Reactions to Kyle verdict define different views of the meaning of “justice.”

You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.
The verdict says that you can use self defense when being attacked. How you get that anyone can go out and intimidate others is just blatantly false and wrong. Everyone there was in danger, it is called a riot and no one should expect to be safe there. Rittenhouse was stupid fool to be there but so was everyone else. Zimmerman is a loser but he also used self defense as witnesses saw Martin on top on Zimmerman beating him.

Terrible to lose a life in either circumstance but the people involved weren't that smart to begin with.
This is just like DeSantis' "You can run down protestors" bill. You were all well and good with that one until someone suggested using it on anti-mask and anti-CRT loons, and suddenly "First Amendment!!!!".

This isn't a great victory for Second Amendment Rights. It's a great victory for legal murder in the USA - a long standing tradition vigilanties, lynch mobs, slave owners, and rich bullies throughout the USA since its founding.
We all win and lose in life. Most of Antifa are losers. They got away with anarchy. In another nation they would not be seen again. Antifa and BLM can riot their asses off now. Trump is not in office. It does not matter. But now that the Progs are in Federal political office at this point they look like they may be tougher on these groups. We will see. There are videos of people getting beat down and worse from those so called protests. Store owners stomped to unconsciousness. People dragged out of cars and assaulted. Old people beat within an inch of their lives and people killed. People who put every working day with sweat into their businesses seen them destroyed burned to the ground and looted. This was continuous. For years. It was fomented by rabble rousers. So if they want to burn it down, let them. If the troops and law enforcement need to eliminate some of them if it gets bad enough, let them. It doesn't matter anymore.
Just imagine the NaziCon outrage if Rittenhouse was black.
Maybe you know about the emotion of your fellow fascists. But most of us conservatives don’t feel affiliated with Nazis.

if Rittenhouse was a black man, I’d be happy about his justified acquittal. See, we conservatives (unlike so many of you bizarre liberals) don’t view it as a color or race issue. Unlike you guys, we appreciate the color blindness of justice.
He is just a kid, think its fine they did not ruin his whole life with a murder conviction. That said he is not a hero, He was some where he should not have been with a fire arm. And people are dead.
So everyone is entitled to their opinion, unless it differs from yours.

What this says is, if I see a guy walking down the street with an AR15 and I feel threatened by his presence, I can shoot him in the head and call it "self defense", because he had a weapon and I was afraid. All you have to say is "I was scared" and you can kill anyone.
If he's chasing you trying to bash your head in with a skateboard, jump if you feel froggy. Conservatives will defend your right to defend yourself. As much as you'd like it to, your "opinion" doesn't change facts.
Typical of his race-conscious ilk, guys like Lakota always focus on skin color even where it isn’t an issue at all. I’d hate to be a modern American “liberal” or “progressivel always having a compulsion to be basically a racial bigot. Another reason to try to cure their mental illness.
He is just a kid, think its fine they did not ruin his whole life with a murder conviction. That said he is not a hero, He was some where he should not have been with a fire arm. And people are dead.
Did those people he killed have more of a right to be there?
false ! but you are right on the fact Rittenhouse will have a tough time from here on out ! the left will demonize him and his family relentlessly because they didnt get the verdict they wanted ! Kyle is canceled ! thats why he should immediately sue the leftwing msm that falsely labelled him a murderer and a white supremacist !
Kyle will win a boat load of cash suing the scum that drug his name through the mud.

He should use that money to buy his own private island in the Caribbean.
nah .... they are already attacking the judge and Rittenhouse on leftwing msm ...
Whether he would win or lose, has no bearing on whether this could be a money making venture for the right lawyer or Rittenhouse on a contingency deal. A go-fund-me site donation thing set up for reasonable expenses to fight the fight can pull in a lot of bucks and the right accountant and lawyers can make it work for the benefit of the kid, the lawyers and the accountant. It is the new American way.
We should start a pool for how long before the murder weapon shows up for auction on
Psst. There isn't a murder weapon. Don't get taken when you bid on your auction.
Different views of what? The meaning of justice? Isn't the best example of "justice" the fact that someone avoided being lynched by the media and government officials but was found not guilty by a jury of his peers?
You could not be more wrong. This verdict says that any yahoo can go out with a deadly weapon and intimidate others, and if those people try to defend themselves against such an attacker, he can claim "self defense" when in fact, he put himself and others in danger.

This is the George Zimmerman case all over again. Kyle pursued trouble until he created the danger himself and then killed those seeking to defend themselves against HIM.

This isn't justice, and I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse will end up any better place than Zimmerman.
Mindless rubbish! The act of carrying concealed or open, particularly in the face of lawless behavior, in no way constitutes a violation of the law. Rittenhouse should have never been charged in the first place, and your pablum utterly disregards the realities of this young man's actions and that of those who attacked him.

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