Re-Evaluating Newt..

Your main problem is your utter inability to understand anything that goes on around you.

Okay, you want to open up for no damned reason being ignorant and hostile? Two can play at that game. If I were you I'd update your health insurance because you're going to need a shrink to get over your complexes.

No one gave a shit about President Horndog fucking around on his wife.

This is bullshit and you know it. All the Republicans could say was "OMG he should be a roll model, he is so EVIL for cheating on his wife" and all that jazz. The entire ordeal would have never happened if not for the fact that the Republicans were obsessed with whether or not Billy was a nice person or not.

We, and Newt, had a problem with him BREAKING THE LAW WHILE HE DID IT.

Except that he never did that. All you wing nuts just have this idea that the purpose of the law is to punish people who do things you don't like or that you think are evil. But there was nothing illegal about Clinton having an affair. There was, however, something illegal about Tripp secretly recording phone conversations.

I realize, however, that laws are just suggestions and not to be taken seriously to the leftists.

First of all, I am not a "lefty" unless you're just such an extremist wing-nut that anyone who disagrees with you on anything is somehow on the left. In fact you haven't the slightest clue about my political positions on anything.

Second, you cannot identify a single law that Clinton broke. So stop babbling like a dumb **** about things just because you're pissed that Monica got some cock while you've been fucking a cucumber for the past two decades.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I have been advocating him, along with one other, for weeks now. Things could change, but no one could wipe the floor with Obama better than Newt. And look who balanced the budget. He has been in office more years than most has made more decisions, and thus, working the Law of Averages, has made more errors in his public and personal life. BUT...

Newt Gingrich and company -- for all their faults -- have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet today's surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP's single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich's finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Skeptics said it could not be done in seven years. The GOP did it in four.

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget | Stephen Moore | Cato Institute: Daily Commentary
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

His personal baggage and hypocrisy makes him unelectable.

Sorry, when you impeach a sitting president for having an affair with an intern young enough to be his daughter, over the objections of 67% of the American people, and then it is revealed you were having an affair with a Lobbyist half your age, and dump your (second) wife at the first oppurtunity, you kind of soil the banner of "Party of Family Values".

I also think that his management of the House GOP doesn't necessarily show leadership. Let's not forget, his own caucus rebelled against him in 1996, and when they lost a whole of 5 seats in the 1998, they insisted he step aside as party leader.

Finally, his management of his own campaign up to this point has been abyssmal. Once again, his entire staff walked out on him earlier this year. Some went to go work for Rick Perry.

As a philosopher and an idea guy, he's second to none.

As a leader and manager, he's just awful.

Still, right now, he's second on my "Anybody but that MF Romney" list.
Back to my boy, Newt. I LOVE hearing him talk in these debates. He makes the other candidates sound like a bunch of kids squabbling over the last Popsicle. Check out the way Newt discussed Herman Cain's 999 plan. He started by commending and complimenting Cain, and then raised objections to the plan without ONCE denigrating Cain, or even sounding like he was denigrating the plan. He sounds so statesmanlike.

I've been following his website postings about the legislation he would propose as President. It's really good, and quite innovative in places. And I like his plan for his first Executive Order as President to be abolishing all "czars" in the federal government.

You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

So you support bypassing the constitution and the consent of the senate.

Damn you are gullible....................
I didn't realize Bill Clinton was impeached for adultery? I thought it was because he lied to a grand jury and used his office to influence others to lie? Amazing what you can learn on the internet :)
Back to my boy, Newt. I LOVE hearing him talk in these debates. He makes the other candidates sound like a bunch of kids squabbling over the last Popsicle. Check out the way Newt discussed Herman Cain's 999 plan. He started by commending and complimenting Cain, and then raised objections to the plan without ONCE denigrating Cain, or even sounding like he was denigrating the plan. He sounds so statesmanlike.

I've been following his website postings about the legislation he would propose as President. It's really good, and quite innovative in places. And I like his plan for his first Executive Order as President to be abolishing all "czars" in the federal government.

You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

So you support bypassing the constitution and the consent of the senate.

Damn you are gullible....................

I've explained this before.......but......comments that begin with the word "so" are pretty much always a waste of time and space. The part that follows "so" is usually a mis-interpretation or some overblown false outrage. Try harder, please.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I have no beef with him. At least he told the truth and said that the budget was BALANCED during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Clinton never balanced the budget.

The only thing he balanced was interns.

