"Rational" Republicans Threaten Third-Party if Cheney's Replaced.

A third party with 100 people. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :banana: :itsok:

We now have:
  1. THE CHENEY PARTY: the tiny party that'll never win anything but holds its heads up high on values of blind ideals of conservatism.
  2. THE TRUMP PARTY: that actually fights for America and traditional values to stave off progression of Progressives!
  3. THE DUMBOCRIT PARTY: same ol' DNC, just now radicalized, anti white, anti-America, anti-borders, anti-English, anti-gun, anti-Christian, and pro socialism.
Lez Cheney: such a good conservative that she's trying her damnedest now to defeat Make America Great because she is committed to defending the worst election in history so that Bidden-Hairy can run amok without restraint!
What appears to be ignored in the Liz Cheney thing is the huge difference between disagreeing with President Trump (which ALL Republicans do, from time to time), and using your Republican leadership position to publicly slander the most prominent Republican of the last two generations.

This the Republican equivalent of, let's say, Chuck Schumer coming out and publicly calling Barack Obama the most racially divisive figure in Democrat history. It is perfectly acceptable for him to hold that opinion, or even to share it privately with a couple close associates, but...

For all his many faults, Obama doesn't come close to matching Jim Crow Democrats when it comes to being racially divisive. Trump, however, is a life-long con man (Don the Con) who incited a riot on January 6, 2021 in order to overturn a reasonably fair election which he lost. Will you continue to believe his Big Lie if he goes to prison?
For those who thought they would never care about who was the third most important House Republican, Liz Cheney's expected ouster from her leadership position has inspired 100 former Republican leaders drop a letter tomorrow (Thursday 5/13) saying if their party does not separate itself from the former president, they will form a third party:
The Whigs Collapsed Over Slavery. Could the GOP Over Trump?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"The letter, headlined: 'A Call For American Renewal,' is an exploratory move toward forming a breakaway party, two of its organizers said.

"The group is dismayed by what it says is a modern Republican Party driven by its allegiance to Trump, who continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him..."

"A spokesman for Trump, Jason Miller, said: 'These losers left the Republican Party when they voted for Joe Biden.'

"Evan McMullin, a former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference and an independent presidential candidate in 2016, said if the Republican Party does not reject lies and extremism, part of it 'will have no choice but to part ways with it and build something new. We’re excited about that prospect.'"

Imho, if four years of Biden has the same effect on Democrats as Trump has had on Republicans, the US may finally get rid of its two-party political monopoly.

They better get busy and start one.

The trump people who control the republican party now have continued their cancel culture rampage and voted her out of leadership.

Who will be next?

Talk about cancel culture.
Patriotic Republicans must rebuke Trump, his followers, and form a new party.
Since both factions in the Republican Civil War consider themselves "patriots", how would a new party form that's capable of winning elections?
Maybe it’s time. There’s no place for sane Republicans in the Party of Trump
As I mentioned earlier, the rift between rational and radical Republicans and Bernie vs Biden Democrats might be exploited to remove the "winner take all" madness that currently disenfranchises a majority of US voters?

"Caption: This map, designed by FairVote, displays the geographic composition of 2020 campaign events of the presidential and vice presidential nominees since their conventions through October 8th."

America’s Winner-Take-All System Gives Attention to the Few at the Expense of the Many - FairVote
We'll see what this new party stands for, but it's hard to see how it could be worse than Trump's Crazy Train.
Under Trump, we had the most robust economy in my 64 years. We were hit by zero muslim terror attacks.
In a year, after a Chinese bio attack and democrat election theft, we now have gas lines and renewed Muslim-induced mass murder in Israel, soon to hit the US.
Democrats are America’s greatest threat.
Maybe it’s time. There’s no place for sane Republicans in the Party of Trump
As I mentioned earlier, the rift between rational and radical Republicans and Bernie vs Biden Democrats might be exploited to remove the "winner take all" madness that currently disenfranchises a majority of US voters?

