Rat Media Mission: DESTROY RUDY!

Arm-twitching, attempted goatee wearing Rat idiot Chuck Todd led off another MTP this morning with a 10 minute smear job on Giuliani. The premise being that Rudy has "coarsened political discourse" by calling out Barry for being the America-hating manchurian muslim that he obviously is. Nothing was said about the vile and venal insults directed at Bush43 for 8 years.

Nothing was said about the fact that Obama is not only the worst president ever elected in any country (yeah,including Zimbabwe), or that what Rudy said is what most of the US is becoming aware of. No, Rudy must be destroyed for telling the truth about their joke of a leader.


Of course the Meet the Depressed panel heartily agreed with Chucky's feigned outrage. They suckered ol Haley Barbour into appearing and sandbagged him with their "Rudy is the Devil" theme. Barbour tricked Chucky by staying on topic about the disaster that is the Hussein regime of crybabies and criminals, reminding Todd that Rudy is out of politics and can say what he pleases.

Meanwhile the WH mouthpiece is calling Rudy "sad"; ie demented and heinous for telling the truth about the Kenyan fool. All one has to do is look at the words and actions taken over the last 6 years to know Rudy believes we can't put up with this much longer. The evidence is in and the picture is clearing even for those who don't want to believe it. Allowing another two years of an Obama presidency will surely end in a permanently crippled America.

Ah yes...photoshop sure shows the truth of your statements.....:lol:
"Rat Media Mission: DESTROY RUDY!"


Giuliani has only himself to blame for his unwarranted, hateful, and untrue statements concerning the president.

Conservatives need to learn to take personal responsibility for a change, and stop blaming 'the media' for their problems and failures.

Good boy! sit, roll over, PLAY DEAD.
sorry, but that was just funny.
Giuliani did it to himself. It is called being responsible for one's actions and words. He appeals to idiots with classless statements. .he is the Howard Stern of politics. He has defined himself.

No, Obozo defined himself....Rudy just pointed out what we already knew.
That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.
Pot meet kettle,your kind have no shame at all do you?
And.....you love your country.

You bet I do...NYC seceded from the Union when they elected carpetbagger Clinton as their Senator....(I'd still defend upstate NYers)....far as I'm concerned they can either act like Americans or fend for themselves.
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That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.

You're a forum idiot pretending you're a coon when you're white as a dirty snowball.
says the fake marine who tried to steal military valor.
That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.

You're a forum idiot pretending you're a coon when you're white as a dirty snowball.
says the fake marine who tried to steal military valor.
You of course have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed he was a Marine?
That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.

You're a forum idiot pretending you're a coon when you're white as a dirty snowball.
says the fake marine who tried to steal military valor.
You of course have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed he was a Marine?
ask Derideo_Te
That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.

You're a forum idiot pretending you're a coon when you're white as a dirty snowball.
says the fake marine who tried to steal military valor.
You of course have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed he was a Marine?
ask Derideo_Te
Who is that, your "partner"?
Meh, Rudy isn't running for anything, and this whole thing will be forgotten long before the elections start.

They are wasting time running a circle jerk with each other.

They are going to use it against Scott Walker...
Then use it against all the other candidates...
That too...doesn't change the fact, RUdy has no class.

He is no better than a forum idiot calling Obama "Obozo" and other creative names on the interweb.

You're a forum idiot pretending you're a coon when you're white as a dirty snowball.
says the fake marine who tried to steal military valor.
You of course have a link to a post where Kurtz claimed he was a Marine?
ask Derideo_Te

Here are some of the posts were BSKrudz is exposed as a fake wannabe marine.

Frog Satire Blamed For Massacre.... Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Note that he did have "USMC" appended to his name back then.

In the following post he asks why Discombobulated doesn't.


IRosie then points out that it is wrong to falsely claim to have been a marine;


BSKrudz then tacitly admits that he was never a marine;


Ravi chimes in and so does iRosie and then Discombobulated says it straight out and BSKrudz subsequently has the USMC removed from his name;


But as you can see from those images his posts were referenced when he was still using USMC appended to his name.

There is no doubt whatsoever the BSKrudz LIED about being a marine.

Roadrunner is my brother ya little faggot.....but hey, you're too weak to come up with a real charge so stick with this one....I don't mind...it makes me laugh.

Your lies are all over USMB in multiple posts, fake wannabe marineboy!

You don't have the cojones or the honesty and integrity to ever be a marine.

You will never live down being exposed as lying about being marine either.

Just be a man for once in your life and admit that you were lying your fat dumb ass off.
Your lies are all over USMB in multiple posts, fake wannabe marineboy!

You don't have the cojones or the honesty and integrity to ever be a marine.

You will never live down being exposed as lying about being marine either.

Just be a man for once in your life and admit that you were lying your fat dumb ass off.


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