Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

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It's your side that wants to defund the police and then burn, loot, and murder.

Your autonomous zones end up having people getting killed in them.

What did you expect to happen when a criminal is pushing a burning dumpster towards a gas station and someone stands up and says no?

The only trial(s) on this issue should have been against the arsonist and the ones attacking Rittenhouse.



These Satanic Dirty Diaper Worshippers do not care about right and wrong, and they are always on the side of wrong.
false ! but you are right on the fact Rittenhouse will have a tough time from here on out ! the left will demonize him and his family relentlessly because they didnt get the verdict they wanted ! Kyle is canceled ! thats why he should immediately sue the leftwing msm that falsely labelled him a murderer and a white supremacist !
Doubt that would go too far, but sure some lawyer would take the case. If he can find one that would take it on contingency he might make something. Sometimes they settle quietly, just to avoid publicity.
I of course said nothing of the sort. But you go on doing what you do. Unwittingly, you underscore my point.

This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.
This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.

Now Kyle Rittenhouse and a very good lawyer, or two, can busy themselves by suing the shit out of
CNN, MSNBC and other deserving media liars and slander monkeys.

And hopefully the Wisconsin bar will start the process of knocking dishonest disreputable prosecutor
Thomas Binger down to size for his shoddy shameful shenanigans in the Rittenhouse trial.

These things still have to be done.
This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.

Are you making the claim that Rittenhouse lost his right to self-defense because he was carrying a gun? I mean you can't really argue the facts that these guys attacked him. The fact that they may have been scared of Rittenhouse because he was carrying a gun doesn't warrant them CLEARLY chasing him and attacking him. By all accounts and testimonials, he wasn't walking around pointing at people.
Doubt that would go too far, but sure some lawyer would take the case. If he can find one that would take it on contingency he might make something. Sometimes they settle quietly, just to avoid publicity.

He actually has a very good case for libel. He will get paid. Heck, Biden smeared him during the presidential campaign in a TV ad clearly implying that he was a white supremacist.
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.
Dragonlady, did you not watch anything, he was attacked, he did not attack anyone. Wisconsin has an open carry law as does many other states. If you are stupid enough to attack someone with a gun, you deserve to get shot as the Darwin rules come into play. These guys were felons, they will not be missed.
He actually has a very good case for libel. He will get paid. Heck, Biden smeared him during the presidential campaign in a TV ad clearly implying that he was a white supremacist.
Just another Biden untruth to throw onto the mountain of Joe's slanderous lies.

It ranks up there with "they want to put y'all back into chains" or "you ain't black if you don't
vote for me".

Joe Biden spews out lies at an impressive rate.
Sorry. The kid went to Kenosha looking for trouble, made it, killed two people, and got off. All this shows is that there really are two systems of justice
in this country. Hell, the judge may as well have telegraphed the verdict a couple of times during this trial. Again, he was lucky no one else that night
was motivated to put him down.
he drove 21 miles, the people he killed 91 miles, who was looking for trouble, do you mind repeating that?
He actually has a very good case for libel. He will get paid. Heck, Biden smeared him during the presidential campaign in a TV ad clearly implying that he was a white supremacist.
Maybe you should take the case. You might make some money. All you can lose is time.
Har dee har fucking har! You brain dead liberals watch way too much MSNBC and have been led astray by those who wish to profit off of you and your artificially manufactured anger. No way anyone who is truly objective and free from personal agendas and politics could reach any other conclusion than not guilty. It was obvious from day 1.
This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.
First off, there is no such thing as legal murder, that is just a stupid unintelligent thing to say. Look up the definition and you will realize how dumb you sound.

Rittenhouse was not an innocent victim and neither was anyone else at that riot. There is no expectation of safety in a riot, so chasing after a person with a gun is just plain stupid. I would never do that, of course I decided long ago that riots weren't a safe place to be.

So you can claim what you want but nothing in the criminal code has changed, murder is still illegal and when someone is charged with murder it will go through our legal system and if the evidence is there, then they will be convicted. If there is evidence lacking then it may turnout to be like the Rittenhouse case. You need actual evidence to convict a person.
Doubt that would go too far, but sure some lawyer would take the case. If he can find one that would take it on contingency he might make something. Sometimes they settle quietly, just to avoid publicity.
nah .... they are already attacking the judge and Rittenhouse on leftwing msm ...

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