Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

Sorry. The kid went to Kenosha looking for trouble, made it, killed two people, and got off. All this shows is that there really are two systems of justice
in this country. Hell, the judge may as well have telegraphed the verdict a couple of times during this trial. Again, he was lucky no one else that night
was motivated to put him down.
I agree it was a lucky thing no one else tried to attack him, there would’ve been some more dead rioters.
Unfortunately, not...

But hopefully the tide will turn and more rioters can be killed....

That is the only way to save our country
i would much rather that the leaders governors mayors police chiefs ect ... keep the rioters from destroying looting assaulting and burning ! law and order needs to be restored so things like this dont happen .
i would much rather that the leaders governors mayors police chiefs ect ... keep the rioters from destroying looting assaulting and burning ! law and order needs to be restored so things like this dont happen .
The politicians and police are all under the control of leftist communist Dems...

Real Americans must step up to defend themselves and defend property...

Kyle may have been defending property in the face of a riot -- but property needs to be defended at all times...not just during riots...

We need more Kyles in every community taking out the scum

These 2 people who died aren't the only woman abusing pedos out there....there are many....take them out
I doubt he will have a hard time tho....

He already has a Congressional staff job waiting for him according to Matt Gaetz.......and no doubt he can run for statewide office and win -- the next election cycle in fact, depending on what the age limit is for his state...

He definitely has a bright future......this shooting actually helped him out more than getting straight A's in class could have
nah .... he's going to be the lefts punching bag for years to come .
the left is indirectly responsible for what happened in Kenosha .
I just saw a rev group. It apparently stands for “revolutionary.” They insist that Kyle “is” guilty. They say that the justice system is a “capitalist justice system,” and accordingly it can’t be trusted.

Obvious tripe. But it does seem to boil down to an essence the actual “arguments” of board morons and hacks like bodecea etc.
I just saw a rev group. It apparently stands for “revolutionary.” They insist that Kyle “is” guilty. They say that the justice system is a “capitalist justice system,” and accordingly it can’t be trusted.

Obvious tripe. But it does seem to boil down to an essence the actual “arguments” of board morons and hacks like bodecea etc.
BLM stands for Bowels Love Movement.
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.


It's your side that wants to defund the police and then burn, loot, and murder.

Your autonomous zones end up having people getting killed in them.

What did you expect to happen when a criminal is pushing a burning dumpster towards a gas station and someone stands up and says no?

The only trial(s) on this issue should have been against the arsonist and the ones attacking Rittenhouse.


The left and their lies have been exposed again. They lost in court but they still want to make sure this young man pays for it.

The lies will continue and will no doubt get worse and expanded upon.. just like the leftist bunch does President Trump AS THEY ignore the vileness and illegalities of their leftist elites.
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.
It's funny how some seriously mentally compromised people can interpret reality anyway they want in
order for their whacked out views of their "reality" to apply.

The jury brought back the only decision that reasonably could be reached, i.e. the long recognized concept
of self defense is still quite valid.

People assaulting Rittenhouse and threatening murder got what was coming to them.
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.
According to eyewitnesses Rittenhouse wasn't the aggressor and one of the people Rittenhouse shot said he was going to harm Rittenhouse, so that is called self defense. Unfortunately Martin attacked Zimmerman and by eyewitness accounts, Martin was on top of Zimmerman. The DOJ under Obama looked into the case and would not prosecute. The case was pushed with little or no evidence against Zimmerman.

Your idea of the facts are not facts, they are your biases.

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