mode on. LOL. as everyone knows,Bush left Obama quite a huge mess when he left office,sadly.Obama expanded that mess that Bush started and made the economy an even bigger mess than it was under Bush for Trump.

pics in a video speak a thousand words.lol

Obama has ruined the economy. Stores are closing. Jobs are being lost.:thup:

You need a few brains.
Apparently you don't have as many as my daughter who started a $150mm business.
Or my 22 yr old Neice who started at $90k with a plastics engineering degree
Rasmussen was the ONLY poll to have the elections correct.

All of the rest of the fake propaganda polls designed to influence Americans were wrong.

Which elections?

The one where kuuunt lost. That one. The one where the pathetic stupid snot nosed losers cried. That election

Nice foul mouth.
I presume you are a member of the C grabber all white cult?
It's interesting how much visceral hatred the left has for Trump and anyone who supports him.

I guess the plus side is it's really just the political ones, which is probably only like 10ish percent of D voters, out of around 50ish percent of the total US population of voters (average ball park.) So basically maybe 6-7M + some unknown percent of the 11-14M illegals who hate Trump because he represents the end of their free rides, and of course those folks who join in on anything America hating (a lot of the socialists probably, communists surely, the criminals & gangs, the wanna-be-terrorists, the anarchists, etc.)

I suppose it sounds a bit terrible to estimate that 7M American's have lost their minds this year, but it helps to keep in mind that they say that some 40M American's have mental health issues, so I'm sure we could whittle that number down even further taking out the genuinely crazy ones. Probably could cut it down a bit further accounting for the college kids who are a bit stupid yet (the difference between being "educated" and being "wise" is quite vast.)

The thing to remember is that these 6-7M, or whatever's left of the "sane" and "reasonable" American voters who hate Trump, will eventually lose their voices. The MSM is completely self-destructing in their seditious attacks on the president and at some point the mindless hatred they have is going to bury them. Most American's don't give two shits about the circus around the elections, nor do they listen to the 24/7 hatred from the MSM, they watch an hour or two of news a night (if that.) Most American's look at their paychecks and their taxes, they look at the economy and their bank accounts and IRAs. Then there's the business folks who look at their profit margins and the regulations they have to deal with. THAT is the playing field where Trump is winning. Despite all the incoherent screaming and panicking from the left's fruit loops, the reality is that the vast majority of average American voter's aren't listening to their hysterics.
Visceral hatred?
Where did you get
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO
Reminds me of my ex wife's approval.
45% !!!! WOW
I suspect the ratings will go up as the economy takes off. Eventually even the MSM won't be able to hide the reality from their remaining watchers.

The economy "took off" under Obama. RWNJs are still lying about it.

As for the OP, even if true, ONE MONTH?

Rasmussen is counting on the fact that trumpkins can't count.

Obungle's "economy" was anemic at best.

65 straight months of positive job growth is "anemic"?

13 million jobs created under his administration is "anemic"?
That was all fake news.
Now the same numbers are giving the C grabber cult orgasms.
3% some months?
Obama had them
It's interesting how much visceral hatred the left has for Trump and anyone who supports him.

I guess the plus side is it's really just the political ones, which is probably only like 10ish percent of D voters, out of around 50ish percent of the total US population of voters (average ball park.) So basically maybe 6-7M + some unknown percent of the 11-14M illegals who hate Trump because he represents the end of their free rides, and of course those folks who join in on anything America hating (a lot of the socialists probably, communists surely, the criminals & gangs, the wanna-be-terrorists, the anarchists, etc.)

I suppose it sounds a bit terrible to estimate that 7M American's have lost their minds this year, but it helps to keep in mind that they say that some 40M American's have mental health issues, so I'm sure we could whittle that number down even further taking out the genuinely crazy ones. Probably could cut it down a bit further accounting for the college kids who are a bit stupid yet (the difference between being "educated" and being "wise" is quite vast.)

The thing to remember is that these 6-7M, or whatever's left of the "sane" and "reasonable" American voters who hate Trump, will eventually lose their voices. The MSM is completely self-destructing in their seditious attacks on the president and at some point the mindless hatred they have is going to bury them. Most American's don't give two shits about the circus around the elections, nor do they listen to the 24/7 hatred from the MSM, they watch an hour or two of news a night (if that.) Most American's look at their paychecks and their taxes, they look at the economy and their bank accounts and IRAs. Then there's the business folks who look at their profit margins and the regulations they have to deal with. THAT is the playing field where Trump is winning. Despite all the incoherent screaming and panicking from the left's fruit loops, the reality is that the vast majority of average American voter's aren't listening to their hysterics.
Visceral hatred?
Where did you get
RASMUSSEN: Trump Approval Hits 1 Month High
President Donald Trump hit 45 percent approval in the daily Rasmussen approval tracking poll Wednesday, marking his highest since November 15.

Anti American won't accept because they prefer to believe the msm bs lies rather than the truth. Their lies are their bible of truth I tell yah . LMFAO
Reminds me of my ex wife's approval.
45% !!!! WOW

Your post makes no sense, care to try again?

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