Re-Evaluating Newt..

Well, it's rare that you meet someone who is proud of being a parasite...

Well, as another wise man said, (and I won't bother looking up who) it's really hard to get someone to recognize a problem when his livlihood depends on it.

Why should I bother? Seriously, why should I bother explaining to one of the parasites who caused the problem what the problem was.

Do you know how I know I've won an argument? When you start making ad hominem attacks against me.

Isn't that what you said in the other thread?

I'm sure I said something fairly different... like speculating on my personal life without bases.

You admitted you were part of the problem- one of the people getting out there GAMBLING on people's lives and homes.

The thing is, you dont' see anything morally wrong with it. The economy is in ruins, I kind of suspect we are probably at the end of democracy in this country within my lifetime (and I'm old, so it's not like I have a lot of "lifetime" left to me) and you guys caused the problem.

You turned "investing" into "gambling". A few arseholes got rich, the rest of us were left with busted 401K's underwater mortgages, and so on.

And sadly, the government- both parties- went right along with you the whole way.

The biggest mistake in this last recession is that people LIKE you weren't prosecuted.

And now you are speculating about my life without any bases.

You have demonstrated your gross ignorance twice in this thread, first about the topic at hand and second about my personal life. Actually, it's more than twice, but I'm going to stop. As should you, since you should have the sense to realize what you do and do not know.
Guy, you're the one who said, "I made money betting against real estate".

In short, you got rich on other people's misery.

This is what you admitted to.

And somehow, I don't think you feel guilty about it.

If there were 100 of us stranded on a desert island, the least useful person there would be "the investor".
Guy, you're the one who said, "I made money betting against real estate".

In short, you got rich on other people's misery.

This is what you admitted to.

And somehow, I don't think you feel guilty about it.

If there were 100 of us stranded on a desert island, the least useful person there would be "the investor".

Again, you are making baseless assumptions about me. You should stop because you're being ignorant and hypocritical. Plus, you can't address the topic at hand.

And you're coming across as a whiny liberal.
Guy, you're the one who said, "I made money betting against real estate".

In short, you got rich on other people's misery.

This is what you admitted to.

And somehow, I don't think you feel guilty about it.

If there were 100 of us stranded on a desert island, the least useful person there would be "the investor".

Again, you are making baseless assumptions about me. You should stop because you're being ignorant and hypocritical. Plus, you can't address the topic at hand.

And you're coming across as a whiny liberal.

No, I'm just pointing out the obvious. You guys stole the American dream and the Government drove the getaway car.

Yeah, I'll bet against real estate....

So, um, who do you think paid for that? Where do you think the money to cover the losses came from?

Could it be- Freddie. Fannie. The organizations that covered mortgages that never should have been made.

Follow the money. When you find out who made money off this, you'll find your villians.

It's why the Banks and the investors didn't complain about CRA, even when common sense tells you you don't loan money to people who can't pay it back.
JoeB often sounds like a whiny liberal.

Gee, I think you need to get your story right, man. Either I'm a far right wingnut or a liberal.

Do let me know when you figure it out.

To me, I don't go in for labels.

I go for what is right.

It wasn't right that Americans got screwed by Wall Street and Government manipulating the housing market the way they did.

I mean, is this what you and Toro are actually coming on here defending?
I know what you say you are, but I am not sure that you know what you are, as you go from whiny liberal to pontificating libertarian to "I am Joe-Bizarro, what a great day, hey, hey, hey!" :lol:
Guy, you're the one who said, "I made money betting against real estate".

In short, you got rich on other people's misery.

This is what you admitted to.

And somehow, I don't think you feel guilty about it.

If there were 100 of us stranded on a desert island, the least useful person there would be "the investor".

Again, you are making baseless assumptions about me. You should stop because you're being ignorant and hypocritical. Plus, you can't address the topic at hand.

And you're coming across as a whiny liberal.

No, I'm just pointing out the obvious. You guys stole the American dream and the Government drove the getaway car.

Yeah, I'll bet against real estate....

So, um, who do you think paid for that? Where do you think the money to cover the losses came from?

Could it be- Freddie. Fannie. The organizations that covered mortgages that never should have been made.

Follow the money. When you find out who made money off this, you'll find your villians.

It's why the Banks and the investors didn't complain about CRA, even when common sense tells you you don't loan money to people who can't pay it back.

lol More ignorance.

I didn't steal the American dream. I warned as many people as I could about the insanity of it all, and did so for years. (BTW & FTR stay away from Canadian real estate.)

