Re-Evaluating Newt..

Since this thread is about Newt and we've deviated into the housing meme, here is an article about said topic in today's WSJ.

Five months after resigning his House speakership under a cloud, Mr. Gingrich signed aboard with Freddie. To do what is a bit of a controversy. "He's not going to be representing us externally or lobbying on our behalf," a Freddie spokeswoman told the press at the time.

Mr. Gingrich himself today explains, in the full glory of hindsight, that he was there to advise Freddie that its "insane" lending policies were stoking a housing "bubble."

Less heroic is a story from a former Freddie veep in charge of political schmoozing, who told Bloomberg News that Mr. Gingrich was hired to indicate how Freddie might cozy up to conservatives.

To those innocent of Washington ways, the full truth may sound even more improbable: Mr. Gingrich was being paid so the world would know he was on Freddie's payroll, so he wouldn't be tempted to insert his voluble self on the other side of a soon-to-be roiling debate about Freddie's future. ...

Mr. Gingrich had spent 20 years in Congress, owed a $300,000 ethics fine, plus was going through a divorce. Freddie's contract, with its $25,000-per-month retainer, came at an opportune moment. ...

Holman Jenkins: Freddie's Friend Newt -
You're referencing your own thread as a source? Seriously?

Yes. It links various studies and empirical evidence against the CRA as a cause for the Financial Crisis.

If you can offer something of substance other than an Internet journalist's opinion, I'd be happy to hear it.

As Benjamin Disraeli said, mendacity comes in three forms. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.

You get your stats, I'll get mine.

but just common fucking sense should tell you when banks are loaning to people with no income because they know the government will bail them out, bad stuff is going to follow.

So let's review, shall we.

Government insists banks have to loan to poor people in neighborhoods where property values are declining because of urban decay.

They also let it be known that they can bundle these loans up and sell them to Freddie, Fannie and other amusingly named GSE's.

They know if the economy collapses, they will not only not go to jail, but they will get bailouts, get to keep their bonuses and will be able to cash out their stock options.

And you wonder why it all went south? Really?
Since this thread is about Newt and we've deviated into the housing meme, here is an article about said topic in today's WSJ.

Five months after resigning his House speakership under a cloud, Mr. Gingrich signed aboard with Freddie. To do what is a bit of a controversy. "He's not going to be representing us externally or lobbying on our behalf," a Freddie spokeswoman told the press at the time.

Mr. Gingrich himself today explains, in the full glory of hindsight, that he was there to advise Freddie that its "insane" lending policies were stoking a housing "bubble."

Less heroic is a story from a former Freddie veep in charge of political schmoozing, who told Bloomberg News that Mr. Gingrich was hired to indicate how Freddie might cozy up to conservatives.

To those innocent of Washington ways, the full truth may sound even more improbable: Mr. Gingrich was being paid so the world would know he was on Freddie's payroll, so he wouldn't be tempted to insert his voluble self on the other side of a soon-to-be roiling debate about Freddie's future. ...

Mr. Gingrich had spent 20 years in Congress, owed a $300,000 ethics fine, plus was going through a divorce. Freddie's contract, with its $25,000-per-month retainer, came at an opportune moment. ...

Holman Jenkins: Freddie's Friend Newt -

Since this thread is about Newt and we've deviated into the housing meme, here is an article about said topic in today's WSJ.

Five months after resigning his House speakership under a cloud, Mr. Gingrich signed aboard with Freddie. To do what is a bit of a controversy. "He's not going to be representing us externally or lobbying on our behalf," a Freddie spokeswoman told the press at the time.

Mr. Gingrich himself today explains, in the full glory of hindsight, that he was there to advise Freddie that its "insane" lending policies were stoking a housing "bubble."

Less heroic is a story from a former Freddie veep in charge of political schmoozing, who told Bloomberg News that Mr. Gingrich was hired to indicate how Freddie might cozy up to conservatives.

To those innocent of Washington ways, the full truth may sound even more improbable: Mr. Gingrich was being paid so the world would know he was on Freddie's payroll, so he wouldn't be tempted to insert his voluble self on the other side of a soon-to-be roiling debate about Freddie's future. ...

Mr. Gingrich had spent 20 years in Congress, owed a $300,000 ethics fine, plus was going through a divorce. Freddie's contract, with its $25,000-per-month retainer, came at an opportune moment. ...

Holman Jenkins: Freddie's Friend Newt -

Wow, that's it, it's a conspiracy. Freddie was paying Newt Protection Money so he wouldn't point out how brain-dead retarded it was for a big government agency to be out there buying up bad loans given on the basis of food stamps.

Ahhh, that's it.

