Rational Americans vs Democrats (Tax Cut Edition)

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

The laugh is YOU not caring about the debt now that the GOP is in power.

Who said I don't care about the deficit? However, I also care about economic growth, and I am always in favor of cutting government revenues. Government will never shrink if we keep shoveling more money at it.
1.5 trillion in debt & you don't care. Quit pretending you do. You got a tax cut & said "fuck America".

When more money into the private sector causes the GDP to increase, these tax changes will be profitable. Monitor GOVT revenue intake if you care.
Why do we have any debt and why will our debt be increasing.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

The child tax credit is a handout and has been since enacted. Why should one get rewarded to reproduce?

Where I used to work, I helped a co-worker do her taxes one year. She made about $40,000 a year gross, had two qualifying kids,
paid about $900 in federal income tax. With the GOP's doubling of the child tax credit, she would now not just pay zero in federal income tax,

but she would get a check from the government, since a percentage of the child tax credit is refundable.

btw, the same year, without kids, I paid $4000 in federal tax on about the same income.
I paid almost $40,000 in federal income taxes in a single year.
Same, and about 10 years ago the irs rejected my mileage and hit me for an additional 10k.
Prove it.

prove that you are a hypocritical partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum?

All anyone has to do is read your post and they will know that you are a hypocritical partisan hack. you prove that with almost every post.

No, dumbass, prove that you ever complained about the deficit when Obama was on the throne. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

What would you like, a signed affidavit by those who have known me since the 80s?

By the way, we do not have a throne, but the fact that you think so tells us a lot about you.

Bottom line, there is only one of us in this discussion that cares about the debt, and it is not you.

Spare us. You're like a big neon sign that says "HYPOCRITE!" in flashing letters

This from the guy that cried for 8 years about the debt and now does not give a shit about it. Keep trying the deflection, but your own post give you away.

You do not give a fuck about the debt or deficit growing as long as you get a few bucks back in your paycheck. Fuck the future generation, you are getting yours and that is all that matters to you.
Just a quick question.

You joined this year but act as though you know someone's posting history of the last 8 years.
Are you an alt? Or are you just making assumptions?
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

The child tax credit is a handout and has been since enacted. Why should one get rewarded to reproduce?

Where I used to work, I helped a co-worker do her taxes one year. She made about $40,000 a year gross, had two qualifying kids,
paid about $900 in federal income tax. With the GOP's doubling of the child tax credit, she would now not just pay zero in federal income tax,

but she would get a check from the government, since a percentage of the child tax credit is refundable.

btw, the same year, without kids, I paid $4000 in federal tax on about the same income.
Your problem is with the tax code but you act out with envy & anger towards fellow Americans that get different tax breaks than you.
It's all about YOU.
It is all about the debt.

When are the structural improvements to our economy going to happen.
Sir, how many times does it take you to understand? Your diversion is noted, your games are not appreciated.
Projecting much. You still have nothing but fallacy Instead of a valid argument that supports your position.

Please go back and reread what I told you, the soundness of my argument is why you try to divert.
No, you didn't. You have nothing but the fallacy of diversión by not presenting your argument.

I’m done with your BS, I totally explained and you don’t like the answer so you don’t accept it. Fine but to claim the fallacy, diversion BS, shows us your dishonesty.
Nothing but repeal is all the right wing has. If you had a valid argument, you would present it.

Just typical right wing tactics.

I presented, you are clueless and Causeless.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

The child tax credit is a handout and has been since enacted. Why should one get rewarded to reproduce?

Where I used to work, I helped a co-worker do her taxes one year. She made about $40,000 a year gross, had two qualifying kids,
paid about $900 in federal income tax. With the GOP's doubling of the child tax credit, she would now not just pay zero in federal income tax,

but she would get a check from the government, since a percentage of the child tax credit is refundable.

btw, the same year, without kids, I paid $4000 in federal tax on about the same income.

I'll note that you are excluding payroll taxes from your estimate of her tax burden.

You should seriously support a flat tax of no more than 15% for everyone for income above the poverty level threshhold. No deductions, no exemptions, no credits - and get rid of SS/Medicare and other federal taxes. That would be proper tax reform, imho.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Here is a rational American's response: how is it going to pay for itself?