You sound like a whiny liberal because you think success is something that should be scorned. "Oh," you'll say, "I mean success not profiting off other people's misery." Bullshit. If there millions more like me, the crisis would never have happened because the selling pressure would have put a lid on the housing bubble. That's how markets work, bub. Not my fault that that markets go haywire because too many bozos think that its only good if things go up and don't have the intelligence to know that things get out of hand. Sometimes there are losers in markets. Sorry, that's life. But liberals don't like that. They whine and complain about the winners, and think the winners should be punished for their success. Liberals are even whinier when only a few do good and most do not. Instead of congratulating those of us who got it right, whiny liberals want to castigate them for "profiting" off the "misery" of others. Instead, to liberals, it's best that we all lose together. Don't do your best. You'll make others feel bad.

So, yeah, you sound like a whiny liberal.
I know what you say you are, but I am not sure that you know what you are, as you go from whiny liberal to pontificating libertarian to "I am Joe-Bizarro, what a great day, hey, hey, hey!" :lol:

Hey, I can totally understand your confusion.

It's called "having principles". You should really try it some time.

Principles are anti-thetical to your entire character, Joe-B.
Guy, you're the one who said, "I made money betting against real estate".

In short, you got rich on other people's misery.

This is what you admitted to.

And somehow, I don't think you feel guilty about it.

If there were 100 of us stranded on a desert island, the least useful person there would be "the investor".

I do think there should be a regulation to keep people from selling short. The beauty of the market was letting everybody from the smallest investor to the fat cats enjoy a piece of the American dream by investing in it. Those betting against the market of course are profiting at the expense of others. Those investing intelligently in the market benefit everybody.

Low interest rates are a detriment to retirees who depend on interest from their savings--no way interest is keeping up with inflation--so the only place to go is to the market. And I think if next year we politely show Fearless Leader the door and get a fiscal conservative in there with enough fiscal conservatives in Congress to back him or her up, we'll see the market take off like a rocket. And as the USA goes, so usually goes the rest of the free world.

As for the destructive collusion between big business and government, all we have to do to fix that is deny Congress the ability to dispense ANY form of charity, benevolence, or favor to anybody unless they do it for everybody without respect to political affiliation or socioeconomic standing. Immediately problem solved with the elimination of most graft and corruption in government and also among the beneficiaries of government largesse.
lol More ignorance.

I didn't steal the American dream. I warned as many people as I could about the insanity of it all, and did so for years. (BTW & FTR stay away from Canadian real estate.)

You sound like a whiny liberal because you think success is something that should be scorned. "Oh," you'll say, "I mean success not profiting off other people's misery." Bullshit. If there millions more like me, the crisis would never have happened because the selling pressure would have put a lid on the housing bubble. That's how markets work, bub. Not my fault that that markets go haywire because too many bozos think that its only good if things go up and don't have the intelligence to know that things get out of hand. Sometimes there are losers in markets. Sorry, that's life. But liberals don't like that. They whine and complain about the winners, and think the winners should be punished for their success. Liberals are even whinier when only a few do good and most do not. Instead of congratulating those of us who got it right, whiny liberals want to castigate them for "profiting" off the "misery" of others. Instead, to liberals, it's best that we all lose together. Don't do your best. You'll make others feel bad.

So, yeah, you sound like a whiny liberal.

Guy, the whole mentality of "I've got Mine, Fuck you" is what got us Obama to start with. I am amazed so many on the right don't realize that.

the problem with the market is that it has become the tail wagging the dog.

I have no problem with a Henry Ford or Bill Gates getting rich creating something that we all find useful.

I have a REAL problem with guys who just manipulate the system, which is what the bankers and the Wall Street folks did, with a helping hand from the government.

Seriously, what great thing did Bernie Madoff create? Or Ken Lay? Or Jon Corzine? they just rode along on the hard work of the rest of us.

"It's not my fault the markets went haywire" sounds an awful lot like "I was just following orders".
I know what you say you are, but I am not sure that you know what you are, as you go from whiny liberal to pontificating libertarian to "I am Joe-Bizarro, what a great day, hey, hey, hey!" :lol:

Hey, I can totally understand your confusion.

It's called "having principles". You should really try it some time.

Principles are anti-thetical to your entire character, Joe-B.

Uh, no, guy, I have opinions and I defend them to the death, whether no one agrees with me or everyone does.

You might not like me, but you know where i stand.

You on the other hand, support a weird Mormon Robot because he can win without standing for anything... as long as no one figures out he's a Mormon.
You sound like a whiny liberal because you think success is something that should be scorned. "Oh," you'll say, "I mean success not profiting off other people's misery." Bullshit. If there millions more like me, the crisis would never have happened because the selling pressure would have put a lid on the housing bubble. That's how markets work, bub. Not my fault that that markets go haywire because too many bozos think that its only good if things go up and don't have the intelligence to know that things get out of hand. Sometimes there are losers in markets. Sorry, that's life. But liberals don't like that. They whine and complain about the winners, and think the winners should be punished for their success. Liberals are even whinier when only a few do good and most do not. Instead of congratulating those of us who got it right, whiny liberals want to castigate them for "profiting" off the "misery" of others. Instead, to liberals, it's best that we all lose together. Don't do your best. You'll make others feel bad.

