Re-Evaluating Newt..

I didn't realize Bill Clinton was impeached for adultery? I thought it was because he lied to a grand jury and used his office to influence others to lie? Amazing what you can learn on the internet :)

Technically, you are right.

Practically, nobody cared.

Because every MAN in this country would have told the exact same lie if asked.

People forgave Clinton for the lying because the question never should have been asked in the first place.

Just like they thought the "hi-tech" lynching of Clarance Thomas was wrong 7 years earlier.

Interrogating people about their sex lives isnt' kosher to a lot of people.

Now, in the interest of complete fairness, Clinton brought most of his troubles down on himself. He should have settled with Paula Jones years earlier. And he got a whole lot of millage out of sexual harrassment BS at the time of the Thomas hearings.

But all the real damage was done when Lewinsky's name came out. By pressing the issue, the Republicans made themselves look bad.

I find it interesting that you probscribe your personal values to "practically" everybody. I would suggest that a few more than "nobody" cared. Using executive privelege to lure women into sexual relationships is at best, sleazy...At worst, corrupt. Maybe a few of the problems in this country are caused by people who give a pass to the sleazy and corrupt?
I didn't realize Bill Clinton was impeached for adultery? I thought it was because he lied to a grand jury and used his office to influence others to lie? Amazing what you can learn on the internet :)

Technically, you are right.

Practically, nobody cared.

Because every MAN in this country would have told the exact same lie if asked.

People forgave Clinton for the lying because the question never should have been asked in the first place.

Just like they thought the "hi-tech" lynching of Clarance Thomas was wrong 7 years earlier.

Interrogating people about their sex lives isnt' kosher to a lot of people.

Now, in the interest of complete fairness, Clinton brought most of his troubles down on himself. He should have settled with Paula Jones years earlier. And he got a whole lot of millage out of sexual harrassment BS at the time of the Thomas hearings.

But all the real damage was done when Lewinsky's name came out. By pressing the issue, the Republicans made themselves look bad.

I find it interesting that you probscribe your personal values to "practically" everybody. I would suggest that a few more than "nobody" cared. Using executive privelege to lure women into sexual relationships is at best, sleazy...At worst, corrupt. Maybe a few of the problems in this country are caused by people who give a pass to the sleazy and corrupt?

If Bush II would have been half the POTUS that Clinton was I would have ordered up a DOZEN blowjobs for the Texas blowhard.

Robin Williams in Goood Morning Vietnam: "You know, you're in more dire need of a blow job than any white man in history."
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By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

Well if you must ask lumpy.......................


Big Deal--there is no politician that is PER...FECT. All of them have made mistakes and this one is on Newt. He still far outweighs the others as the true statesman out of the bunch--and he could clean Obama's clock in any debate--and everyone knows it.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?
Newt Gingrich: 2012 Campaign Staff Exodus Makes Me 'Feel Liberated'

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said during an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday night that he feels "liberated" by the mass exodus of staffers from his presidential campaign.

Last week, news of aides jumping ship from the Gingrich 2012 political operation sent shockwaves across the political spectrum. Campaign manager Rob Johnson and spokesman Rick Tyler were just two of numerous members of the presidential candidate's team to resign.
When "the best debater" and "most informed candidate" can't even convince his own campaign manager and spokesman to stay with his campaign at this early date - then something is definitely wrong!

When a mass exodus of staffers makes a presidential candidate feel "liberated" - then someone is out of touch with reality and my money is on the Newt!
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I find it interesting that you probscribe your personal values to "practically" everybody. I would suggest that a few more than "nobody" cared. Using executive privelege to lure women into sexual relationships is at best, sleazy...At worst, corrupt. Maybe a few of the problems in this country are caused by people who give a pass to the sleazy and corrupt?

Besides all the spelling and grammar errors that almost rendered that argument incomprehensible.

At the time, I was thoroughly on the "impeach him" camp. But the majority was not, according to polls, and they took it out on the Republicans in Congress in 1998 and 2000.

Today I realize that if the worst thing I had to worry about was if the president was getting a blow job, my problems really weren't all that bad. I wish that was the worst thing I had to worry about. I'd much rather have a 4% unemployment rate like we had at the time.

Do you really think he was the first president who was getting a little poonany on the side? Really? Are you that naive.

And it was obvious Newt was dipping into the same well, so that was the problem there. At least Clinton fixed his marriage. Imagine if he dumped Hillary and married Monica. You guys would be screaming bloody murder. But that's pretty much what Gingrich did.

Which is why he's unelectable.
I think Newt and Ron Paul should find where they agree and push the others out of the way... Then let the best man win.

