Re-Educating Whitey


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Recently I called out a female “person of color” on Twitter for the blatant anti-white racism she was proudly exhibiting in her tweets. A white female ally of hers chimed in, chastising me for not knowing that “people of color can’t be racist.” I needed to educate myself about racism, she insisted. This is a common refrain in these times of even more racial unrest and sensitivity than usual: that white Americans need to educate themselves about the racism that Barack Obama declared is inherent in their DNA. They need to educate themselves about their white privilege, their white rage, and their white fragility which makes them touchy about being called racists. Like counter-revolutionaries who need “re-education,” they need to understand, accept, and publicly acknowledge their deep complicity in an evil system.

According to the left, in our white supremacist nation only whites can be racist because they control the culture’s power structures and therefore only they can impose “systemic racism.” Non-whites, conversely, are helpless victims of the system and therefore cannot be racist. This false oppressor/oppressed dynamic has been promoted so long and so effectively that open bigotry toward whites has reached peak cultural and political acceptability now, whereas any perceived racial “insensitivity” toward non-whites, such as the myth of cultural appropriation, incurs the unforgiving wrath of the internet mob (and of actual mobs).

Black Lives Matter icon and Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick, for example, who sparked the whole trend of protesting during national anthems at sporting events, can encourage rioting and looting without fear of losing his multimillion-dollar endorsements. Indeed, it only enhances his cultural cachet. But let white quarterback Drew Brees state publicly and innocuously that he refuses to disrespect the Stars and Stripes by taking a knee, and he and his wife are forced – shades of the Chinese Cultural Revolution – to debase themselves in apology for their incorrect thinking.

We won't bow.
We won't capitulate.
We aren't afraid.
Let every institution bow and break.
We won't.
Recently I called out a female “person of color” on Twitter for the blatant anti-white racism she was proudly exhibiting in her tweets. A white female ally of hers chimed in, chastising me for not knowing that “people of color can’t be racist.” I needed to educate myself about racism, she insisted. This is a common refrain in these times of even more racial unrest and sensitivity than usual: that white Americans need to educate themselves about the racism that Barack Obama declared is inherent in their DNA. They need to educate themselves about their white privilege, their white rage, and their white fragility which makes them touchy about being called racists. Like counter-revolutionaries who need “re-education,” they need to understand, accept, and publicly acknowledge their deep complicity in an evil system.

According to the left, in our white supremacist nation only whites can be racist because they control the culture’s power structures and therefore only they can impose “systemic racism.” Non-whites, conversely, are helpless victims of the system and therefore cannot be racist. This false oppressor/oppressed dynamic has been promoted so long and so effectively that open bigotry toward whites has reached peak cultural and political acceptability now, whereas any perceived racial “insensitivity” toward non-whites, such as the myth of cultural appropriation, incurs the unforgiving wrath of the internet mob (and of actual mobs).

Black Lives Matter icon and Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick, for example, who sparked the whole trend of protesting during national anthems at sporting events, can encourage rioting and looting without fear of losing his multimillion-dollar endorsements. Indeed, it only enhances his cultural cachet. But let white quarterback Drew Brees state publicly and innocuously that he refuses to disrespect the Stars and Stripes by taking a knee, and he and his wife are forced – shades of the Chinese Cultural Revolution – to debase themselves in apology for their incorrect thinking.

We won't bow.
We won't capitulate.
We aren't afraid.
Let every institution bow and break.
We won't.
Recently I called out a female “person of color” on Twitter for the blatant anti-white racism she was proudly exhibiting in her tweets. A white female ally of hers chimed in, chastising me for not knowing that “people of color can’t be racist.” I needed to educate myself about racism, she insisted. This is a common refrain in these times of even more racial unrest and sensitivity than usual: that white Americans need to educate themselves about the racism that Barack Obama declared is inherent in their DNA. They need to educate themselves about their white privilege, their white rage, and their white fragility which makes them touchy about being called racists. Like counter-revolutionaries who need “re-education,” they need to understand, accept, and publicly acknowledge their deep complicity in an evil system.

According to the left, in our white supremacist nation only whites can be racist because they control the culture’s power structures and therefore only they can impose “systemic racism.” Non-whites, conversely, are helpless victims of the system and therefore cannot be racist. This false oppressor/oppressed dynamic has been promoted so long and so effectively that open bigotry toward whites has reached peak cultural and political acceptability now, whereas any perceived racial “insensitivity” toward non-whites, such as the myth of cultural appropriation, incurs the unforgiving wrath of the internet mob (and of actual mobs).

Black Lives Matter icon and Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick, for example, who sparked the whole trend of protesting during national anthems at sporting events, can encourage rioting and looting without fear of losing his multimillion-dollar endorsements. Indeed, it only enhances his cultural cachet. But let white quarterback Drew Brees state publicly and innocuously that he refuses to disrespect the Stars and Stripes by taking a knee, and he and his wife are forced – shades of the Chinese Cultural Revolution – to debase themselves in apology for their incorrect thinking.

We won't bow.
We won't capitulate.
We aren't afraid.
Let every institution bow and break.
We won't.

