Ray Epps' lawyer demands Tucker Carlson retract false claim that he was FBI agent on Jan. 6

Well, the phone wasn't edited. Besides what does that matter? Epps was still doing more than others who were arrested and jailed. You have no answer for that obviously.

What crime did Epps commit?

And your opinion that Epps was 'doing more than others who were arrested and jailed' is debunked by your lack of any evidence of Epps going into the capitol, obstructing any proceeding, or attacking anyone.

They don't need proof. They're an emotional lot with a need to abdicate responsibility and be victims.

If a claim lets them pass the buck for their ilk's actions, lets them play the victim AND feels good.......what possible need would they have for actual proof?

Its all about recitation masturbation for MAGA.
That video is edited to avoid showing the sky.

The sky in that video is black. As demonstrated elegantly by the word 'Tomorrow!'

And you run right back into the protected speech standard. As there's no advocacy of any imminent lawless action.
Regardless of day or night, it's the rhetoric leading up that was the point of contention in all cases, then came the action's.

Of course rhetoric is not action's, and therefore rhetoric has to be immediately associated with an action of criminality and/or intent for it to become evidentiary or accepted along with an action.

Example - I'm going to knock you out, and immediately thereafter the act occurs, and the person was knocked out.

Splitting hairs with Trump is a losing battle.... He left after his speech on that day, and therefore committed no act of criminality nor did he direct anyone else too do such a thing either..

You are the one living in a disillusioned state of mind.
Regardless of day or night, it's the rhetoric leading up that was the point of contention in all cases, then came the action's.

Says you.

No one claims they attacked the capitol because Ray Epps told them to.

And Ray is bound to the actual law. Which has consistently found that without advocacy of imminent lawless action, statements like Rays are protected speech.

Most conservative 'legal conspiracies'......are just them not understanding how the law works.
Of course rhetoric is not action's, and therefore rhetoric has to be immediately associated with an action of criminality and/or intent for it to become evidentiary or accepted along with an action.

I don't think 'immediate' means what you think it means. As there were several meals and a good night's sleep between what Ray said and Trump supporter's attack on our capitol.

There's nothing 'immediate' about that.

Epps was there on J6 by his own admission. Falsely claiming to 60 minutes he was there to calm them down....Yeah right. The video tells the opposite story.

Epps was there on J6 by his own admission.

Ray was outside the capitol on January 6th, sure.

But did Ray commit any crime while at the capitol? Did he enter, for example? Did he attack a cop? Did he obstruct an official proceeding?

You know, the kind of things that others were charged with.
Ray was outside the capitol on January 6th, sure.

But did Ray commit any crime while at the capitol? Did he enter, for example? Did he attack a cop? Did he obstruct an official proceeding?

You know, the kind of things that others were charged with.
Come on now Skylar....He was there when the barriers were brought down and cops were knocked over. He is seen whispering to another protester just before the barrier went down. Of course he was there to obstruct, of course he was part of attacking law enforcement. Yet he walks free.
Come on now Skylar....He was there when the barriers were brought down and cops were knocked over.

Did he knock them down? Did he attack a cop? Did he tell anyone to? Did he enter the capitol? Obstruct any official proceeding?

If so, show me.

See, the more you give me excuses for your lack of evidence, the more you demonstrate why Ray was never charged with any crime.
Did he knock them down? Did he attack a cop? Did he tell anyone to?

If so, show me.

See, the more you give me excuses for your lack of evidence, the more you demonstrate why Ray was never charged with any crime.
Yes!! He was part of the mob that did all that!! He TOLD them to go into the capitol for God's sake!!
Yes!! He was part of the mob that did all that!! He TOLD them to go into the capitol for God's sake!!

Show me, don't tell me.

Show me Ray Epps breaking down the barracades, attacking cops, entering the capitol. The actual video or pictures. Not simply your....

how many of those convicted of Jan 6th crimes blame Epps for telling them to do that stuff.

Can you cite even one person that says they attacked the capitol because Ray Epps told them to? Can you cite Ray Epps ever calling for violence, for cops to be attacked, for the capitol to be attacked?

Good luck.
Show me, don't tell me.

Show me Ray Epps breaking down the barracades, attacking cops, entering the capitol. The actual video or pictures. Not simply your....

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Show me the video of all the J6 defendants committing crimes. Oh yeah, they didn't want you to see that.

J6 protestors have been accused of crimes such as seditious conspiracy and obstruction of a government proceeding, all while Pelosi withheld hundreds of hours of actual footage from the day. J6 defendants were nevertheless held in allegedly substandard conditions while government officials and Pelosi’s J6 committee refused to share exculpatory evidence with the defense attorneys or the public who fund government law enforcement through their tax dollars and have a right to judge the facts for themselves.
Show me the video of all the J6 defendants committing crimes. Oh yeah, they didn't want you to see that.

So....nothing showing Ray Epps attacking any barracade, attacking any cop, entering the capitol, or committing any crime.

That was easy.
Can you cite even one person that says they attacked the capitol because Ray Epps told them to? Can you cite Ray Epps ever calling for violence, for cops to be attacked, for the capitol to be attacked?

Good luck.
Since when is that needed? Many were incarcerated with no video evidence.
Since when is that needed? Many were incarcerated with no video evidence.

So you have nothing that demonstrates that Ray Epps committed any crime. Pictures then? Facebook posts? Eye witness testimony?

Your question on why Ray Epps wasn't charged has been answered.....by you, of all people.
Not one J6 defendant has said that he breached the Capitol because Trump told him to.

No crime, right?

And yet, Epps is seen on video telling people to breach the Capitol. This is what is known as "evidence." Inciting violence. Inciting a breach of the peace. There are J6 people IN JAIL for much, much less.

Leftists are stupid-evil. Take your pick.
So you have nothing that demonstrates that Ray Epps committed any crime. Pictures then? Facebook posts? Eye witness testimony?

Your question on why Ray Epps wasn't charged has been answered.....by you, of all people.
We’re discussing the same perceived crimes for which others were incarcerated. Stop trying to obfuscate and deflect.

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