Rational Americans vs Democrats (Tax Cut Edition)

When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

Since that's a lie, I'm not surprised that someone like you keeps posting it.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

The laugh is YOU not caring about the debt now that the GOP is in power.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Here is a rational American's response: how is it going to pay for itself?
Honestly, that isn't my problem. That is YOUR illusion that tax cuts need to be paid for not mine.

If you want to get a grip on the debt then address the OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING not MY WALLET.

If you insist that spending be cut, why are you supporting tax cuts that don't include spending cuts?
If we stopped paying for all of the refugees we bring here....that would cut the deficit.
If we stopped paying for medical, housing, and food for all of the illegals the Democrats brought here....that would cut $162,000,000,000.00 from the annual deficit.
Then they would self-deport.

Did it hurt pulling that number out?
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

The child tax credit is a handout and has been since enacted. Why should one get rewarded to reproduce?

Where I used to work, I helped a co-worker do her taxes one year. She made about $40,000 a year gross, had two qualifying kids,
paid about $900 in federal income tax. With the GOP's doubling of the child tax credit, she would now not just pay zero in federal income tax,

but she would get a check from the government, since a percentage of the child tax credit is refundable.

btw, the same year, without kids, I paid $4000 in federal tax on about the same income.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

Use that line of argument to the bank that holds your mortgage the next time you don't feel like making a payment.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

Since that's a lie, I'm not surprised that someone like you keeps posting it.

It's the absolute truth. Can you post one example of a Dim whining about the deficit during the Messiah's administration?
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

Use that line of argument to the bank that holds your mortgage the next time you don't feel like making a payment.

The bank isn't the government, moron. You agreed to pay the bank. No one ever agreed to pay the government a fucking cent.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

The laugh is YOU not caring about the debt now that the GOP is in power.

Who said I don't care about the deficit? However, I also care about economic growth, and I am always in favor of cutting government revenues. Government will never shrink if we keep shoveling more money at it.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

The child tax credit is a handout and has been since enacted. Why should one get rewarded to reproduce?

Where I used to work, I helped a co-worker do her taxes one year. She made about $40,000 a year gross, had two qualifying kids,
paid about $900 in federal income tax. With the GOP's doubling of the child tax credit, she would now not just pay zero in federal income tax,

but she would get a check from the government, since a percentage of the child tax credit is refundable.

btw, the same year, without kids, I paid $4000 in federal tax on about the same income.
I paid almost $40,000 in federal income taxes in a single year.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

It’s not adding $1.5 Trillion. The FY18 budget is $4 trillion with $3.6 trillion estimated tax revenue. There is a deficit of $440 billion. Not even close to “$1.5 trillion” being parroted by mindless liberals.

I’m all for cutting spending on the Department of Education and the EPA to help bring that down. Are you?

The analysis says 1.5 trillion on TOP of expected deficits over the next 10 years.

Over the next ten years, LOL. More monkey math by progressive hacks.

It's "monkey math" for people who don't know simple terms like "deficit" and "debt."
If you want to get serious about the national debt....first you have to balance the budget. That is pretty easy to do. Freeze all Federal spending. No increases for the next 3 years. No COLA. Nothing. Every department, every program. Period. The budget is balanced in less than 3 years.

-and at the same time-

Eliminate all Foreign Aid- 100% cut. Sorry.
Cut Defense Spending by 10%. There is so much fat here...it will be easy.
Gradually raise the retirement age (for Social Security) to 70 (early retirement at 65).
Block grant Medicaid to the States.
Pass a balanced Budget Amendment to the COTUS.

Until they take steps like these, we only have one alternative, STARVE THE BEAST.
I don't really like the age thing for Social Security, but the rest is okay.

I still would eliminate the baseline budgeting law. Force every department to justify their budgets.

We are going to have to raise the age thing for SS some day unless we radically transform how SS is constituted.
It's one thing to be rich when you get elected.....quite another to make yourself rich while earning a Congressional wage.
How does one become a multi-millionaire living in Washington D.C. on only $175k/yr?

It is the legal system of bribery we have that is called lobbying.
Bribery isn't legal.
Every time Obama moves into a new multi-million dollar estate that belongs to some billionaire....that's call taking a bribe.
The president of Brazil got caught doing exactly that, and he was booted out of office and currently is on trial for corruption.

