Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

There is an old saw: are you rooting for one particular verdict or are you rooting for justice. I was rooting for justice and therefore was hoping for the acquittal.

Since the evidence was quite clear that Kyle was engaged in self defense, the people who were rooting for a conviction necessarily didn’t give a damn about “justice.”

Our society is very lucky that so many juries take their duties seriously and don’t cave in to mob pressure.
most of them don't.. there was the OJ debacle..



  1. a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid.
    "green scum found on stagnant pools"
    film · layer · covering · froth · foam · suds · dross · dirt
  2. informal
    a worthless or contemptible person or group of people.
    "you drug dealers are the scum of the earth" ·

    despicable person/people · rabble · riffraff · refuse · garbage · trash · vermin·
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Whether he would win or lose, has no bearing on whether this could be a money making venture for the right lawyer or Rittenhouse on a contingency deal. A go-fund-me site donation thing set up for reasonable expenses to fight the fight can pull in a lot of bucks and the right accountant and lawyers can make it work for the benefit of the kid, the lawyers and the accountant. It is the new American way.
he has a right to seek compensation from powerful people in msn that slandered him . let me ask you this question . do you believe Rittenhouse was justified in defending himself . do you agree with the verdict .
This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.
what you just posted is absolute insanity ! a white guy shoots 3 white people attacking him and you equate that to racism slavery and lynch mobs ! proof that the race card the left deals is meaningless ! it proves the left uses race as a political weapon ......despicable .
No it isn’t. It has not a thing to do with the gun lobby. Kyle claimed self defense because — wait for it — he was defending himself.

The defendants in the Arbery case are probably screwed because — merely claiming self defense doesn’t mean you were acting with true justification. Also, it seems unlikely a jury will “buy” the claim in their case for a variety of reasons.

But in neither case does the gun lobby have a single thing to do with it.
Just imagine the NaziCon outrage if Rittenhouse was black.

None on my part, the law is the law, the color of the skin doesn't matter. The case was weak and that is what happens when the state pushes forward without a lot of evidence. It is called reasonable doubt.

Maybe you know about the emotion of your fellow fascists. But most of us conservatives don’t feel affiliated with Nazis.

if Rittenhouse was a black man, I’d be happy about his justified acquittal. See, we conservatives (unlike so many of you bizarre liberals) don’t view it as a color or race issue. Unlike you guys, we appreciate the color blindness of justice.

This seems to be one of the more extreme examples of those on the left wrong stretching to try to make something about racism, that has nothing whatsoever to do with racism.
If he's chasing you trying to bash your head in with a skateboard, jump if you feel froggy. Conservatives will defend your right to defend yourself. As much as you'd like it to, your "opinion" doesn't change facts.

Left Wrong-wing filth, such as Dragonlady, are always on the side of their own kind—criminals, perverts, and other loathsome dregs of subhumanity—against that of actual human beings.
what you just posted is absolute insanity ! a white guy shoots 3 white people attacking him and you equate that to racism slavery and lynch mobs ! proof that the race card the left deals is meaningless ! it proves the left uses race as a political weapon ......despicable .

The riot/demonstration was about the police shooting Blake, a Black person, half a dozens times, at close range, for no reason.
So Rittenhouse was a bout preserving slavery, and doing it by intimidating people with a rifle.
That is identical to the intimidation of a lynch mob or cross burners.

But what is worst about this insane verdict, is that now it will be impossible to prevent gun control.
My argument against gun control was always that they guns are not the problem, and instead we simply have to incarcerate those who would abuse firearms.
But now I can not use that argument any more,
The case against Kyle was about as air tight as any case can be, any yet racism made it fail, so then the argument against gun control then fails as well.
If a 17 year old kid who could not even legally possess a rifle on his own, can beat these murders and shootings, then there is no argument left to defend gun possession at all.
The reaction is going to be assured gun control now, and there is nothing we now can do to stop it.

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