Now there's a race to the bottom.

...your main problem is your utter inability to understand anything that goes on around you. No one gave a shit about President Horndog fucking around on his wife. Oh, yeah, like that was really shocking and unexpected. :eusa_hand: We, and Newt, had a problem with him BREAKING THE LAW WHILE HE DID IT. I realize, however, that laws are just suggestions and not to be taken seriously to the leftists.

And your main problem is that you believe such nonsense. Newt cared about getting the President by any means possible. The impeachment was over Clinton's lying about a matter tangential to the charges against him. Clinton wasn't accused of having an affair with Lewinsky, or of sexually harassing Lewinsky. Clinton was being deposed on the Paula Jones accusation, why was he even being questioned about Lewinsky?

I realize, however, that the most revolting hypocrisy is acceptable to the far right, as long as a candidate shares their teabagging rhetoric.

[Not really, I just wanted to make fun of your grandstanding and pitiful excuse making for attacking Clinton while defending Newt.] :cuckoo:
Your main problem is your utter inability to understand anything that goes on around you. No one gave a shit about President Horndog fucking around on his wife. Oh, yeah, like that was really shocking and unexpected. :eusa_hand: We, and Newt, had a problem with him BREAKING THE LAW WHILE HE DID IT. I realize, however, that laws are just suggestions and not to be taken seriously to the leftists.

Yeah, yeah, when I was further to the right, I used that excuse.

There were a whole bunch of places Clinton broke the law, on much more serious issues, but the Republicans couldn't make that case, such as all his fund-raising shennanigans.

The thing is, people didn't care about his "breaking the law" because they thought it was wrong that he was asked the question to start with. Even the judge in the case ruled that the evidence about other women was irrelevent to the case and dismissed it.

A side note. Jones v. Clinton shows the foolishness of Sexual Harrassment laws in general. It shows what happens if you have two sides with infinite resources to keep fighting it. Usually, one side or ther other settles long before.

Real world, Clinton would have been encouraged to retire if he were a CEO accused of the same thing. Heck, most politicians caught doing the same thing- Sanford, Wu, Weiner, et al- resign. He said, "You want me, come and get me".
And your main problem is that you believe such nonsense. Newt cared about getting the President by any means possible. The impeachment was over Clinton's lying about a matter tangential to the charges against him. Clinton wasn't accused of having an affair with Lewinsky, or of sexually harassing Lewinsky. Clinton was being deposed on the Paula Jones accusation, why was he even being questioned about Lewinsky?

I realize, however, that the most revolting hypocrisy is acceptable to the far right, as long as a candidate shares their teabagging rhetoric.

[Not really, I just wanted to make fun of your grandstanding and pitiful excuse making for attacking Clinton while defending Newt.] :cuckoo:

To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

Well if you must ask lumpy.......................


Big Deal--there is no politician that is PER...FECT. All of them have made mistakes and this one is on Newt. He still far outweighs the others as the true statesman out of the bunch--and he could clean Obama's clock in any debate--and everyone knows it.

I dont disagree with that. But I am not interested in establishment politicians. If you want even bigger government give the man your vote.
To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.

Jokes and rude comments are not high crimes nor misdemeanors. We're talking about throwing the nation into a constitutional crisis for the sake of bringing down a political opponent by a SERIES of people who had engaged in sex outside marriage and/or consensual sex with their subordinates.
To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.

Jokes and rude comments are not high crimes nor misdemeanors. We're talking about throwing the nation into a constitutional crisis for the sake of bringing down a political opponent by a SERIES of people who had engaged in sex outside marriage and/or consensual sex with their subordinates.

Oh brother.....................

I am sure glad the saving and loan scandal went away, we didnt want any democrats to be prosecuted. And the way democrats would rather sit in jail then talk was so organized crime-ish HAT TIP GUYS No side makes better criminals then democrats.
To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.

Jokes and rude comments are not high crimes nor misdemeanors. We're talking about throwing the nation into a constitutional crisis for the sake of bringing down a political opponent by a SERIES of people who had engaged in sex outside marriage and/or consensual sex with their subordinates.

Yes we are.... but democrats ceded their right to whine about it when they put serial liar Anita Hill up as a model of feminist heroine.

Clinton got hoist on his own petard, he doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy....

And neither does Newt.
To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.

Jokes and rude comments are not high crimes nor misdemeanors. We're talking about throwing the nation into a constitutional crisis for the sake of bringing down a political opponent by a SERIES of people who had engaged in sex outside marriage and/or consensual sex with their subordinates.

Oh brother.....................