It's kind of like that Monty Python skit where Eric Idle walks onto a stage and says, "Give me twenty quid, and I won't mess up this scene!"
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Careful of Joe-B's research on the internet. He is still taking How to Avoid Crap 101, for the third time. :lol:

Whatever, Jake the Fake...

Hey, I hear Newts running even with your Weird Mormon Robot in New Hampshire.

Oooops.... 2012 is starting to look a lot like 2008 for Reversable Mittens. He spends and spends, but he voters still hate him.
Since this thread is about Newt and we've deviated into the housing meme, here is an article about said topic in today's WSJ.

Five months after resigning his House speakership under a cloud, Mr. Gingrich signed aboard with Freddie. To do what is a bit of a controversy. "He's not going to be representing us externally or lobbying on our behalf," a Freddie spokeswoman told the press at the time.

Mr. Gingrich himself today explains, in the full glory of hindsight, that he was there to advise Freddie that its "insane" lending policies were stoking a housing "bubble."

Less heroic is a story from a former Freddie veep in charge of political schmoozing, who told Bloomberg News that Mr. Gingrich was hired to indicate how Freddie might cozy up to conservatives.

To those innocent of Washington ways, the full truth may sound even more improbable: Mr. Gingrich was being paid so the world would know he was on Freddie's payroll, so he wouldn't be tempted to insert his voluble self on the other side of a soon-to-be roiling debate about Freddie's future. ...

Mr. Gingrich had spent 20 years in Congress, owed a $300,000 ethics fine, plus was going through a divorce. Freddie's contract, with its $25,000-per-month retainer, came at an opportune moment. ...

Holman Jenkins: Freddie's Friend Newt -

Wow, that's it, it's a conspiracy. Freddie was paying Newt Protection Money so he wouldn't point out how brain-dead retarded it was for a big government agency to be out there buying up bad loans given on the basis of food stamps.

Ahhh, that's it.

It's kind of like that Monty Python skit where Eric Idle walks onto a stage and says, "Give me twenty quid, and I won't mess up this scene!"

I agree.

But it's Newt who is saying that.

Did Gingrich Flip-Flop on Taking Freddie Mac Cash? « Commentary Magazine
Gingrich Said to Be Paid About $1.6 Million by Freddie Mac - Bloomberg
They went after people who could not pay because they knew the government would subsidize it.

You do not understand how these instruments worked.

And why are you creating sock puppets?

You are not this dumb. :cuckoo: Ask the question in a rational manner, and I'll tell you all about it.
You know what, guy, if this is the best you have against Newt, that' kind of sad.

Do you know what is even sadder. I've watched you and your buddy Jake the Fake get up here and rip Bachmann, Perry, Cain and now Newt, not because there was all that much wrong with them, but becuase you can't come up with a single compelling reason to vote for your boy Romney.

Other than he's "electable" (despite losing nearly every election he's ever run in).

and he's Business-smart- even though he ran as many companies in the ground as he built.

And he appeals to "moderates", even though polls show he really doesn't.
And why are you creating sock puppets?

You are not this dumb. :cuckoo: Ask the question in a rational manner, and I'll tell you all about it.

You're the one creating a second screen name. Now why the hell are you doing that, because I believe it is actually against the rules to hold multiple accounts here.

That's what a sock puppet is..
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Careful of Joe-B's research on the internet. He is still taking How to Avoid Crap 101, for the third time. :lol:

Whatever, Jake the Fake...

Hey, I hear Newts running even with your Weird Mormon Robot in New Hampshire.

Oooops.... 2012 is starting to look a lot like 2008 for Reversable Mittens. He spends and spends, but he voters still hate him.

Joe-Bizarro, don't take your failure on the quotation and Disraeli so hard. Here, I will help you out. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
As Benjamin Disraeli said, mendacity comes in three forms. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics.

You get your stats, I'll get mine.

OK, please get the statistics and post them here. I would be happy to read it, and would change my mind if someone - anyone - can back up their argument with data. I have repeatedly asked people who support the CRA Caused the Financial Crisis meme to produce data supporting their case. But no one has. So if you have some, I'd encourage you to post it.

but just common fucking sense should tell you when banks are loaning to people with no income because they know the government will bail them out, bad stuff is going to follow.

So let's review, shall we.

Government insists banks have to loan to poor people in neighborhoods where property values are declining because of urban decay.

They also let it be known that they can bundle these loans up and sell them to Freddie, Fannie and other amusingly named GSE's.

They know if the economy collapses, they will not only not go to jail, but they will get bailouts, get to keep their bonuses and will be able to cash out their stock options.

And you wonder why it all went south? Really?

I know why it all went south. I was actively betting against real estate in 2006 and made a fair amount of money off it. It's what I do for a living.

