
No we get it just fine. Liberal is also not automatically a negative word. As the country acts more liberally towards social policies that is a positive.

thats your opinion, personally I don't think the society is made better by abortion on demand and gay marriage.

A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society. History has proven that many times.

You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.
So now you guys are writing your own dictionaries?

Dictionaries schmidtionaries.

Get this straight: the contemporary American conservative/libertarian is a classical liberal of the Lockean tradition. His socio-political philosophy is that of the Founding Fathers, the most radically liberal theory in all of world history.

You leftists are collectivistic conformists, statists bootlicks of the Jacobinian, Marxist, and/or Fascist tradition.

The founding fathers were not all of the same ideology and to lay claim that they would approve of your political ideology, whether it is right or left, is foolish.:eusa_hand:

the declaration of independence and the constitution define the consensus of the founders ideology. things like "endowed by their creator" and "all men are created equal".
thats your opinion, personally I don't think the society is made better by abortion on demand and gay marriage.

A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society. History has proven that many times.

You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.

But you are fine with an "anything goes" when it refers to economics? That's the rub isn't it.
thats your opinion, personally I don't think the society is made better by abortion on demand and gay marriage.

A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society. History has proven that many times.

You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.

Good attempt at a deflection.
So now you guys are writing your own dictionaries?

Dictionaries schmidtionaries.

Get this straight: the contemporary American conservative/libertarian is a classical liberal of the Lockean tradition. His socio-political philosophy is that of the Founding Fathers, the most radically liberal theory in all of world history.

You leftists are collectivistic conformists, statists bootlicks of the Jacobinian, Marxist, and/or Fascist tradition.

The founding fathers were not all of the same ideology and to lay claim that they would approve of your political ideology, whether it is right or left, is foolish.:eusa_hand:

Put your hand down.

Bull. Ignorance. Stupidity. Dishonesty. Depravity. Delusion.

Another leftist lying about history and the source and nature of his political sentiments. . . .

Stow it. I’m sick of it. Go peddle your shoeshine somewhere else. Leftist academicians don't even bother hiding their true colors anymore, why are you hiding it? LOL!

For the Founders, the common denominator was typically the Lockean socio-political philosophy and/or the classical liberalism of the Anglo-American tradition as opposed to the collectivistic democratic theory of the Continental European tradition. We contemporary American conservatives/libertarians are the classical liberals of that tradition. You leftists, once again, are collectivistic conformists, statists bootlicks of the Jacobinian, Marxist, and/or Fascist tradition.

You might want to get a clue as to who you're talking to before you go prattling your "it's-all-a-mystery-and-relative" bull:
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You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.

But you are fine with an "anything goes" when it refers to economics? That's the rub isn't it.

LOL! Pitchfork-wielding Jacobin. More political prattle harking back to Continental Europe.

Laissez-faire is not "anything goes". It's the ebb and flow of the market place in a free and untrammeled society. Yeah. We know. It scares you limp-wristed, leftist sissies to death. Control freaks. Thugs. Statist bootlicks.
You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.

But you are fine with an "anything goes" when it refers to economics? That's the rub isn't it.

I don't recall ever saying that. No, we need laws for business, and for government regarding economics. We need a balanced national budget---by law.

where we differ is on the degree of government interference with both social and economic matters. I think govt interference should be minimal and that a concensus of the population should set the basic rules that the society operates by.

You on the left want the government to DICTATE both social and economic rules.
You forgot to say what YOU believe to be morals and ethics. Why do you not just stay out of other people's bedrooms and vaginas?

not what I said: I said: "A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society."

I would prefer my morals and ethics, but society as a whole decides what standards it lives by. But a society with none will not survive--an "anything goes" society will fail.

Good attempt at a deflection.

addressing the topic at hand is not deflecting :cuckoo:
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

ok, if that's the definition, what is a conservative? vs an extreme conservative?

The main problem you Liberals have, is that you're big L liberals which are far different from little l liberals.
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Only a true idiot would regard the promotion of marxist ideas as "progressive".

There is no "progress" to speak of in North Korea, Cuba, or Laos. The only reason China and Vietnam are becoming prosperous is because they've moved away from it. If libtardism was "progress" the soviets would have liberated us from the clutches of Reagan, not the other way around.

Liberals keep trying to make leftist dogma work. It never has, it never will. Unless you consider gulags, forced famines, and widespread misery "progress".

I don't, so call me a reactionary. It's nothing compared to what I call you bed wetters.
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Only a true idiot would regard the promotion of marxist ideas as "progressive".

There is no "progress" to speak of in North Korea, Cuba, or Laos. The only reason China and Vietnam are becoming prosperous is because they've moved away from it. If libtardism was "progress" the soviets would have liberated us from the clutches of Reagan, not the other way around.

Liberals keep trying to make leftist dogma work. It never has, it never will. Unless you consider gulags, forced famines, and widespread misery "progress".

I don't, so call me a reactionary. It's nothing compared to what I call you bed wetters.

you just shoved Dutch's head into a wooden shoe :clap2:
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

ok, if that's the definition, what is a conservative? vs an extreme conservative?

The main problem you Liberals have, is that you're big L liberals which are far different from little l liberals.

Actually, they're just big I Idiots.
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Only a true idiot would regard the promotion of marxist ideas as "progressive".

