Ray Epps Sues Fox

I don't have guys. If I did have guys, they would not have been there.

You just live in a childishly simple-minded world, is all.
Yes thats it. Whats the spin this week? Were they Antifa, FBI agents, or just taking a tour?
You keep digging deeper with your so-called defense of POS45.
He hasn't been "Gone after for 7 years"
POS45 has been committing CRIMES for 50+ years false.
Zzz. There is no doubt about in the universe that they’ve gone after him for over 7 years. Your pathetic lies fool nobody.
Everything alleged against him was caused by him,

and he keeps doubling down.

More fiction from a committed liar. You fool nobody, winky stink.
You have the same lame traits.
But go on child, keep defending that idiot POS45.
Fuck your self. You liars are a disgrace.
Somehow in your tiny mind, Jack Smith is the bad guy.
Comedy GOLD.
If you were being treated by a public prosecutor the way that scumbag has been treating Trump, you’d be crying even more loudly that you already are.
I haven't read every response here, but there is a SHITLOAD of ignorance being manifested.

Ray Epps HAS NO CASE against either Tucker of Fox News. Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation charge. Fox News showed videos of Epps on 1/5 and asked the very obvious question, "With all these other bastards being arrested and incarcerated for just being in the wrong Zip Code. why is Epps still walking around free?"

That is not slander. It is fair comment.

Fox is being run by idiots now, and they might throw a bone to him to make him go away, but there is no real case here. The reasons why Epps is not in jail has still not been determined.
I haven't read every response here, but there is a SHITLOAD of ignorance being manifested.

Ray Epps HAS NO CASE against either Tucker of Fox News. Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation charge. Fox News showed videos of Epps on 1/5 and asked the very obvious question, "With all these other bastards being arrested and incarcerated for just being in the wrong Zip Code. why is Epps still walking around free?"

That is not slander. It is fair comment.

Fox is being run by idiots now, and they might throw a bone to him to make him go away, but there is no real case here. The reasons why Epps is not in jail has still not been determined.
Phax accused him of being a government plant, so...
You’re not just a liar and a fraud, but you’re plodding and utterly unconvincing.
Can a true conservative be a brainwashed functional moron who doesn't know what is real and what isn't? Everyone should sue the hell out of these lying Republicans, and I believe many are this- takes time..... And of course your media will never mention anything like that and corporate media is FOS also, they love those giveaway to the rich Republican tax rates...
Ray Epps is officially suing Fox News. He is also suing Tucker Carlson. Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?

This is great. He'll win.
The fact that he hasn't been scooped up and prosecuted for incitement, is all anyone needs to see to easily recognize that he's a prop player.
Yup, discovery will be fun for you and the phax losers.
Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?
What makes you think Trump supporters would need to do anything? I'm guessing that this scum saw dollar signs after Fox rolled over and he and his lawyer hope to settle out of court. Discovery is a WONDERFUL thing. I'm curious, have you seen the video of him at the Capitol, encouraging other protesters to enter the Capitol? Oh yeah... he did and IIRC there is more than a single video of it. Now, normally a person could defend themselves by saying they got caught up in the moment but a curious thing happened in his case. Most of those around him were tracked down and charged - primarily with misdemeanors like trespassing and parading without permission. But Mr. Epps was never approached, nor even questioned.

This behavior by the same goons that used geo-fencing and CCTV to round up and charge over 1000 Americans, most of whom didn't even enter the Capitol, is a bit odd, wouldn't you say? I mean, they were going after anyone who was even in town on those dates and if their phones pinged anywhere near the Capitol the fearless minions of the effa bee eye descended on them and in most cases charged them.

Mr. Epps was not only at the Capitol, he is on video encouraging others to enter. I think this lawsuit may turn out to be a positive for those Americans who were abused by these government thugs. Fox and or Tucker will have good representation and a good attorney could well be able to demand comment from the FBI and or Capitol police about why, when they had pursued hundreds and hundreds for just being there, they neglected to even question one who could be justifiably called an organizer. Bring it!

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