Read and learn for yourself please


Is that your site or is it someone else's?

I think calling the content of the forum "ignorance" and "utter stupidity" and using the words "fool" are not helpful.

The reason people don't become friends with others is because they might think, "you might hurt me" because you already did with your words. You also have to generally like people as much as possible.

Sometimes you just have to accept people for who they are because that is the only way to have a relationship with them.

The attitude should be peaceful as much as possible because I can't have a discussion with people who are hating me. In other words, you should try to appeal rather than repel. Try a conciliatory approach.

It's not my site, I found it looking for reference when I was researching the Trinity. I had read "Gleanings in the Godhead" by A.W. Pink and found it very hard to follow and very boring, lol.

As for the rest, those who are ignorant, utterly stupid and fools have no intention of learning, none what so ever. They only want to make fun of Christians and Christianity, to spew their hatred for God, Jesus Christ and the Faithful. I don't expect these to learn about anything, they only get their kicks by seeing how many people they can get mad at them.
As for the rest, those who are ignorant, utterly stupid and fools have no intention of learning, none what so ever. They only want to make fun of Christians and Christianity, to spew their hatred for God, Jesus Christ and the Faithful. I don't expect these to learn about anything, they only get their kicks by seeing how many people they can get mad at them.

Salt and Light is never heard.

Pastor Ed talked about the "Church of the Closed Fist". You can have a church program with a fist one one side and a baseball bat on the other. The motto can be "Come on in. We're the most judgmental church in town." "We're going to judge you up and down." Come on in. It wouldn't work.

I need people to talk and to listen. If you can't discuss or argue without getting mad, you can't get people to listen and it is because you can't present enough facts to win an argument.

Proverbs 15:1 ¶ A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:35 By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
aThey only want to make fun of Christians and Christianity, to spew their hatred for God, Jesus Christ and the Faithful. I don't expect these to learn about anything, they only get their kicks by seeing how many people they can get mad at them.

God is NOT Yahweh(s).

Nobody hates jews for their idiotic and racist beliefs in the Old Testament and the Talmud, or Christians for their belief in the New Testament. But exposing the insanity of the literature they base their beliefs on might make them seem funny.
aThey only want to make fun of Christians and Christianity, to spew their hatred for God, Jesus Christ and the Faithful. I don't expect these to learn about anything, they only get their kicks by seeing how many people they can get mad at them.

God is NOT Yahweh(s).

Nobody hates jews for their idiotic and racist beliefs in the Old Testament and the Talmud, or Christians for their belief in the New Testament. But exposing the insanity of the literature they base their beliefs on might make them seem funny.

Piss off! you're the only hater here.
The problem with the KJ and other versions of the Bible is the interpretation of English from Latin, and Latin from Greek and Greek from Hebrew sources.
as there were no scriptures written by JC the precedent would not be for a scribed literature but some other means to convey the True religion.

or in fact the True religion is simply the means for Remission to the Everlasting not withstanding anything written or prefaced by one or any multitude of books - rather it is ones performance that matters.
The problem with the KJ and other versions of the Bible is the interpretation of English from Latin, and Latin from Greek and Greek from Hebrew sources.

Moonglow, there are Bibles with Greek and Hebrew translations in them. They are very helpful. :eusa_angel:

Breeze, Christ quoted scripture, in fact His favorite retort to Lucifer is, "It is written.........".
And no where is it written that our performance has anything to do with salvation, or Heaven, or ultimately, Heaven on earth. The opposite is true:

Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Your religion has nothing to do with Christ, Heaven, salvation, power, grace, love, mercy, or kinship. Those things are geared toward the sinners whose work here comes up short.

You are the most important element in your religion. You and your frail, 10% brain capacity, human error, performance level. It reminds me of the TV show, "Wipe Out"!
I'm relying on the Creator of the Universe to have my back. His Son is gentle and humble and kind and forgiving and His yoke is light. Look how heavy your yoke is, having to pull the load all by yourself.
Matthew 11:28-30
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

When you get to the Everlasting, you can boast about what you did to get there, though, so chin up babe. And, If I leave before you get there, send me a postcard. Address it to my Father's House. :eusa_angel:
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You do not need a bible, a church or a specific religion to have a relationship with God

True. After all, we have a Bible because of people who had a relationship with God without one.

The scriptures are profitable because they have the Doctrine, Covenants, and Commandments revealed from God to man. These all help us come close to the Lord.
This is a great site for learning, if you dare. The ignorance and utter stupidity I read in these forums is absolutely astonishing. Read and learn before you make a fool of yourself.

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Listening to man's lies will keep you a liar. Those of us in the Kingdom of God knows the deception that liars use to try deceive others.

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