"Caption: This map, designed by FairVote, displays the geographic composition of 2020 campaign events of the presidential and vice presidential nominees since their conventions through October 8th."

America’s Winner-Take-All System Gives Attention to the Few at the Expense of the Many - FairVote
Is that a breakdown of where the 100 members of this party live? :laughing0301:
This type of schism didn’t work out too well for the Whigs...
Republicans arrived on the political scene opposing white supremacy (more or less), and they may be leaving by endorsing Trump's version?
Look who's talking, your militant left, radical progressives and moderate Dems infight constantly while your constituents burn, loot and riot back home.
In my version of a best case scenario four years of Biden will split Democrats in much the same way Trump is dividing Republicans. The two-party duopoly and winner-take-all politics will die.

Imagine a 2024 POTUS race between Liz Cheney, Tom Cotton, Stacey Abrams, and Kamala Harris in which any candidate can win.
Looks like marginalized elitists are left out in the cold and the voting base put them there.

They should just join the Democrats.
I guess the question is how many (millions) of suburban swing voters will these "marginalized elites" take with them in future general elections?

‘Rationals’ vs. ‘radicals’: Anti-Trump Republicans threaten third party

"Backers of the reform group include former Republican Governors Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, George W. Bush-era Transportation Secretary Mary Peters and former House members Charlie Dent, Barbara Comstock, Reid Ribble and Mickey Edwards.

"They may face an uphill battle in getting any current Republican officeholders to sign on - including Cheney herself, who in February rejected the idea of a third party, saying it would empower Democrats."
Most "former Republican leaders" are useless sacks. Actually the current Republican leaders are useless sacks too. That's why Trump got elected and also a big part of why he didn't get re-elected. They fought him all the way.
Do you believe Trump would have won reelection if Covid-19 had never appeared?
Most "former Republican leaders" are useless sacks. Actually the current Republican leaders are useless sacks too. That's why Trump got elected and also a big part of why he didn't get re-elected. They fought him all the way.
Do you believe Trump would have won reelection if Covid-19 had never appeared?
Yes. Still think the RINOs provided significant headwinds.
What appears to be ignored in the Liz Cheney thing is the huge difference between disagreeing with President Trump (which ALL Republicans do, from time to time), and using your Republican leadership position to publicly slander the most prominent Republican of the last two generations.

This the Republican equivalent of, let's say, Chuck Schumer coming out and publicly calling Barack Obama the most racially divisive figure in Democrat history. It is perfectly acceptable for him to hold that opinion, or even to share it privately with a couple close associates, but...
Did Obama incite an armed rebellion to overtake the government, kidnap the legislatures or hang his VP? The answer is no.

Since Trump did all of the above, he is a traitor and any self-respecting Republican should have called him on it. But the fact that you trumptards cheer slimeballs like Gertz or Trump but boo Romney & Liz reveals everything about your party.
What appears to be ignored in the Liz Cheney thing is the huge difference between disagreeing with President Trump (which ALL Republicans do, from time to time), and using your Republican leadership position to publicly slander the most prominent Republican of the last two generations.

This the Republican equivalent of, let's say, Chuck Schumer coming out and publicly calling Barack Obama the most racially divisive figure in Democrat history. It is perfectly acceptable for him to hold that opinion, or even to share it privately with a couple close associates, but...
Did Obama incite an armed rebellion to overtake the government, kidnap the legislatures or hang his VP? The answer is no.

Since Trump did all of the above, he is a traitor and any self-respecting Republican should have called him on it. But the fact that you trumptards cheer slimeballs like Gertz or Trump but boo Romney & Liz reveals everything about your party.
Quote Trump inciting and armed rebellion, inciting kidnapping the legislature, and inciting people to hang his VP.

Let's see Trump's words, not the bullshit your handlers have fed you Magnus

Quotes............let's see them.

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