
I love when conservatives try to give lessons on language or any intellectual matter because they come across like insane morons.

Leftists routinely spout banalities as if they were profundities. The fact of the matter is that conservatives are light years ahead of the typical leftist loon intellectually. Lefty just can't grasp the ramifications of much of anything given that his entire political philosophy is just a collection of slogans. Things that conservatives take for granted at a glance fly right over lefty's pointed head.
I believe that any society should be what the majority of the citizens want it to be.

The United State is not just ‘any society’: the United States is a Constitutional Republic, ruled by law, not man – and not the majority when the majority advocates policies clearly offensive to the Constitution and rule of law.

Liberalism, progressivism, marxism, socialism, communism, maoism, leninism, or whatever ism you choose, have never worked, they always fail.

You only exhibit your ignorance.

Liberalism and progressivism have nothing to do whatsoever with Marxism, socialism, communism, Leninism, or any other faux ‘ism’ you wish to contrive.

Liberalism and progressivism comport with the American Constitutional Republic, in their respect for inalienable individual rights, the rule of law, and limiting government to ensure the primacy of individual liberty. They are hated by the right because they are pragmatists, and unlike most conservatives do not blindly adhere to sanctioned political dogma.
Reactionary is nowadays mostly used pejoratively by political groups, especially those of the "left-wing", to qualify politicians that they accuse of wanting to reverse some progress that they claim has been beneficial to society.
I believe that any society should be what the majority of the citizens want it to be.

The United State is not just ‘any society’: the United States is a Constitutional Republic, ruled by law, not man – and not the majority when the majority advocates policies clearly offensive to the Constitution and rule of law.

Liberalism, progressivism, marxism, socialism, communism, maoism, leninism, or whatever ism you choose, have never worked, they always fail.

You only exhibit your ignorance.

Liberalism and progressivism have nothing to do whatsoever with Marxism, socialism, communism, Leninism, or any other faux ‘ism’ you wish to contrive.

Liberalism and progressivism comport with the American Constitutional Republic, in their respect for inalienable individual rights, the rule of law, and limiting government to ensure the primacy of individual liberty. They are hated by the right because they are pragmatists, and unlike most conservatives do not blindly adhere to sanctioned political dogma.

you could not be more wrong. We are talking about these things in the context that they are used today.

Marx "to each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities"

Obama " I want to redistribute the wealth" " you didn't build that"

the two guys share a basic philosophy---and its wrong.

the constitution protects our individual rights, but the constitution and all of our laws were put in place by majority vote. A majority of 38 states can change the constitution.

We are a nation of laws and such laws are put in place by a majority vote.
Just for the record the term reactionary can be applied to anyone who has a opinion and dares to voice it hell everyone of us on this board could be considered a reactionary.
Just for the record the term reactionary can be applied to anyone who has a opinion and dares to voice it hell everyone of us on this board could be considered a reactionary.

exactly why I started this thread. liberals want the word to be a negative or an insult when applied to conservatives. But its not, its just a word. whether it is negative or positive depends on the context in which it is used.
you cite to a source identifying Joe McCarthy as a man of courage. LOL You could not possibly have so destroyed your own thread. This is like the bud light commericial saluting real men of genius.

it always amazes me how you liberals resort to insults rather than address the topic at hand.

The term reactionary is always used by liberals in a negative context, I was just trying to point out that it is not automatically a negative word. "reacting" negatively to radical liberalism is not a negative, it is a positive.

But I guess the whole concept is too complex for you on the left.

And correctly so.

History has proven that reactionaries invariably fail in their effort to stop change and compel a given society to return to an idealized past. The connotation is appropriately negative because reactionary policies often involve repressive measures against a minority seeking change and equality in a repressive conservative society, such as the right’s desire to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights.

Reactionaryism is negative because it involves giving into fear and ignorance, where often a conservative social group perceives change as a threat to its power, privilege, and authority to influence society to its advantage.

Reactionaryism is a religious context is just as detrimental to society. A religious majority will often incorrectly perceive social change as a threat to its ‘morals’ and ‘values,’ resulting in the inane notion that a loss of such subjective ‘morals’ and ‘values’ will somehow harm society, where in fact conservatives, for the most part, fear the loss of a powerful social and political institution under their control.

Reactionaryism is inherently dangerous, as it poses a threat to a society’s need to evolve and progress.
There's nothng more reactionary that a liberal screaming for more gun control after a school shooting.
I believe that any society should be what the majority of the citizens want it to be.

The United State is not just ‘any society’: the United States is a Constitutional Republic, ruled by law, not man – and not the majority when the majority advocates policies clearly offensive to the Constitution and rule of law.

Liberalism, progressivism, marxism, socialism, communism, maoism, leninism, or whatever ism you choose, have never worked, they always fail.

You only exhibit your ignorance.

Liberalism and progressivism have nothing to do whatsoever with Marxism, socialism, communism, Leninism, or any other faux ‘ism’ you wish to contrive.

Liberalism and progressivism comport with the American Constitutional Republic, in their respect for inalienable individual rights, the rule of law, and limiting government to ensure the primacy of individual liberty. They are hated by the right because they are pragmatists, and unlike most conservatives do not blindly adhere to sanctioned political dogma.

You're a pathological liar.

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