When it was happening, we talked to hundreds of analysts, strategists, bankers, economists, executives, academics, regulators, etc., about why had the market seemed to have gone insane to us. Do you know how many conversations I had about the CRA during that time? Exactly zero. The only time I had heard of this explanation was after the bubble collapsed when it appears that ideologues on the right began groping for an answer to rationalize their worldview.

So again, if you have something of substance other than a young Internet journalist's opinion, particularly something with data, please post it.
Joe-Bizarro has kissed everybody's candidate ass because of his irrational fear of Mormons, all of them.

Now he is down to Newt Gingrich, which is OK by me, other than he is less electable than Mitt.
Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Careful of Joe-B's research on the internet. He is still taking How to Avoid Crap 101, for the third time. :lol:

Whatever, Jake the Fake...

Hey, I hear Newts running even with your Weird Mormon Robot in New Hampshire.

Oooops.... 2012 is starting to look a lot like 2008 for Reversable Mittens. He spends and spends, but he voters still hate him.

Joe-Bizarro, don't take your failure on the quotation and Disraeli so hard. Here, I will help you out. Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics

Guy, you act like I care. It's been commonly attributed to him. Doesn't matter who might have really said it...

And Reversable Mittens- still not making the sale outside the beltway, guy. Now why is that.

Oh, yeah, because he's a creepy robot with sleazy business practices, no real convictions and a batshit crazy religion....
I know why it all went south. I was actively betting against real estate in 2006 and made a fair amount of money off it. It's what I do for a living.

Well, it's rare that you meet someone who is proud of being a parasite...

When it was happening, we talked to hundreds of analysts, strategists, bankers, economists, executives, academics, regulators, etc., about why had the market seemed to have gone insane to us. Do you know how many conversations I had about the CRA during that time? Exactly zero. The only time I had heard of this explanation was after the bubble collapsed when it appears that ideologues on the right began groping for an answer to rationalize their worldview.

Well, as another wise man said, (and I won't bother looking up who) it's really hard to get someone to recognize a problem when his livlihood depends on it.

So again, if you have something of substance other than a young Internet journalist's opinion, particularly something with data, please post it.

Why should I bother? Seriously, why should I bother explaining to one of the parasites who caused the problem what the problem was.
I'm sorry, don't talk to sock puppets... just neg rep them.

I had trouble logging back on after I ran CCleaner. It's purely operator error, my mistake, but as I re-registered as SAT2, it's fairly clear to normal people that SAT2 is not a sock puppet.
I know why it all went south. I was actively betting against real estate in 2006 and made a fair amount of money off it. It's what I do for a living.

Well, it's rare that you meet someone who is proud of being a parasite...

When it was happening, we talked to hundreds of analysts, strategists, bankers, economists, executives, academics, regulators, etc., about why had the market seemed to have gone insane to us. Do you know how many conversations I had about the CRA during that time? Exactly zero. The only time I had heard of this explanation was after the bubble collapsed when it appears that ideologues on the right began groping for an answer to rationalize their worldview.

Well, as another wise man said, (and I won't bother looking up who) it's really hard to get someone to recognize a problem when his livlihood depends on it.

So again, if you have something of substance other than a young Internet journalist's opinion, particularly something with data, please post it.

Why should I bother? Seriously, why should I bother explaining to one of the parasites who caused the problem what the problem was.

Do you know how I know I've won an argument? When you start making ad hominem attacks against me.

Isn't that what you said in the other thread?
I know why it all went south. I was actively betting against real estate in 2006 and made a fair amount of money off it. It's what I do for a living.

Well, it's rare that you meet someone who is proud of being a parasite...

Well, as another wise man said, (and I won't bother looking up who) it's really hard to get someone to recognize a problem when his livlihood depends on it.

So again, if you have something of substance other than a young Internet journalist's opinion, particularly something with data, please post it.

Why should I bother? Seriously, why should I bother explaining to one of the parasites who caused the problem what the problem was.

Do you know how I know I've won an argument? When you start making ad hominem attacks against me.

Isn't that what you said in the other thread?

I'm sure I said something fairly different... like speculating on my personal life without bases.

You admitted you were part of the problem- one of the people getting out there GAMBLING on people's lives and homes.

The thing is, you dont' see anything morally wrong with it. The economy is in ruins, I kind of suspect we are probably at the end of democracy in this country within my lifetime (and I'm old, so it's not like I have a lot of "lifetime" left to me) and you guys caused the problem.

You turned "investing" into "gambling". A few arseholes got rich, the rest of us were left with busted 401K's underwater mortgages, and so on.

And sadly, the government- both parties- went right along with you the whole way.

The biggest mistake in this last recession is that people LIKE you weren't prosecuted.

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