I am sure glad the saving and loan scandal went away, we didnt want any democrats to be prosecuted. And the way democrats would rather sit in jail then talk was so organized crime-ish HAT TIP GUYS No side makes better criminals then democrats.

You mean the one during the Reagan administration that involved Bush the Elder's son?

To be fair, any litigant in a civil court would be asked the same kind of questions. Except most companies settle and fire the offender long before it ever gets that far.

I've seen people fired for jokes and rude comments, much less what clinton was accused of doing.

Jokes and rude comments are not high crimes nor misdemeanors. We're talking about throwing the nation into a constitutional crisis for the sake of bringing down a political opponent by a SERIES of people who had engaged in sex outside marriage and/or consensual sex with their subordinates.

Yes we are.... but democrats ceded their right to whine about it when they put serial liar Anita Hill up as a model of feminist heroine.

Clinton got hoist on his own petard, he doesn't deserve a lot of sympathy....

And neither does Newt.

Oh, give it up. Hill was telling the truth.
Oh, give it up. Hill was telling the truth.


YOu know why I don't buy what she said. She and Thomas worked at the Department of Education, where he was supposedly a creep. Then he went to EEOC.

Now most people, when they have a boss they hate, they have a little party. They do a little dance. They say a little prayer of thanks to whatever sky pixie they worship. They don't make an effort to get that person back into their lives.

Hill took a transfer to work with Thomas again. Despite the supposed sexual harrassment.

Then she maintained contact with him for a decade, going back to him for letters of recommendation. This is really making a lot of effort to keep someone you hate in your life.

Then lo and behold, he's up for this appointment, and she comes out of the woodwork and says he did this... um... stuff... which really amounted to less obnoxious behavior than I see in my office every day. Which no one else in the office actually said they saw.
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

Don't have one. He's already my choice, assuming he's still in by the time my state's primary rolls around.

Newt is the smartest guy in the room. He has tons of experience. I love watching him during the debates. Yep. Smartest guy in the room.

He also has tons of baggage which will affect his chances of being nominated.

Stranger things have happened though.
I didn't realize Bill Clinton was impeached for adultery? I thought it was because he lied to a grand jury and used his office to influence others to lie? Amazing what you can learn on the internet :)

Technically, you are right.

Practically, nobody cared.

Because every MAN in this country would have told the exact same lie if asked.

People forgave Clinton for the lying because the question never should have been asked in the first place.

Just like they thought the "hi-tech" lynching of Clarance Thomas was wrong 7 years earlier.

Interrogating people about their sex lives isnt' kosher to a lot of people.

Now, in the interest of complete fairness, Clinton brought most of his troubles down on himself. He should have settled with Paula Jones years earlier. And he got a whole lot of millage out of sexual harrassment BS at the time of the Thomas hearings.

But all the real damage was done when Lewinsky's name came out. By pressing the issue, the Republicans made themselves look bad.

I find it interesting that you probscribe your personal values to "practically" everybody. I would suggest that a few more than "nobody" cared. Using executive privelege to lure women into sexual relationships is at best, sleazy...At worst, corrupt. Maybe a few of the problems in this country are caused by people who give a pass to the sleazy and corrupt?

If a BJ was the biggest concern of the nation with the president right now-the whole country would be a lot better. I mean seriously Clinton was 100X better than W. Bush and Obama.

You're also VERY naive if you think any modern president isn't/wasn't corrupt. They all are/were on some level.

PS-Nice icon! \m/
Back to my boy, Newt. I LOVE hearing him talk in these debates. He makes the other candidates sound like a bunch of kids squabbling over the last Popsicle. Check out the way Newt discussed Herman Cain's 999 plan. He started by commending and complimenting Cain, and then raised objections to the plan without ONCE denigrating Cain, or even sounding like he was denigrating the plan. He sounds so statesmanlike.

I've been following his website postings about the legislation he would propose as President. It's really good, and quite innovative in places. And I like his plan for his first Executive Order as President to be abolishing all "czars" in the federal government.

You like intelligence and a President who speaks in full sentences? We agree.

But.....then you say you like the plan to abolish czars. Don't you know that this is just a piece of grandstanding nonsense?

You like intelligence and good speaking? I hadn't noticed, given your election of Barack Oteleprompter.

What I know about abolishing the czars is that they're Unconstitutional and have no business having power in our federal government, and thus, I know that it's an excellent idea to return that power to the people duly elected or appointed in accordance with law.

But as I mentioned earlier, I realize that laws are just suggestions to be ignored at will to leftists, so I don't expect you to understand why they're so important to the rest of us.

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