RCP polling data on presidential popularity

Real Clear had Cankles winning the week of election.
Stop with the polls, it's unreliable BS
If the polls are unreliable, then the OP is a hoax.
When is the winning going to start for Trump so that the can start governing effectively. "We have a Republican President with a Republican Congress with a Republican AG and a former Republican Director of the FBI and a current Republican Director of the FBI and a Republican Deputy AG who appointed a Republican Special Counsel.

The investigations are the Democrats' fault?"
Trump won while recording the lowest approval ratings in history.

So I don't know if it much matters.
The election is over – the issue is now about governing, which Trump is incapable of doing.

And that a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump is consistent with the fact that a majority of Americans oppose the agenda he and the GOP are pursuing:

“On nearly every issue, Trump gets majority support only from Republicans. In the case of lowering taxes on the wealthy, he doesn’t even get that. In every case where the results are about split, both overall and within party responses, more people oppose Trump’s view than support it.”

Analysis | On nearly every issue, more Americans oppose Trump’s agenda than support it
After 5 months months in office even the Rasmussen poll says that the country is on the right track- 37%, wrong track 57%. Nice job, Donald!!!
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Direction of Country
What did the "polls" say the country's track was under Obungles? I know the answer and it's an inconvenient factoid for you
Irrelevant deflection. My post concerns the guy who always claims he's "winning". Apparently even a significant portion of the people that Rasmussen says approve of Trump don't think so.
Toro makes a good point, I think.

Trump has a solid 34 to 39% base it seems.

As long as he has that much support with a GOP Congress, he may well survive.

If that base begins flaking off percentage points, I would think 31 to 32% would put the GOP leaders into a huddle.
If Obama got half of the negative reporting as Trump has Horton. His poll numbers would be worse. Trump is still winning while the liberal media is trying to destroy him.
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Toro makes a good point, I think. Trump has a solid 34 to 39% base it seems. As long as he has that much support with a GOP Congress, he may well survive.
If that base begins flaking off percentage points, I would think 31 to 32% would put the GOP leaders into a huddle.
If Obama got half of the negative reporting as Trump has Horton. His poll numbers would be worse. Trump is still winning while the liberal media is trying to destroy him.
This appears to be "been down so long it looks like up to me" logic. :laugh2:
Toro makes a good point, I think. Trump has a solid 34 to 39% base it seems. As long as he has that much support with a GOP Congress, he may well survive.
If that base begins flaking off percentage points, I would think 31 to 32% would put the GOP leaders into a huddle.
If Obama got half of the negative reporting as Trump has Horton. His poll numbers would be worse. Trump is still winning while the liberal media is trying to destroy him.
This appears to be "been down so long it looks like up to me" logic. :laugh2:
Yeah the investigation of Trump has started the investigation of Hillary again. Keep it up and Obama will end up behind bars.
Nobody cares Jakey.
especially since we KNOW that polling companies oversample dems to yield results to support their narrative

he won the WH with what - 40%

2020 will be so sad for our misguided & delusional friends on the left and their pawns in the media...
Trump won while recording the lowest approval ratings in history.

So I don't know if it much matters.
The election is over – the issue is now about governing, which Trump is incapable of doing.

And that a majority of Americans disapprove of Trump is consistent with the fact that a majority of Americans oppose the agenda he and the GOP are pursuing:

“On nearly every issue, Trump gets majority support only from Republicans. In the case of lowering taxes on the wealthy, he doesn’t even get that. In every case where the results are about split, both overall and within party responses, more people oppose Trump’s view than support it.”

Analysis | On nearly every issue, more Americans oppose Trump’s agenda than support it
Well put...this is not about the 2016 election it is over

It is about Trumps ability to govern and to lead. Presidents struggling to break 40% approval have little political capital. It means he can't bully Republicans in Congress, he can't pass his agenda, foreign governments blow you off and Republicans will avoid you in the 2018 election
"RCP Final Predicitions:
Pop vote - Hillary by 3%
EV - Hillary 272 and Trump 266 (FL, OH, NC going for him)
Senate - R's holding on with 51 seats" -Anonymous source
Toro makes a good point, I think.

Trump has a solid 34 to 39% base it seems.

As long as he has that much support with a GOP Congress, he may well survive.

If that base begins flaking off percentage points, I would think 31 to 32% would put the GOP leaders into a huddle.

The real "test" will begin when the 2018 mid-terms are in full swing. The GOP congress ONLY cares about being reelected....If congressional conservatives start meeting the ire of constituents over their being screwed on health care.....when the job growth is non-existent......when that moronic wall is just the stupid dream that they swallowed .......when the investigations begin to clearly show the Russian ties, etc......THEN, the approval ratings will finally show how much conservatives "care".... .LOL.

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