Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

Looks like Queer Boi Little Finger lost another one.

and THIS ^^^ is the reason it is very important to know the particulars before you open your maw about a legal situation.

Kyle for over a year, hated the Left wing who made stories up to convict him. Soon, he is gonna love them, as they fill his bank acct with cash after he sues the hell out of them; so much cash, he will never have to work a day in his life!

I am certain that as I write this, some GOP activist is on the phone, talking about how they can now sue Biden, Pressley, and a host of others too...........and it is LEGAL!

While I agree all the events were more than tragic leading up to this obvious acquittal, it is now going to be refreshing to see the Left get their proverbial a**es handed to them, including the Left wing media who can never tell the truth, and now we see how accurate that statement is!

Oh, the media is going to get an NDA with the settlement they pay him just like they did with Sandman, but if it is enough money to take care of him the rest of his life, I got a buck 3.80 he won't settle for an NDA for Biden, Pressley, and the rest of the politicians-) After all, the media has very deep pockets, so it makes sense. But he isn't going to get that kinda cash from the politicians, so I bet he rides them all the way out, including Biden!
Well he can raffle those off then. And why wouldn't the cops give the kid his rifle back? And who the hell lets a 17 year old drive to an out of state protest with a rifle? THAT's when I stopped paying attention. Those folks are the ones who need jailing.
The rifle was already in the town. He didn't drive a rifle anywhere.
So everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it differs from yours.

What this says is, if I see a guy walking down the street with an AR15 and I feel threatened by his presence, I can shoot him in the head and call it "self defense", because he had a weapon and I was afraid. All you have to say is "I was scared" and you can kill anyone.
if said guy attacks you then yes you are allowed to defend yourself ... even communist idiots have a right to self defense .
So everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it differs from yours.

What this says is, if I see a guy walking down the street with an AR15 and I feel threatened by his presence, I can shoot him in the head and call it "self defense", because he had a weapon and I was afraid. All you have to say is "I was scared" and you can kill anyone.
if democrats shot at everything that frightened them they would be spinning in circles blindly firing .
There are going to claim that the verdict is wrong because they tried the case even before seeing any evidence. There are going to be those that feel the verdict is right because they tried the case even before seeing the evidence. For some all it took was a gun mentioned at the case was open and shut. Then there are those that actually looked at the evidence and did what the jurors did and decided the case on the merits of the evidence to those that tried the case on the merits of the evidence well done.
those that believed in his innocents were correct no matter the verdict because all are presumed innocent until convicted .
false ! but you are right on the fact Rittenhouse will have a tough time from here on out ! the left will demonize him and his family relentlessly because they didnt get the verdict they wanted ! Kyle is canceled ! thats why he should immediately sue the leftwing msm that falsely labelled him a murderer and a white supremacist !
I’m confident there’s more Americans that will have his back than there are leftists that will harass him.

Either way, he probably won’t have a normal life.
Actually, the evidence shows he was not protecting the business he supposedly went to Kenosha to protect.

Instead, he was roving all over the city looking for trouble.

His story is horseshit.

who did he charge or pursue ?? all the people that got shot were attacking him .
Actually, the evidence shows he was not protecting the business he supposedly went to Kenosha to protect.

Instead, he was roving all over the city looking for trouble.
Well, all the evidence and all the jurors and all their verdicts disagree.
were the dozen people that were murdered by leftist rioters last year all carrying rifles ?
Unfortunately, not...

But hopefully the tide will turn and more rioters can be killed....

That is the only way to save our country
The work is not over...

There is an innocent man who was charged with felony gun charges because he gave Kyle the weapon of Supreme Justice...

That guy is also a hero and he should have those charges dropped ASAP if they haven't already been dropped...
Sorry. The kid went to Kenosha looking for trouble, made it, killed two people, and got off. All this shows is that there really are two systems of justice
in this country. Hell, the judge may as well have telegraphed the verdict a couple of times during this trial. Again, he was lucky no one else that night
was motivated to put him down.

In your fantasy world that happened. Thats not what occurred in the real world.
If you do the deed, and you do the deed with the required “culpable” mental state, and assuming the deed is illegal, then you are guilty before the deed is discovered. You are guilty before you are arrested if you ever do get arrested. You are guilty before the trial and before the verdict. You may still be presumed innocent in the eyes of the law. But that doesn’t make you truly innocent.

Let’s add this: same hypothetical as above. But the case goes to trial, and the same person is acquitted. Does that mean his didn’t do the deed? Or does it mean that he has simply received the benefit of the legal doubts?

Here, the accused did some of the deeds. It was at his own hand that two guys got killed. But he was acting in self defense. Thus, he was innocent. I’m pleased the jury understood as much.
I’m confident there’s more Americans that will have his back than there are leftists that will harass him.

Either way, he probably won’t have a normal life.
yeah ... the kids going to have a hard time ... i hate that anyone was killed no matter their politics but the kid was attacked and he defended himself . its that simple .
yeah ... the kids going to have a hard time ... i hate that anyone was killed no matter their politics but the kid was attacked and he defended himself . its that simple .
I doubt he will have a hard time tho....

He already has a Congressional staff job waiting for him according to Matt Gaetz.......and no doubt he can run for statewide office and win -- the next election cycle in fact, depending on what the age limit is for his state...

He definitely has a bright future......this shooting actually helped him out more than getting straight A's in class could have

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