We were dead wrong. America IS a systemically racist nation. Systemically racist against people of European descent. What we're oh so close to experiencing in today's America is genocide of white people but not Just genocide, oh no—we're talking genocide that is a public, overt policy of a major American political party. We've already reached the threshold, the point where any person who is not of the RIGHT color will be immediately terminated from their job, even government careers, for having the audacity to openly state their opinion on social media, which is THE primary means of getting one's thoughts out there to the rest of the wide world. Stating one's true, honest opinion verbally and in public (the beating heart of our First Amendment) can get your bones broken or your life taken by a mob of modern American Brown Shirt race cultists.

Right, so one of two fucking mass tragedies is imminent. Either our dear elected leaders WILL fucking rein in mobs of homeboys and white intelligentsia college boys and girls who fill out the ranks of these mobs, along with their BLM/Democratic Party masters, OR an unspecified coalition of patriotic, 100% non-racist Americans WILL launch a new Crusade to fucking obliterate ALL of the motherfuckers stirring up interracial hatred in our America of today. Mark my words.
colored folk are the most racist on the planet. They only get away with the things they do because white folks PERMIT it out of guilt because they can't prosper honestly anywhere they call home. We give them pity breaks
Recently I called out a female “person of color” on Twitter for the blatant anti-white racism she was proudly exhibiting in her tweets. A white female ally of hers chimed in, chastising me for not knowing that “people of color can’t be racist.” I needed to educate myself about racism, she insisted. This is a common refrain in these times of even more racial unrest and sensitivity than usual: that white Americans need to educate themselves about the racism that Barack Obama declared is inherent in their DNA. They need to educate themselves about their white privilege, their white rage, and their white fragility which makes them touchy about being called racists. Like counter-revolutionaries who need “re-education,” they need to understand, accept, and publicly acknowledge their deep complicity in an evil system.

According to the left, in our white supremacist nation only whites can be racist because they control the culture’s power structures and therefore only they can impose “systemic racism.” Non-whites, conversely, are helpless victims of the system and therefore cannot be racist. This false oppressor/oppressed dynamic has been promoted so long and so effectively that open bigotry toward whites has reached peak cultural and political acceptability now, whereas any perceived racial “insensitivity” toward non-whites, such as the myth of cultural appropriation, incurs the unforgiving wrath of the internet mob (and of actual mobs).

Black Lives Matter icon and Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick, for example, who sparked the whole trend of protesting during national anthems at sporting events, can encourage rioting and looting without fear of losing his multimillion-dollar endorsements. Indeed, it only enhances his cultural cachet. But let white quarterback Drew Brees state publicly and innocuously that he refuses to disrespect the Stars and Stripes by taking a knee, and he and his wife are forced – shades of the Chinese Cultural Revolution – to debase themselves in apology for their incorrect thinking.

We won't bow.
We won't capitulate.
We aren't afraid.
Let every institution bow and break.
We won't.

Hey BLM...

colored folk are the most racist on the planet. They only get away with the things they do because white folks PERMIT it out of guilt because they can't prosper honestly anywhere they call home. We give them pity breaks

Everyone is racist. Or bigoted in some form to some degree.

Most blacks probably wish BLM would go away. They don't like the attention. But they won't say it.

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Recently I called out a female “person of color” on Twitter for the blatant anti-white racism she was proudly exhibiting in her tweets. A white female ally of hers chimed in, chastising me for not knowing that “people of color can’t be racist.” I needed to educate myself about racism, she insisted. This is a common refrain in these times of even more racial unrest and sensitivity than usual: that white Americans need to educate themselves about the racism that Barack Obama declared is inherent in their DNA. They need to educate themselves about their white privilege, their white rage, and their white fragility which makes them touchy about being called racists. Like counter-revolutionaries who need “re-education,” they need to understand, accept, and publicly acknowledge their deep complicity in an evil system.

According to the left, in our white supremacist nation only whites can be racist because they control the culture’s power structures and therefore only they can impose “systemic racism.” Non-whites, conversely, are helpless victims of the system and therefore cannot be racist. This false oppressor/oppressed dynamic has been promoted so long and so effectively that open bigotry toward whites has reached peak cultural and political acceptability now, whereas any perceived racial “insensitivity” toward non-whites, such as the myth of cultural appropriation, incurs the unforgiving wrath of the internet mob (and of actual mobs).

Black Lives Matter icon and Nike spokesperson Colin Kaepernick, for example, who sparked the whole trend of protesting during national anthems at sporting events, can encourage rioting and looting without fear of losing his multimillion-dollar endorsements. Indeed, it only enhances his cultural cachet. But let white quarterback Drew Brees state publicly and innocuously that he refuses to disrespect the Stars and Stripes by taking a knee, and he and his wife are forced – shades of the Chinese Cultural Revolution – to debase themselves in apology for their incorrect thinking.

We won't bow.
We won't capitulate.
We aren't afraid.
Let every institution bow and break.
We won't.
colored folk are the most racist on the planet. They only get away with the things they do because white folks PERMIT it out of guilt because they can't prosper honestly anywhere they call home. We give them pity breaks

Everyone is racist. Or bigoted in some form to some degree.

Most blacks probably wish BLM would go away. They don't like the attention. But they won't say it.

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I'm not racist I am a bigot though I stand firm on my beliefs and will never budge

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