Never heard a lefty ask that in the eight years of Obama.
They were too rich to fail. Any questions?

That is what I said with Obama, and the left to this day said yes, the rich were too big to fail. I say let them fail.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

Use that line of argument to the bank that holds your mortgage the next time you don't feel like making a payment.

Specious reasoning, bub. I am supporting property rights, not gimme gimme pea green with envy mob rule as you are. Part of respecting property rights is honoring ones debts and commitments FREELY MADE to others.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

Use that line of argument to the bank that holds your mortgage the next time you don't feel like making a payment.

The bank isn't the government, moron. You agreed to pay the bank. No one ever agreed to pay the government a fucking cent.

Another Trumpette who think he should not contribute to run his own country., "Oh Oh Oh they are stealing from me OH OH oH"

Your lack of cognitive abilities is truly SAD!
prove that you are a hypocritical partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum?

All anyone has to do is read your post and they will know that you are a hypocritical partisan hack. you prove that with almost every post.

No, dumbass, prove that you ever complained about the deficit when Obama was on the throne. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

What would you like, a signed affidavit by those who have known me since the 80s?

By the way, we do not have a throne, but the fact that you think so tells us a lot about you.

Bottom line, there is only one of us in this discussion that cares about the debt, and it is not you.

Spare us. You're like a big neon sign that says "HYPOCRITE!" in flashing letters

This from the guy that cried for 8 years about the debt and now does not give a shit about it. Keep trying the deflection, but your own post give you away.

You do not give a fuck about the debt or deficit growing as long as you get a few bucks back in your paycheck. Fuck the future generation, you are getting yours and that is all that matters to you.
Just a quick question.

You joined this year but act as though you know someone's posting history of the last 8 years.
Are you an alt? Or are you just making assumptions?

This is my one and only account on this forum.

Since I have joined he has complained more times than i can count about the debt added by Obama. Using that knowledge along with all the other negative things he has said about Obama I made the educated guess how he felt about the debt while Obama was in office.

Now, perhaps I am wrong and he did not give a shit about the debt from Obama till Obama was out of office, but that makes little sense so I am comfortable with my assumptions.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Here is a rational American's response: how is it going to pay for itself?

Never heard a lefty ask that in the eight years of Obama.
They were too rich to fail. Any questions?

That is what I said with Obama, and the left to this day said yes, the rich were too big to fail. I say let them fail.
The right wing is all political talk and no political action in this case.
No, dumbass, prove that you ever complained about the deficit when Obama was on the throne. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

What would you like, a signed affidavit by those who have known me since the 80s?

By the way, we do not have a throne, but the fact that you think so tells us a lot about you.

Bottom line, there is only one of us in this discussion that cares about the debt, and it is not you.

Spare us. You're like a big neon sign that says "HYPOCRITE!" in flashing letters

This from the guy that cried for 8 years about the debt and now does not give a shit about it. Keep trying the deflection, but your own post give you away.

You do not give a fuck about the debt or deficit growing as long as you get a few bucks back in your paycheck. Fuck the future generation, you are getting yours and that is all that matters to you.
Just a quick question.

You joined this year but act as though you know someone's posting history of the last 8 years.
Are you an alt? Or are you just making assumptions?

This is my one and only account on this forum.

Since I have joined he has complained more times than i can count about the debt added by Obama. Using that knowledge along with all the other negative things he has said about Obama I made the educated guess how he felt about the debt while Obama was in office.

Now, perhaps I am wrong and he did not give a shit about the debt from Obama till Obama was out of office, but that makes little sense so I am comfortable with my assumptions.
You are not wrong. We all complained about the debt.

But I submit to you that the debt he created was not the same type of debt. Solynda, GM, Iran, Carve outs for insurance companies, etc..

That money didn't go to the spending public who would filter it back into the economy & spark growth. It didn't go to it's original source.
If you're going to create debt create it with those who gave you the money to begin with. The people who will put it back into the economy nearly as soon as they get it. While at the same time making us competitive globally.

Ps. Bripat also bitched about republicans. Even started a gofund me to oust the speaker.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
only because you are reading or listening ONLY to right wing spin and do not read or watch anything on the other outlets.