There are many forms of bribery that are legal in this country ,we just give them code names like "campaign donations" or "lobbying" to make them sound better
There are laws that limit the amounts on donations.
I know of no law that allows the Clintons to take a $750,000 bribe to give a speech for Russian officials.
I also know of no law that allows the Clinton Foundation to take $140 million donations from foreign governments.

There is no law that limits how much a person can make for giving a speech. To suggest there should be is not a very conservative point of view.

There is no law that stops foreign entities from donating to US charities.

There's not, but he has a point.

Even if everything was on the up and up, a government or foreign entity donating to a highly visible charity connected to the Secretary of State and Presidential candidate leaves the perception of possible corruption.

The Clinton Foundation was an incredibly stupid thing to do.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

I always laugh when right wing wackjobs no longer give a shit about the debt. Morons like you complained about it every day for 8 straight years (which I did too, by the way) and now that the resident of the White House has changed debt is not a big deal.

That is the difference between you and I, what you care about is dictated by the party affiliation of the person sitting in the Oval Office, what I care about does not change with each election.

You are just one more hypocrite partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

I always laugh when right wing wackjobs no longer give a shit about the debt. Morons like you complained about it every day for 8 straight years (which I did too, by the way) and now that the resident of the White House has changed debt is not a big deal.

That is the difference between you and I, what you care about is dictated by the party affiliation of the person sitting in the Oval Office, what I care about does not change with each election.

You are just one more hypocrite partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum.

Prove it.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

The laugh is YOU not caring about the debt now that the GOP is in power.

Who said I don't care about the deficit? However, I also care about economic growth, and I am always in favor of cutting government revenues. Government will never shrink if we keep shoveling more money at it.
1.5 trillion in debt & you don't care. Quit pretending you do. You got a tax cut & said "fuck America".
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

The laugh is YOU not caring about the debt now that the GOP is in power.

Who said I don't care about the deficit? However, I also care about economic growth, and I am always in favor of cutting government revenues. Government will never shrink if we keep shoveling more money at it.
1.5 trillion in debt & you don't care. Quit pretending you do. You got a tax cut & said "fuck America".
No, I said fuck the federal government. Why shouldn't I say that when it always fucks me?

If you really cared about the deficit, you would call for spending cuts, but your ilk never does. Everything you say is phoney.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.

Do you not give a shit about adding a minimum of 1.5 trillion to the debt that she or her kids will have to deal with?

I always laugh When leftwingers start whining about the debt. They were totally unconcerned about the $10 trillion Obama added, but no all of a sudden they are concerned? How can anyone not laugh at that?

I always laugh when right wing wackjobs no longer give a shit about the debt. Morons like you complained about it every day for 8 straight years (which I did too, by the way) and now that the resident of the White House has changed debt is not a big deal.

That is the difference between you and I, what you care about is dictated by the party affiliation of the person sitting in the Oval Office, what I care about does not change with each election.

You are just one more hypocrite partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum.

Prove it.

prove that you are a hypocritical partisan hack that laughs at people for doing the exact same thing you do daily on this forum?

All anyone has to do is read your post and they will know that you are a hypocritical partisan hack. you prove that with almost every post.
When I think about the tax cuts I think about how much it will help my children who are just starting out on their path in life. The child tax credit doubling will help my daughter tremendously. She may have options for paying off some of her student loans or using the extra money to take even more classes.
The 20 to 40 bucks she saves on her taxes each week will fill her gas tank relieving her of that burden or help her reduce her child care costs.

When the left thinks about tax cuts they think about everyone but their family & Friends. They would leave their own out on the street if it ment knocking the rich man down a peg or two.

This is the image YOU give with your constant bitching about the tax cuts.
What???? She had a kid & couldn't afford it??? Now gets a government handout???? OMG OMG OMG

Keeping more of one's own money is not a government handout.


Get a grip.

Use that line of argument to the bank that holds your mortgage the next time you don't feel like making a payment.

The bank isn't the government, moron. You agreed to pay the bank. No one ever agreed to pay the government a fucking cent.

Another Trumpette who think he should not contribute to run his own country., "Oh Oh Oh they are stealing from me OH OH oH"

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