So, yeah, you sound like a whiny liberal.

I don't hear liberals say anything like that. :eusa_angel:

Joe-the stock market has always been gambling.
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From Wikipedia:

The Way We Live Now-

The Way We Live Now is a satirical novel published in London in 1875 by Anthony Trollope, after a popular serialisation. In 1872 Trollope returned to England from abroad and was appalled by the greed which was loose in the land. His scolding rebuke was his longest novel.

Containing over a hundred chapters, The Way We Live Now is particularly rich in sub-plot. It was inspired by the financial scandals of the early 1870s, and lashes out at the pervading dishonesty of the age, commercial, political, moral, and intellectual. It is one of the last significant Victorian novels to have been published in monthly parts.
lol More ignorance.

I didn't steal the American dream. I warned as many people as I could about the insanity of it all, and did so for years. (BTW & FTR stay away from Canadian real estate.)

You sound like a whiny liberal because you think success is something that should be scorned. "Oh," you'll say, "I mean success not profiting off other people's misery." Bullshit. If there millions more like me, the crisis would never have happened because the selling pressure would have put a lid on the housing bubble. That's how markets work, bub. Not my fault that that markets go haywire because too many bozos think that its only good if things go up and don't have the intelligence to know that things get out of hand. Sometimes there are losers in markets. Sorry, that's life. But liberals don't like that. They whine and complain about the winners, and think the winners should be punished for their success. Liberals are even whinier when only a few do good and most do not. Instead of congratulating those of us who got it right, whiny liberals want to castigate them for "profiting" off the "misery" of others. Instead, to liberals, it's best that we all lose together. Don't do your best. You'll make others feel bad.

So, yeah, you sound like a whiny liberal.

Guy, the whole mentality of "I've got Mine, Fuck you" is what got us Obama to start with. I am amazed so many on the right don't realize that.

the problem with the market is that it has become the tail wagging the dog.

I have no problem with a Henry Ford or Bill Gates getting rich creating something that we all find useful.

I have a REAL problem with guys who just manipulate the system, which is what the bankers and the Wall Street folks did, with a helping hand from the government.

Seriously, what great thing did Bernie Madoff create? Or Ken Lay? Or Jon Corzine? they just rode along on the hard work of the rest of us.

"It's not my fault the markets went haywire" sounds an awful lot like "I was just following orders".

So how long did you spend at Occupy Wall Street?
By far the best debater and most informed candidate and could easily kick Obama's ass in a debate...

Turned Clinton from a deficit spending President in a fortunate economy to a budget surplus and Democrat pro-sexual harassment hero..

Soo.. what's your beef with this Guy...?

He was deeply involved with Freddie Mac during the bubble years.

He worked closely with Bush in 2002 to involve Freddie in the expansion of loans to lower income families.

Yes, this was a bipartisan mistake - but you need to realize something: the peak growth years of the housing bubble - along with Fannie/Freddie's activity - was from the end of 2001 to 2005, a time when the Republicans controlled the Presidency, House, and Senate . . . and a time when Newt was actively involved with the mortgage institutions that were pumping bad loans, which were turned into Wall Street gold.

Newt was paid nearly 2 million dollars by Freddie Mac to secure favorable legislation.

He was caught lying about the relationship he had with them, but every day more information surfaces to suggest that he took money as a quasi-lobbyist for the sole purpose of manipulating congress in ways that set a terrible chain of events in motion.

When I watched the not-yet-fully-formed Tea Party support the Bush agenda to reform the greater middle east (a project too BIG for Washington, and too expensive for the tax payer). . . I realized that Republican voters were being too tightly controlled by their information sources.

When I watched the not-yet-fully-formed Tea Party support the Constitution-shredding Patriot Act . . . I realized that Republican voters were being too tightly controlled by their information sources.

When I watched the not-yet-fully-formed Tea Party support the largest centralization of power since LBJ, and the most expensive, wasteful bureaucracy in history > Homeland Security . . . I realized that Republican voters were being too tightly controlled by their information sources.

When I watch the fully-formed Tea Party support a professional Washington Insider, a man whose hands are all over the GOP plan to stimulate a dead economy through housing . . . I realize that Republican voters are too tightly controlled by their information sources.

(God Help US. The morons are doing it again)
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When will the Rightwing voter stop trusting career politicians?

When will the Rightwing voter stop trusting Washington insiders?

God help us.
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