Ray Epps Sues Fox

I'm not involved moron, so it won't prove anything about me, moron.

And please, keep typing stupid shit.
It will establish that you’re a moron. You moron. Plus, all your posts are stupid. Like you. You moron.

The point was that you have absolutely no ducking clue what discovery will show. So your prior post was retarded guesswork.

Did I mention that you’re a moron, you moron? 👍
Ray Epps is officially suing Fox News. He is also suing Tucker Carlson. Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?

It’s an intimidation attempt to hide truth. He still thinks everything swings lib loons way. That changed two weeks ago with the USSC rulings
Let him sue snd let it ALL come out.!
It will establish that you’re a moron. You moron. Plus, all your posts are stupid. Like you. You moron.

The point was that you have absolutely no ducking clue what discovery will show. So your prior post was retarded guesswork.

Did I mention that you’re a moron, you moron? 👍
Desperation ^^^^
You support a criminal in trump.
Jack Smith is in trumps head.
It is hilarious to watch trump have these meltdowns, then what is even funnier, is watching you act just like trump.
I believe BackAgain has some questions about why you are you so stupid and whether you had one or more lobotomies.
Trump wasn't involved with Epstein. If he was the client list would have been leaked. Democrats hide the client list To cover for pedophiles.


Epps sueing Fox is like the fbi sueing itself










Who is Pelosi referring to?

Why don't Democrats demand to know?

What Democrats would you say are your faves?

Democrats don't ask Pelosi who she's referring to and they don't want to know because MGT is right.

Democrats cover for pedophiles
Desperation ^^^^
You mean yours?
You support a criminal in trump.
No. You assholes keep forgetting that important modified: “alleged.”
Jack Smith is in trumps head.
No. He is engaged in part of an ongoing crusade to “get” Trump for purely partisan political reasons. He’s a scumbag. 👍
It is hilarious to watch trump have these meltdowns, then what is even funnier, is watching you act just like trump.
You’re a true putz.

Try to think. I know it might kill you, but it’s worth the risk. Simple thought experiment. If you had people going after you for about 7 years, do you imagine that after a while you might get a bit irritated, too?

Don’t worry about answering. You’re just a worthless hack. Go away, kid.
conservatives have always argued that Mr. Epps would not sue, because he was be afraid of discovery or something.

If Fox News does not prove this guy was an FBI informant they are going to have to shell out lots and lots of millions as they did when they lied about Dominion machines:

conservatives have always argued that Mr. Epps would not sue, because he was be afraid of discovery or something.

If Fox News does not prove this guy was an FBI informant they are going to have to shell out lots and lots of millions as they did when they lied about Dominion machines:

sorry but this is old news,, already threads on it,,
It will establish that you’re a moron. You moron. Plus, all your posts are stupid. Like you. You moron.

The point was that you have absolutely no ducking clue what discovery will show. So your prior post was retarded guesswork.

Did I mention that you’re a moron, you moron? 👍
You keep digging deeper with your so-called defense of POS45.
He hasn't been "Gone after for 7 years"
POS45 has been committing CRIMES for 50+ years.

Everything alleged against him was caused by him, and he keeps doubling down. You have the same lame traits.
But go on child, keep defending that idiot POS45.

Somehow in your tiny mind, Jack Smith is the bad guy.
Comedy GOLD.

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