There is no "progress" to speak of in North Korea, Cuba, or Laos. The only reason China and Vietnam are becoming prosperous is because they've moved away from it. If libtardism was "progress" the soviets would have liberated us from the clutches of Reagan, not the other way around.

Liberals keep trying to make leftist dogma work. It never has, it never will. Unless you consider gulags, forced famines, and widespread misery "progress".

I don't, so call me a reactionary. It's nothing compared to what I call you bed wetters.

you just shoved Dutch's head into a wooden shoe :clap2:

Liberals use this term to describe anyone that they don't like. Do any of you libtards know the meaning of the word?

It was originally coined by the Russian communists and applied to anyone who objected to the communist dictatorship. Anyone who uses the term is a commie.

(My bold)

Nah. See Reactionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -

"Usage and history [edit]

"The French Revolution gave the English language three politically descriptive words denoting anti-progressive politics: reactionary, conservative and right. Reactionary derives from the French word réactionnaire (a late eighteenth-century coinage based on the word réaction, "reaction"), and conservative from conservateur, identifying monarchist parliamentarians opposed to the revolution.[4] In this French usage, reactionary denotes "a movement towards the reversal of an existing tendency or state" and a "return to a previous condition of affairs." The Oxford English Dictionary cites the first English-language usage in 1799 in a translation of Lazare Carnot's letter on the Coup of 18 Fructidor.[5]"

(My bold in quote - see the article for a discussion of Communist usage)
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

thats the liberal definition:

here is the real one:

As the debate for the hearts, mind and soul of Americans rages, the need to clearly understand the correct application and meaning of a Reactionary in today’s Newspeak political world is crucial. The slurs slung for contemptuous connotation illustrate the fear that people will one day wake up to their true heritage. Consequently, let’s get the term correct. A Reactionary is a rational moralist combating cultural and political insanity. A Reactionary is not a power elite seeking to coerce skeptics to accept reason. Reason applies free will to accept voluntary limits upon personal excess, social deviance and political compulsion, is the true objective of a rational reactionary. Restraint on the reach, range and scope of government is its core political principle.

You’ll understand if everyone ignores your inane and ridiculous ‘definition’ of reactionary.

The term describes a majority of conservatives extremely well: fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of dissent – the desire to return America to an idealized past that never really existed to begin with. An American past that was far from ‘ideal’ for millions of women, homosexuals, African Americans, and other racial, ethnic, and religious minorities.

Typical of most reactionaries is the incorrect notion that change brings about an ‘absence’ of ‘morals’ or ‘values.’

For example:

[P]ersonally I don't think the society is made better by abortion on demand and gay marriage.

A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society. History has proven that many times.

Women who have abortions and same-sex couples are just as ‘moral’ as everyone else. A woman may elect to have an abortion for a variety of reasons having nothing to do with ‘morals’ or ‘values.’ And same-sex couples believe their desire to marry is highly moral and predicated on long-standing American values of commitment and the desire to have a family.

Americans standing up for their privacy rights or equal protection rights is anything but ‘immoral.’
re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

Seems like liberals are using this term correctly. I do not get your point.

reactionary - definition of reactionary by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

thats the liberal definition:

here is the real one:

As the debate for the hearts, mind and soul of Americans rages, the need to clearly understand the correct application and meaning of a Reactionary in today’s Newspeak political world is crucial. The slurs slung for contemptuous connotation illustrate the fear that people will one day wake up to their true heritage. Consequently, let’s get the term correct. A Reactionary is a rational moralist combating cultural and political insanity. A Reactionary is not a power elite seeking to coerce skeptics to accept reason. Reason applies free will to accept voluntary limits upon personal excess, social deviance and political compulsion, is the true objective of a rational reactionary. Restraint on the reach, range and scope of government is its core political principle.

You’ll understand if everyone ignores your inane and ridiculous ‘definition’ of reactionary.

The term describes a majority of conservatives extremely well: fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of dissent – the desire to return America to an idealized past that never really existed to begin with. An American past that was far from ‘ideal’ for millions of women, homosexuals, African Americans, and other racial, ethnic, and religious minorities.

Typical of most reactionaries is the incorrect notion that change brings about an ‘absence’ of ‘morals’ or ‘values.’

For example:

[P]ersonally I don't think the society is made better by abortion on demand and gay marriage.

A society with no morals and no ethics is a doomed society. History has proven that many times.

Women who have abortions and same-sex couples are just as ‘moral’ as everyone else. A woman may elect to have an abortion for a variety of reasons having nothing to do with ‘morals’ or ‘values.’ And same-sex couples believe their desire to marry is highly moral and predicated on long-standing American values of commitment and the desire to have a family.

Americans standing up for their privacy rights or equal protection rights is anything but ‘immoral.’

Abortion is murder and homosexuality is depraved. You’re a liar and a hypocrite. I know precisely who and what you are. You’re a vicious little prick of man, a statist bootlick who promotes collectivist rights at the expense of individual liberty and free-association. In short, you're a coward and a control freak, a busy body, a conformist, a fascist thug, a deluded fool.

You're a sick degenerate of a lost and stupid generation--hands soaked in the blood of infanticide. Only a limp-wristed, pathetic excuse of manhood is not disgusted by sodomy or would regard a woman who rips a child from her womb and tosses it into a dumpster to be moral.

You're outside your mind. No decent woman would have you, and no real man would tolerate the likes of you.
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