As was said BEFORE by me to you, the Democrats ARE NOT AGAINST the tax cuts for the middle class and poor. they even wanted them to be GREATER for the middle class and poor.

they did NOT want 83% of the money our gvt has to borrow to finance this tax cut, going to the very wealthiest, and the corporations.

NOW Cease and desist! :D
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
only because you are reading or listening ONLY to right wing spin and do not read or watch anything on the other outlets.

As was said BEFORE by me to you, the Democrats ARE NOT AGAINST the tax cuts for the middle class and poor. they even wanted them to be GREATER for the middle class and poor.

they did NOT want 83% of the money our gvt has to borrow to finance this tax cut, going to the very wealthiest, and the corporations.

NOW Cease and desist!
Talking out of your ass again Care...
I watch all 3 cable news networks and I listen to local talk that presents both sides.

So trust me when I say I don't mean literally when I tell you to blow it out of your ass.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Here is a rational American's response: how is it going to pay for itself?

Never heard a lefty ask that in the eight years of Obama.
They were too rich to fail. Any questions?

That is what I said with Obama, and the left to this day said yes, the rich were too big to fail. I say let them fail.
The right wing is all political talk and no political action in this case.

Tax reform is an action.
As Careforall has demonstrated the left are willing to burn it all down because the rich got a tax cut too. She perfectly illustrated my op and doesn't even realize it.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
only because you are reading or listening ONLY to right wing spin and do not read or watch anything on the other outlets.

As was said BEFORE by me to you, the Democrats ARE NOT AGAINST the tax cuts for the middle class and poor. they even wanted them to be GREATER for the middle class and poor.

they did NOT want 83% of the money our gvt has to borrow to finance this tax cut, going to the very wealthiest, and the corporations.

NOW Cease and desist!
Talking out of your ass again Care...
I watch all 3 cable news networks and I listen to local talk that presents both sides.

So trust me when I say I don't mean literally when I tell you to blow it out of your ass.
then your comprehension of the english language is nil.

You clearly do not understand the issue, or the responses to the issue....and what the complaints are on this tax cut bill and that's a darn shame....because you've allowed yourself to be a mouthpiece and pawn of the lying through their teeth, Republicans/conservative media.
Here is a rational American's response: how is it going to pay for itself?

Never heard a lefty ask that in the eight years of Obama.
They were too rich to fail. Any questions?

That is what I said with Obama, and the left to this day said yes, the rich were too big to fail. I say let them fail.
The right wing is all political talk and no political action in this case.

Tax reform is an action.
Doesn't seem like reform, it seems more like income redistribution that benefits those with the most capital.
Never heard a lefty ask that in the eight years of Obama.
They were too rich to fail. Any questions?

That is what I said with Obama, and the left to this day said yes, the rich were too big to fail. I say let them fail.
The right wing is all political talk and no political action in this case.

Tax reform is an action.
Doesn't seem like reform, it seems more like income redistribution that benefits those with the most capital.

You need to pay to reap the benefit.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
only because you are reading or listening ONLY to right wing spin and do not read or watch anything on the other outlets.

As was said BEFORE by me to you, the Democrats ARE NOT AGAINST the tax cuts for the middle class and poor. they even wanted them to be GREATER for the middle class and poor.

they did NOT want 83% of the money our gvt has to borrow to finance this tax cut, going to the very wealthiest, and the corporations.

NOW Cease and desist!
Talking out of your ass again Care...
I watch all 3 cable news networks and I listen to local talk that presents both sides.

So trust me when I say I don't mean literally when I tell you to blow it out of your ass.
then your comprehension of the english language is nil.

You clearly do not understand the issue, or the responses to the issue....and what the complaints are on this tax cut bill and that's a darn shame....because you've allowed yourself to be a mouthpiece and pawn of the lying through their teeth, Republicans/conservative media.
I understand the responses by the public PERFECTLY.
The left and the media drone on and on with lies and half truths hourly, everyday. THAT is why the bill isn't approved of by the public.
Your witch hunt campaign has been successful but you have one problem.....once the tax cuts kick in your campaign of lies will be fully exposed.

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