Ray Epps Sues Fox

What makes you think Trump supporters would need to do anything? I'm guessing that this scum saw dollar signs after Fox rolled over and he and his lawyer hope to settle out of court. Discovery is a WONDERFUL thing. I'm curious, have you seen the video of him at the Capitol, encouraging other protesters to enter the Capitol? Oh yeah... he did and IIRC there is more than a single video of it. Now, normally a person could defend themselves by saying they got caught up in the moment but a curious thing happened in his case. Most of those around him were tracked down and charged - primarily with misdemeanors like trespassing and parading without permission. But Mr. Epps was never approached, nor even questioned.

This behavior by the same goons that used geo-fencing and CCTV to round up and charge over 1000 Americans, most of whom didn't even enter the Capitol, is a bit odd, wouldn't you say? I mean, they were going after anyone who was even in town on those dates and if their phones pinged anywhere near the Capitol the fearless minions of the effa bee eye descended on them and in most cases charged them.

Mr. Epps was not only at the Capitol, he is on video encouraging others to enter. I think this lawsuit may turn out to be a positive for those Americans who were abused by these government thugs. Fox and or Tucker will have good representation and a good attorney could well be able to demand comment from the FBI and or Capitol police about why, when they had pursued hundreds and hundreds for just being there, they neglected to even question one who could be justifiably called an organizer. Bring it!
Did he go inside?

Ray Epps Sues Fox​

Ray Epps is officially suing Fox News. He is also suing Tucker Carlson. Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?

Why does anyone need to do anything? Epps is going to lose. Not only is there video positively linking him to the insurrection, but there is video that he actually helped herald the attack on the Capitol, while strangely, the FBI never apparently so much as even called him in for questions!
Ray Epps is officially suing Fox News. He is also suing Tucker Carlson. Given the Discovery about Fox and Carlson already this can't be good. What will the MAGAs do now?

And he's going to win.
With the track record of Fox v Dominion, one can assume Mr. Epps has legal standing for this suit. ReNaziKlans will of course shit bricks and attack Mr. Epps which means Mr. Epps is on to something.
Yeah, he's "on to something" alright. Have you seen his cameo appearances on the Capitol grounds? He makes a dashing addition to the chaos. He's in his Trump gear and he's encouraging the 'troops' to ENTER THE CAPITOL. That is recorded on video and that video is fo-evah. Considering the hundreds of others who were charged for just walking around inside the Capitol, I'd say he has some splainin' to do. More to the point, I think his handlers (FBI) need to be subpoenaed.

If this is tried before a jury in DC then he'll win his case because of how openly corrupt our DOJ has become but his case will still benefit the country because it will provide another Red Pill for the Normies who are just now beginning to wake up. I hope the bastard loses and has his finances devastated by this gamble.
Why does anyone need to do anything? Epps is going to lose. Not only is there video positively linking him to the insurrection, but there is video that he actually helped herald the attack on the Capitol, while strangely, the FBI never apparently so much as even called him in for questions!
So, he told you fuckups to enter the capitol and try to hang mike pence and you idiots did it.
Why does anyone need to do anything? Epps is going to lose. Not only is there video positively linking him to the insurrection, but there is video that he actually helped herald the attack on the Capitol, while strangely, the FBI never apparently so much as even called him in for questions!
They did talk to Epps. They had plenty of questions for him.
Did he go inside?
Nice try. You actually support arresting hundreds of Americans whose only "crime" is to be on the grounds and or walking inside the building BUT you give him a pass unless it can be proved that he entered the building? Have you watched that video? The man was acting like he was an on-site organizer. That isn't just an opinion. That video proves it. Also, cheering on and encouraging people to enter that building is a crystal clear example of incitement to violence.

The reality is that NO ONE ELSE who was there that day was able to skate without even being questioned and nearly all of those who were charged did much less than he did. So, keep on cheering your team. That shit stops being funny when it someday starts being YOU that the Schutzstaffel target. That blatantly corrupt town is out of control and a day is coming when the job of rounding up Americans with pre-dawn door kicking is apt to require the Schutzstaffel to have a LOT more resources at hand. Fortunately, I'm sure Obama and his cabal can provide them with MRAPS.
Incitement to riot IS against the law.

Thanks for identifying yourself as a Stalinist, though. That was very brave of you.
Oh good. It's this argument again.

You guys fail this argument every single time. I'll be happy to walk you through it if you don't run off, but most of you people do exactly that.

Post the statute for inciting a riot and we can look at the wording together. Then, if you have any common sense, you will understand that he didn't break the law.

Post the statute please. Let's see if you run off.
First I've heard of that!
He immediately called the FBI and 'told them who I was and I would cooperate in any way I could.'

He added: 'I didn't break any laws.'

Epps sat for questioning two months later, and said he was relieved to speak to them.

'So, when you met with the FBI, I mean, it was like, finally, we're going to clear this up.

'There was no, I take the fifth, there was none of that. It was just like we're talking right now. I went through everything. They had a lot of questions.'

Nice try. You actually support arresting hundreds of Americans whose only "crime" is to be on the grounds and or walking inside the building BUT you give him a pass unless it can be proved that he entered the building? Have you watched that video? The man was acting like he was an on-site organizer. That isn't just an opinion. That video proves it. Also, cheering on and encouraging people to enter that building is a crystal clear example of incitement to violence.

The reality is that NO ONE ELSE who was there that day was able to skate without even being questioned and nearly all of those who were charged did much less than he did. So, keep on cheering your team. That shit stops being funny when it someday starts being YOU that the Schutzstaffel target. That blatantly corrupt town is out of control and a day is coming when the job of rounding up Americans with pre-dawn door kicking is apt to require the Schutzstaffel to have a LOT more resources at hand. Fortunately, I'm sure Obama and his cabal can provide them with MRAPS.
PolitiFact - There’s still no evidence that the FBI incited the Jan. 6 riot, despite stories claiming otherwise
Nice try. You actually support arresting hundreds of Americans whose only "crime" is to be on the grounds and or walking inside the building BUT you give him a pass unless it can be proved that he entered the building? Have you watched that video? The man was acting like he was an on-site organizer. That isn't just an opinion. That video proves it. Also, cheering on and encouraging people to enter that building is a crystal clear example of incitement to violence.

The reality is that NO ONE ELSE who was there that day was able to skate without even being questioned and nearly all of those who were charged did much less than he did. So, keep on cheering your team. That shit stops being funny when it someday starts being YOU that the Schutzstaffel target. That blatantly corrupt town is out of control and a day is coming when the job of rounding up Americans with pre-dawn door kicking is apt to require the Schutzstaffel to have a LOT more resources at hand. Fortunately, I'm sure Obama and his cabal can provide them with MRAPS.
Has Jon Sullivan -who live streamed himself being INDISDE- been held for over two years, without bail, in pre-trial detention?

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