Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

STILL you do not GET the fact the prosecution works FOR the police?
How could you be so dense?
Haven't you noticed the prosecution was trying as hard as possible to deliberately throw this case?

Really, last I saw the District Attorney is elected and the Police Chief is appointed. usually by the mayor or the city counsel. And from what I observed in the trial, the prosecutors did the best they could with a political persecution with no real evidence. But hey, feel free to keep beating that dead horse. You're really good at it and it's entertaining as hell. LAMO

He was still in range to shoot and kill at will, so then he was still an immediate lethal threat to everyone,
So then they were the ones with the valid right of self defense, to end the deadly threat Rittenhouse posed to everyone.
He entirely provoked the situation by illegally bringing the rifle.
He deserved to be immediately shot for that.
No he didn’t you ignorant asshole. He was such a deadly threat that your beloved domestic abuser, pedo, and illegal possessor of a handgun chased him with full intent to murder him. Two of them deservedly in hell, and the third earning the nickname “lefty”. Your stupid (completely wrong) OPINION can summarily be flushed.
STILL you do not GET the fact the prosecution works FOR the police?
How could you be so dense?
Haven't you noticed the prosecution was trying as hard as possible to deliberately throw this case?
ragby.5 urgently trying to prove that he doesn’t understand thing one about — well, basically anything.

Back here in the real world, no prosecutor works for the police. If anything, the contrary is a bit more accurate in fact.

Further, the embarrassing prosecution in the KR case wasn’t trying to throw the case, you pathetic excuse maker. They were cheating their asses off to win a case that shouldn’t have even been initiated.

Damn you are worthless raggy.
If Rittenhouse was not deliberately trying to frighten and intimidate people, then he would not have brought the rifle.
Notice no one else had a rifle or felt a need for one.
Pathetic excuses and spin. All you ever have loser. Poor baby. Your rioters attacked an innocent kid and got what they deserved. Rittenhouse approached NOBODY idiot. They came for him when he put out their fire and ended their attempt to blow up a gas station. Next excuse so I can bitch slap you again.
The law clearly states Kyle is guilty.
It is illegal for a minor to be in possession of a firearm, with only a few exceptions, which do not apply.
The jury says NOT GUILTY on ALL counts. Period. End of arguments. Game over. You lose. Again.
No, the acquittal of Rittenhouse on WI charges are irrelevant.
The point is Rittenhouse was too young to buy according to federal law, so Black was doing an illegal straw purchase for Kyle.
But anyone who knows WI law, like an NRA member and WI resident like me, knows it was illegal for Kyle to possess the rifle without adult supervision.

But anyone who knows WI law, like an NRA member and WI resident like me, knows it was illegal for Kyle to possess the rifle without adult supervision

You mean except for all the defense lawyers…..all of the prosecution lawyers and the judge….you mean except for all those professional and experienced lawyers…….right?
I've posted several news reports.. The militias and rioters didn't care about the curfew.. Just the protesters..

Funny about those black businesses being torched.

Yes……..the rich whites of the democrat party told the police to stand down……to let the terrorists of the democrat party…blmantifa ….to burn and loot black owned businesses in primarily black neighborhoods…………….the democrat party, created by racist slave owners, is still racist….to its core……
The judge deliberately lied.
There is nothing remotely vague about the legislation.
The Progressive Socialist Communists have so much power now they believed that the Prosecution could do anything it wanted to win the case. I am no lawyer. The Judge himself is a Democrat I believe. So he questioned them.
Really, last I saw the District Attorney is elected and the Police Chief is appointed. usually by the mayor or the city counsel. And from what I observed in the trial, the prosecutors did the best they could with a political persecution with no real evidence. But hey, feel free to keep beating that dead horse. You're really good at it and it's entertaining as hell. LAMO


Righby is just getting desperate………everything he has posted since he contracted Rittenhouse Syndrome has been shown to be innaccurate amd stupid………but Rittenhouse Syndrome forces the brain to stop working whenever the infected sees the words kyle, Rittenhouse, or AR-15……
More than that, the verdict confirms the very concept of civil liberties. democrats are dedicated to ending ALL civil liberties, The most basic being the right to defend oneself. This was a MAJOR blow to the fascist fucks like Golfing Gator
Yes, it’s a blow to the Radical Left, who were dealt a resounding “Not On My Watch,!” in relation to two of their freedom-destroying narratives:

1) We are not going to send an innocent teenager to prison because….white!!!….and you are trying to push through your lies about racism, and

2) We still will be able to defend ourselves against the Democrat agenda should the radical left move beyond silencing….beyond weaponized government agencies against us….and on to brutal force.
The Second Amendment to our Constitution, which is the very highest law in this nation, very clearly says otherwise.
the irony of the demafascist poster’s comment is the entire riot started because the cult was saying that police can’t be trusted with guns
the irony of the demafascist poster’s comment is the entire riot started because the cult was saying that police can’t be trusted with guns
What‘s happened to our country as the leftists try to “transform” it seems surreal. Look at all the brainwashed liberals crying that a white teenager defending himself against criminal BLM thugs has been rightfully judged to be not guilty while they defended, or at minimum permitted, BLM savages to kill people, assault people, burn down buildings, and damage businesses and property in city after city, month after month.

Is this Liberal Bizzaro World? The writing was on the wall when that Baltimore mayor (black of course) said during the Freddie Gray riots that police should “give the [savages] space to destroy” as honest, hard-working and law-abiding citizens (also mostly black) watched their businesses go up in flames.
More than that, the verdict confirms the very concept of civil liberties. democrats are dedicated to ending ALL civil liberties, The most basic being the right to defend oneself. This was a MAJOR blow to the fascist fucks like Golfing Gator

I agreed with the verdict and you still have to call me names....damn son you should charge me rent for the space I am taking up in your head
Kyle did not "become separated", but deliberately and intentionally was going up to every protestor he could, to ensure they were intimidated by his rifle.
Those actions are the equivalent of "fighting words".
Oh? And what was the intimidation? Kyle asking if anyone needed 1st aid? Or maybe Kyle asking for a fire extingusher?

Many of the rioters were also armed, should that be a threat? Fighting words?

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