Read The Pre-Riot Transcript

Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
How we're they suppose to 'take their country back'?

How were they suppose to 'stop the steal'?

Do you think it was just one day's speach? AND NOT his tweets building up the 6th, or his rallies where he prepped his followers to turn against Pence? Thus, the noose and hundreds chanting HANG MIKE PENCE.....

Why did he tell his flock, this day was the turning day, for him to be President a second term,

And tell them the 6th was going to be WILD?

Do you really think Mr Internet CIC didn't know what his flock was planning and saying they were going to do?

I disagree with you.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." - Donald J. Trump

Is "We shall overcome" an incitement to riot? Is "We shall march on Washington" an incitement to riot?
I only got to 14 minutes out of an hour and found many instances of him whipping up the crowd with his lies....and incoherent declarations.

Turn your cameras please and show what’s really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer. They’re not going to take it any longer.

All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.

Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about.

To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal. Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election, and we won it by a landslide.

By the way, does anybody believe that Joe had 80 million votes? Does anybody believe that? He had 80 million computer votes. It’s a disgrace. There’s never been anything like that. You could take third world countries. Just take a look, take third world countries. Their elections are more honest than what we’ve been going through in this country. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace. Even when you look at last night, they’re all running around like chickens with their heads cut off with boxes. Nobody knows what the hell is going on. There’s never been anything like this. We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen.

Crowd: (07:11)
Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!

Donald Trump: (08:09)
I hope so. I hope so because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do. This is from the number one or certainly one of the top constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our constitution, and protect our constitution. States want to revote. The States got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice-President Pence has to do is send it back to the States to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.

Donald Trump: (09:08)
I just spoke to Mike. I said, “Mike, that doesn’t take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage,” and then we’re stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot, and we have to live with that for four more years. We’re just not going to let that happen.

Donald Trump: (11:25)
We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy. Most candidates on election evening, and of course this thing goes on so long, they still don’t have any idea what the votes are. We still have congressional seats under review. They have no idea. They’ve totally lost control. They’ve used the pandemic as a way of defrauding the people in a proper election. But when you see this and when you see what’s happening, number one, they all say, “Sir, we’ll never let it happen again.” I said, “That’s good, but what about eight weeks ago?” They try and get you to go. They say, “Sir, in four years, you’re guaranteed.” I said, “I’m not interested right now. Do me a favor, go back eight weeks. I want to go back eight weeks. Let’s go back eight week.” We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that.

Donald Trump: (14:39)
But this year using the pretext of the China virus and the scam of mail-in ballots, Democrats attempted the most brazen and outrageous election theft. There’s never been anything like this. It’s a pure theft in American history, everybody knows it. That election, our election was over at 10:00 in the evening. We’re leading Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia by hundreds of thousands of votes, and then late in the evening or early in the morning, boom, these explosions of and bullshit, and all of a sudden. All of a sudden it started to happen
Great work! "We're just not going to let that happen" sure keeps being repeated, doesn't it?
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.

This is G50cent's 'Minority Report'. Idjit!
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

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Nancey P and the rest of the democrats in congress know this. However, they are not going to let a crisis go to waste.
Well, five people died. A policeman was beat to death and several other police officers were hospitalized. They want someone held to account, and this is understandable.

But even if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight, I would expect due process.

This is not due process.
They didnt seem to be worried about the cops being straight up assinated by democrats for the past few years.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the certified State legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Of course. How DARE people think they have a right to let the people they elected to represent them know how they feel about how they are doing their jobs. Why they might feel pressured to honestly represent them instead of taking the the highest bid from lobbyists. Can't be tolerated.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the certified State legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Of course. How DARE people think they have a right to let the people they elected to represent them know how they feel about how they are doing their jobs. Why they might feel pressured to honestly represent them instead of taking the the highest bid from lobbyists. Can't be tolerated.
I'm not an expert on how to deprogram someone who has been brainwashed by repetitive lies....

I can put truths and facts right before you, and I will hear the La La song.... I know you are not listening or even trying to reason with the facts.... because you truly and honestly believe all the lies the liar n chief and his spinmeisters have spun.

You don't believe me

And I don't believe you.

Our country is in a real pickle! :eek:
In a vacuum, no, the speech was not incitement.

When taken in context, four years of him "firing up the base", blurting out the most ridiculous and incendiary shit that came into his head? Four years of him posting "tweets" that were as provocative as possible? Four years of his enablers, sycophants and media turning his base into a bunch of quivering, paranoid, rage-filled zombies?


The final straw may not be big, but it's still the final straw. That was that speech. Charlie Manson didn't slaughter those people. The weak-willed cultists he controlled did.
Has anyone stopped to ask who invited them to be in DC in the first place? Does anyone remember Trump's personal invitation to them to be there on the 6th as Congress certified the vote? "It will be wild!" He promised.
Sure. He's been lighting the match for four fucking years.

All he had to do was point the way. No more incitement needed.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Being hunted? Take a Midol it will help ease your hysterics.
Nancey P and the rest of the democrats in congress know this. However, they are not going to let a crisis go to waste.
Well, five people died. A policeman was beat to death and several other police officers were hospitalized. They want someone held to account, and this is understandable.

But even if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight, I would expect due process.

This is not due process.
Great. Hold a criminal trial AFTER he has been barred from ever having the ability to hold power
Wait a minute, you think that it is an out of control mob but all they needed was a speech to calm them down what broadcast over police bullhorn?
He OWNS you fuckers.

Had he stood there and said

"Look it's over. They are counting the votes today symbolically but they have already been counted in the states. It's over. We fought the good fight and now we must move on."

Those people would have booed. They would have grumbled

But they would have peacefully gone home
But Trump DIDN'T send his Army home. He sent them to the Capitol and told them to FIGHT LIKE HELL


On that same stage Rudy Ghouliani was more specific and Trump did not demur from Rudy's inflammatory words. What did Rudy say? TRIAL BY COMBAT?

Ans when that riot began...did Trump tell those insurrectionists to stop? To stand down?

No. He praised them. IN REAL TIME
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Being hunted? Take a Midol it will help ease your hysterics.



Yea...that rabid MOB was chanting that...after they had beaten and killed cops
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Being hunted? Take a Midol it will help ease your hysterics.



Yea...that rabid MOB was chanting that...after they had beaten and killed cops
Your angry hysterics are delicious!
And just like with trump, congress people are threatening to impeach biden.
You fucking idiots did this to yourself with your worshipping of the pathetic duopoly.
America is full of fucking morons.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Being hunted? Take a Midol it will help ease your hysterics.
They were hunting for Pelosi and Pence..... that hangman's noose they set up on the capitol balcony, wasn't for nothing! :eek:
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Didn't notice the Congress making any effort to leave their bunkers to try to calm anyone down either. Did any of them speak to the people at any time that day? Maybe if someone had actually acknowledged the concerns that many had traveled across the country to air there would have been no violence from either side.
Why in the hell would congress critters leave their bunkers to calm people down, they were the ones being hunted?

Trump' s encouragement to come on Jan 6th, congress' s count of the votes was too late to do anything.... but he mislead his followers to believe something could happen that day, when people living in reality knew there never was a chance to change the State certified legally chosen, electors. The objections were simply for SHOW.

Being hunted? Take a Midol it will help ease your hysterics.



Yea...that rabid MOB was chanting that...after they had beaten and killed cops
Enough with the drama. Enough with the Shakespearian tragedy. Two people were were killed in what might be considered murder. One from each side and they were killed by individuals; not "rabid" groups. All in all the affair was pretty tame as far as riots go.

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