reaction to Trumps "order"

Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China

Actually, we have separation of powers in this country. The Legislative Branch has the power of regulating international trade. The Executive Branch is thereby constrained.

Actually, we have separation of powers in this country. The Legislative Branch has the power of regulating international trade. The Executive Branch is thereby constrained.


Duh, really? The President also has Emergency Economic Powers since 1977 to bring American companies doing business with a hostile foreign power into line.....see above.

Hostile foreign power? Okey doke. :rolleyes:
Hostile foreign power? Okey doke. :rolleyes:

Roll your eyes trying to get through the S. China Sea or trying to live free in Hong Kong, or trying to run a business in Beijing without taking on a communist party "partner" and being forced to divulge your company proprietary what put you in business to them. This trade war isn't only about's about dominion over the world for the next century....I want to win that battle.
And even in this most recent manifestation of Trump’s idiocy, his ridiculous sycophants continue to blindly support him.

Wrong....we live commie humps live only to serve the have no allegiance to anything but the party...not God, Family, Country....nothing but the cold, humorless state.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?

He sure as shit can and I hope he's about time these sold out sons of bitches are brought to their senses and stop fucking the country that made them rich and powerful. He can declare anything from an American company in China contraband and have it seized and destroyed.

Trump takes aim at media after 'hereby' ordering US businesses out of China

Do you think Tramp will lead by example and stop having his clothes made over there as well? What about Ivanka her deal as well?
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?
They can go wherever they want, except China. Building up China and their military is treason. Bush, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the establishment globalists only see K-Street $$$$$$$$$$. When China thinks they have the upper hand, whose kids are going to be sent? Yeah.

you cant pretend Trump isn't a fuck up.
And you and everyone opposed to Trump's crazy ideas are fucking up too by arguing with him about it. It will only make him double down more. Haven't you learned anything about this maniac yet? Just say "Oh, interesting" and ignore him. He'll find something else to Tweet about tomorrow. Keep arguing he's wrong and he'll PROVE he's right by doing it.
He stole money from the military misusing a law meant for natural disasters. Don't think he won't try this if he feels the world thinks he can't do it.
Thank God we finally have a President with the balls to take on China. But people have to realize, especially Democrats and establishment free traders, that Trump needs everyones help to do this. Whatever happened to all that stronger together BS Democrats were chirping about? And Trump isn't ordering anything. He requesting help and stating the simple fact that companies may have to relocate if things in China turn south. Trump is right. Eff the globalist slavers.

He ordered it, did you not read his tweet?
And even in this most recent manifestation of Trump’s idiocy, his ridiculous sycophants continue to blindly support him.

Wrong....we live commie humps live only to serve the have no allegiance to anything but the party...not God, Family, Country....nothing but the cold, humorless state.
Not free to buy stuff from China it seems.
Thank God we finally have a President with the balls to take on China. But people have to realize, especially Democrats and establishment free traders, that Trump needs everyones help to do this. Whatever happened to all that stronger together BS Democrats were chirping about? And Trump isn't ordering anything. He requesting help and stating the simple fact that companies may have to relocate if things in China turn south. Trump is right. Eff the globalist slavers.

He ordered it, did you not read his tweet?

A President doesn't order anything through Twitter. He tweeted he "was going" to order them.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .
Good warning that he going to lower the boom on China...Glad he gave a warning if you are buying goods from China you might have to have them made in the USA.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .
Good warning that he going to lower the boom on China...Glad he gave a warning if you are buying goods from China you might have to have them made in the USA.
Nothing is moving to the USA. Try Vietnam or Thailand. Maybe India.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .
Good warning that he going to lower the boom on China...Glad he gave a warning if you are buying goods from China you might have to have them made in the USA.
Nothing is moving to the USA. Try Vietnam or Thailand. Maybe India.

They are moving back, but more importantly are the jobs that are staying here.

You don't get an economy like this just hoping it would happen.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .

Life is so much easier in a dictatorship. When Xi told his people to stop dealing with the USA, farm sales stopped overnight, investment in US plants and equipment ended, and real estate purchases by rich Chinese in America ended.
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .

Life is so much easier in a dictatorship. When Xi told his people to stop dealing with the USA, farm sales stopped overnight, investment in US plants and equipment ended, and real estate purchases by rich Chinese in America ended.

What's continuing is job growth and lowest unemployment in nearly a half century.
Like I already mentioned. My consumables are made in China. We predicted this can happen but I doubt it. But we have plan B and C just in case.

Trump is totally an idiot and a moron by even mentioning it. Pretend that this will happen. Just imagine how expensive everything are if Made in USA. People like me will be unable to compete overseas.
I have a cost accounting team that reviews these every year where we think we can make and save money.

If I make my consumables here approximately will cost from 150% to 200% . That doesn’t even include facilities, tooling and labs. If you think hospitals bills are very expensive now. Think again. THINK HARD. Be very careful what you wish for.
That is just me part of the puzzle. How about the rest of other businesses?

This is also an indication that this inept POTUS has nothing to do with the current booming economy. As far as I know he doesn’t know what he is doing. Like a little 10 yo boy looking for attention. Always saying or doing something dumb and stupid.
And even in this most recent manifestation of Trump’s idiocy, his ridiculous sycophants continue to blindly support him.

Wrong....we live commie humps live only to serve the have no allegiance to anything but the party...not God, Family, Country....nothing but the cold, humorless state.

If this president thought its cost effective to make his products here.

Don’t you think he could have done it?
a kick in the nuts -

U.S. stocks fell in a volatile session of trading, after President Donald Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts that he would be ordering U.S. companies to “immediately start looking for an alternative” to their business operations in China.

Stock market news: August 23, 2019

and there you have it .
Good warning that he going to lower the boom on China...Glad he gave a warning if you are buying goods from China you might have to have them made in the USA.
Nothing is moving to the USA. Try Vietnam or Thailand. Maybe India.

They are moving back, but more importantly are the jobs that are staying here.

You don't get an economy like this just hoping it would happen.
Obama said that manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Trump is bringing them back.
Now the President is deciding where private businesses can operate?
They can go wherever they want, except China. Building up China and their military is treason. Bush, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the establishment globalists only see K-Street $$$$$$$$$$. When China thinks they have the upper hand, whose kids are going to be sent? Yeah.

you cant pretend Trump isn't a fuck up.

Trump has a very different management style. He is not a politician, he is a billionaire/TV personality. I don't like everything he does, but I do like the strategic decisions he makes. He's petty, egotistical, shoots from the hip too much, and is borrowing too much instead of increasing taxes. That said, I do like the general direction the US is moving in, especially opposing China, and I do like his "promises kept" list. Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

If you think Trump's a fuckup, please provide a list of things he's fucked up.
My bet is that what I love about Trump is what you lefties hate, and no I'm not a racist, nor a white supremacist.

Yes to everything except the tax thingy.

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