By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

I have no beef with him. At least he told the truth and said that the budget was BALANCED during Bill Clinton's presidency.
And who forced it? It wasn't Clinton.

I have no beef with him. At least he told the truth and said that the budget was BALANCED during Bill Clinton's presidency.
And who forced it? It wasn't Clinton.

Yup.. Clinton went along with it kicking and screaming but then experienced that typical Democratic long term/short term memory loss and took full credit.. :lol:

Wait a minute. Was the budget balanced or not? It sounds like you folks are confused about it.

One says it wasn't. Then yet another agreed with Newt and said it was. Which is it? :confused:

Is Newt telling the truth or lying out of his ass?
You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

So you support bypassing the constitution and the consent of the senate.

Damn you are gullible....................

I've explained this before.......but......comments that begin with the word "so" are pretty much always a waste of time and space. The part that follows "so" is usually a mis-interpretation or some overblown false outrage. Try harder, please.

Misrepresentation? Taking the executive back to within constitutional boundaries is just grandstanding.

Should I add stupidity to your list?
So you support bypassing the constitution and the consent of the senate.

Damn you are gullible....................

I've explained this before.......but......comments that begin with the word "so" are pretty much always a waste of time and space. The part that follows "so" is usually a mis-interpretation or some overblown false outrage. Try harder, please.

Misrepresentation? Taking the executive back to within constitutional boundaries is just grandstanding.

Should I add stupidity to your list? ARE the expert on that one. Have at it, bro.
I didn't realize Bill Clinton was impeached for adultery? I thought it was because he lied to a grand jury and used his office to influence others to lie? Amazing what you can learn on the internet :)

Technically, you are right.

Practically, nobody cared.

Because every MAN in this country would have told the exact same lie if asked.

People forgave Clinton for the lying because the question never should have been asked in the first place.

Just like they thought the "hi-tech" lynching of Clarance Thomas was wrong 7 years earlier.

Interrogating people about their sex lives isnt' kosher to a lot of people.

Now, in the interest of complete fairness, Clinton brought most of his troubles down on himself. He should have settled with Paula Jones years earlier. And he got a whole lot of millage out of sexual harrassment BS at the time of the Thomas hearings.

But all the real damage was done when Lewinsky's name came out. By pressing the issue, the Republicans made themselves look bad.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

so now you like Neocons?
I have no beef with him. At least he told the truth and said that the budget was BALANCED during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Clinton never balanced the budget.

The only thing he balanced was interns.

And who forced it? It wasn't Clinton.

Yup.. Clinton went along with it kicking and screaming but then experienced that typical Democratic long term/short term memory loss and took full credit.. :lol:

Wait a minute. Was the budget balanced or not? It sounds like you folks are confused about it.

One says it wasn't. Then yet another agreed with Newt and said it was. Which is it? :confused:

Is Newt telling the truth or lying out of his ass?

It's more fun to leave you confused...:lol:
I've explained this before.......but......comments that begin with the word "so" are pretty much always a waste of time and space. The part that follows "so" is usually a mis-interpretation or some overblown false outrage. Try harder, please.

Misrepresentation? Taking the executive back to within constitutional boundaries is just grandstanding.

Should I add stupidity to your list? ARE the expert on that one. Have at it, bro.

Is stupidity a common way of life for you or do you attend DNC meetings?
Back to my boy, Newt. I LOVE hearing him talk in these debates. He makes the other candidates sound like a bunch of kids squabbling over the last Popsicle. Check out the way Newt discussed Herman Cain's 999 plan. He started by commending and complimenting Cain, and then raised objections to the plan without ONCE denigrating Cain, or even sounding like he was denigrating the plan. He sounds so statesmanlike.

I've been following his website postings about the legislation he would propose as President. It's really good, and quite innovative in places. And I like his plan for his first Executive Order as President to be abolishing all "czars" in the federal government.

You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

So you support bypassing the constitution and the consent of the senate.

Damn you are gullible....................

You're confused about the "czars" issue.

Most of these posts do have to have Senate confirmation.

I can't post links yet, but the evidence is in a post from the Washington Independent dated
9/8/09 titled "When is a Czar not a Czar".

So the answer is yes, to say you're going to abolish czars is political grandstanding.
Wow they go way back .
btw Bush had 28 Czars not approved by the senate just 4 less than Obama. Yep Obama is another Bush.

Funny that I do not recall all this abolish Czars talk when Bush was president?

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