Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

But one cannot claim self defense if they instigate the confrontation. I think that is what those who don't like the verdict were thinking. No one would have threated Rittenhouse if he had not taken his rifle and driven to a sister state to protest protestors.

Frankly, I didn't pay much attention to the trial. I'm not really surprised at the verdict though. A little surprised that the shooting of the one surviving "victim" didn't get a conviction, but I didn't pay much attention. But if you shoot and kill someone who was obviously acting violently .. odds are in you're favor for acquittal. Who is gonna say they weren't threatening you. Better to stay home though, imo.

Back before no retreat laws, the thinking was if you shoot someone drag their body into an open window before the cops come. LOL
Yeah, that was what I was thinking. If Rittenhouse had just stayed home, two people would still be alive and a third person wouldn’t be maimed. Of course, you can say the same thing about the protesters and rioters. Anyways he chose to be there with a gun and others chose to attack him. He has a right to defend himself. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Hmm. The left ain't takin' this well. It's gettin' close to dark and de moon bats be comin' out.

I'm not buying that This is a legitimate seizure. I'm inclined to think she's fakin' this and overplayin' it just a tad. But then i gotta think.... this is the same thing happened when PResident Trump was elected....the demons are furious that their side met with defeat.
The "righteous indignation" and outrage spewing from these high level democrats I cannot stomach. The crimes, lies and sh - t we have had to endure from you scoundrels for five years and you dare take the high moral ground like you have been the virtuous ones all along? Spare us, because you are wrong again.

The "righteous indignation" and outrage spewing from these high level democrats I cannot stomach. The crimes, lies and sh - t we have had to endure from you scoundrels for five years and you dare take the high moral ground like you have been the virtuous ones all along? Spare us, because you are wrong again.

Dimm's like him are fomenting a race war.
Except this case, IS NOT THE CASE!
There is an old saw: are you rooting for one particular verdict or are you rooting for justice. I was rooting for justice and therefore was hoping for the acquittal.

Since the evidence was quite clear that Kyle was engaged in self defense, the people who were rooting for a conviction necessarily didn’t give a damn about “justice.”

Our society is very lucky that so many juries take their duties seriously and don’t cave in to mob pressure.
Agreed. But I'm still wondering why the cops aren't being held accountable for inviting vigilantes to a riot.
Name the person responsible. Otherwise your farting in an elevator.
Piss off. I'm not a fucking investigator. But it was obvious what happened. The D's running the city essentially told the police to stand down - so they invited the militia to the party. And got people killed.
There is an old saw: are you rooting for one particular verdict or are you rooting for justice. I was rooting for justice and therefore was hoping for the acquittal.

Since the evidence was quite clear that Kyle was engaged in self defense, the people who were rooting for a conviction necessarily didn’t give a damn about “justice.”

Our society is very lucky that so many juries take their duties seriously and don’t cave in to mob pressure.
the leftist were rooting for a conviction because their propagandist and race baiter and chief told them what to root for…they put politics over justice. It’s what leftist tyrants always do
What a load. Pure blather. He HAD a well established LEGAL right to be where he was.
He HAD a well established and PERFECTLY LEGAL right to carry that long arm rifle.
He wasn’t a “yahoo.” He got attacked by violent rioters. He had a right of self-defense. He had to resort to it.

An objective jury recognized all of the above. You don’t. They reached a verdict consistent with Justice. Your objection is predicated on your dislike of justice in this case because it conflicts with your partisan political emotionalism.
Again she is a Canadian and is so full of leftwing crap it isn't funny.
the leftist were rooting for a conviction because their propagandist and race baiter and chief told them what to root for…they put politics over justice. It’s what leftist tyrants always do

This is totally apparent now. They even have media outlets pushing their disinformation and propaganda!!
So everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it differs from yours.

What this says is, if I see a guy walking down the street with an AR15 and I feel threatened by his presence, I can shoot him in the head and call it "self defense", because he had a weapon and I was afraid. All you have to say is "I was scared" and you can kill anyone.
LOL you did not watch the trial obviously or you wouldnt post that crap. the trial CLEARLY established that in all 3 cases Kyle was attacked and acted in self defense.

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