Ready for wwiii over 2 billion will die.

Coincidence that I should find this thread this morning. I see it was started yesterday but I was not paying attention I guess.

You will like this one. I was pondering sin last night, sin, evil, and what happens if one has a God but no Son. I was having a hard time making everything fit together. This morning I woke up still thinking about the problem of pulling everything into a coherent concept. I do this extremely rarely, I am sure I have done it before but I do not remember when, I do not like to do such things, but I decided to pull a card from the deck. I said red was the blood of Christ and black what that my way was still unclear. The higher the card the more certain I could be about the answer. Making sure not to see any of the faces of the cards I counted to make sure there were 52, shuffled three times, and fanned out the cards. One card became the choice. I pulled it out and slapped it on the counter. Queen of Spades. Of all the cards in the deck that particular card probably makes the least sense. Thoughts?

This is god's way of telling you not to play Hearts. The queen of spades costs you 13 points if you pick it up in a trick.
Coincidence that I should find this thread this morning. I see it was started yesterday but I was not paying attention I guess.

You will like this one. I was pondering sin last night, sin, evil, and what happens if one has a God but no Son. I was having a hard time making everything fit together. This morning I woke up still thinking about the problem of pulling everything into a coherent concept. I do this extremely rarely, I am sure I have done it before but I do not remember when, I do not like to do such things, but I decided to pull a card from the deck. I said red was the blood of Christ and black what that my way was still unclear. The higher the card the more certain I could be about the answer. Making sure not to see any of the faces of the cards I counted to make sure there were 52, shuffled three times, and fanned out the cards. One card became the choice. I pulled it out and slapped it on the counter. Queen of Spades. Of all the cards in the deck that particular card probably makes the least sense. Thoughts?

This is god's way of telling you not to play Hearts. The queen of spades costs you 13 points if you pick it up in a trick.

I was going to sandbag but I threw her under the big joker. (Spades, not hearts)
I'm just sitting here shaking my head. Those verses could mean anything, but you've decided they only interpretation is that we are on the verge of WWIII and they are about to be fulfilled. There is not even any reason to assume that four angels slaying = war. Could be a famine or plague or countless other things.

You focus on this private interpretation of yours and ignore the weightier matters of the Gospel. Love, kindness, gentleness, sincerity, etc. And what's worse you act in a way that provides ammunition for those who mock Christ to continue their mocking.

If you truly loved others, this is not the method you would be using.

When the judgments of God come upon the world, they will start in His own House. His saints will be cleansed and purified before the world is.
You probably spend way too much time alone.

What makes you say that? :D

BEWARE satan's traps and deceptions,seek truth,wisdom in His word not cards!!!

I have known my God for thirty years, I have known yours for a week. Jesus did not come to me as your religion says, but He Himself came. The one time that I open wide your Book, at a time God is strong with me, I got Ezekiel 37. After a week of immersion into your Book I ask if He is the same and I got the queen of spades. When I told of the wind that sprang up upon finding my place in your Book it was a little more than I spoke of and in hindsight I am not so sure it was not a wind of warning for I became somewhat startled as how quickly it built and how high it climbed. So I have known my God for thirty years. Should I be so easily changed from He who I know to He I do not? Would I not be the same who would move on with another opened Book? I am not saying that your Book has not presented words as if I had spoken them myself, words of Paul in Galatians no less, but there are also parts of the book which make no sense or speak of things which are unacceptable. (So I hear anyway. Besides what I am unfamiliar with I have not found any so far. ) So as is said in your own Book that how is it that one does not see the Lord I ask how is it you could expect me to treat my God with such disrespect that I do not question all who come after Him?
WWIII, according to you, will kill 2.2 billion people, which will be one third of all humyn beings on Earth.

What devastation that your magical sky wizard's great big book of fairytales doesn't even mention will reduce the humyn population from over 7 billion down to the 6.6 billion necessary to have your little witch doctor prophecy fulfilled?

It's probable due to a 10PPM increase in CO2

only in these days could a war cost over two billion lives but now that the world has thousands of nukes,two billion can be killed in just one hour. Bible prophecy says the sky will roll up like a scroll=nukes!!!

We are not yet to the point of discussing the ridiculous claims you've made regarding the impending deaths of 2.2 billion humyn beings. First, we must discuss how you believe the world's population will be lowered to 6.6 billion, when the current population is well over 7 billion. You did not address this question at all. Answer now, using quotes and evidence taken word for word from your little desert cult spellbook, so we can agree upon what you claim the first step is towards these 2.2 billion deaths, and then discuss those deaths in detail.
Don't forget incandescent light bulbs cuz you'll be able to sell them to the cons who want something that costs more but doesn't last as long.

Don't forget to load up on candles 'cause when Luddy Marxist gets thru you won't have electricity to run either incandescent light bulbs or His New Messiah's Curly White Turds.

Here is a question for ya oh hater of the 'New Messiah' (you're words, not mine). Did God give man free will? Does the unborn have freewill?
Here is a question for ya oh hater of the 'New Messiah' (you're words, not mine). Did God give man free will? Does the unborn have freewill?

Not mine, just paraphrasing REV Louie (Disco Louie) Farrakhan who anointed Obama as his own New Messiah. But in any case, your question presupposes existence of a God. So if you have it right then man without free while would be tantamount to "walking rocks". As to the unborn, they might have been intended to have free will but liberals seem to believe they do not else they'd ask - and then wait patiently for an answer - before killing an unborn.

Now if you're wrong, it don't matter much at all, now does it?
Here is a question for ya oh hater of the 'New Messiah' (you're words, not mine). Did God give man free will? Does the unborn have freewill?

Not mine, just paraphrasing REV Louie (Disco Louie) Farrakhan who anointed Obama as his own New Messiah. But in any case, your question presupposes existence of a God. So if you have it right then man without free while would be tantamount to "walking rocks". As to the unborn, they might have been intended to have free will but liberals seem to believe they do not else they'd ask - and then wait patiently for an answer - before killing an unborn.

Now if you're wrong, it don't matter much at all, now does it?

God can replace anything He created in the blink of an eye, except that which as freewill. If an unborn has yet to gain freewill then one is not taking anything from God. The mother on the other hand does have freewill and the rest of her life. This is not to say abortion should be taken lightly. It is a very heavy question under the most justified of instances.
I am ready to die.

I do not want to live after the nuclear holocaust. Giant cockroaches and scorpions wandering the USA in search of prey ain't my thing.

I am not afraid of satan, and those who can only kill the body, but not the soul.

I am afraid of God.

I am ready to meet Jesus.
I am ready to die.

I do not want to live after the nuclear holocaust. Giant cockroaches and scorpions wandering the USA in search of prey ain't my thing.

I am not afraid of satan, and those who can only kill the body, but not the soul.

I am afraid of God.

I am ready to meet Jesus.

You are ready to die for Jesus but are you ready to live for Jesus? Do not go to Jesus and Him having never heard of you.

(I should probably say where I got that from but maybe Matthew but am not sure.)
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The concept of doing what Jesus taught is very abstract I find. Not that I am even sure of this Jesus thing yet. I thought a quick recount of my day might help. I went to a high school field day today. Between the students and some of the parents there was a flesh a plenty. It was like a werewolf in amongst the lamb pen. I even had my shades on. But I exercised extreme control and lusted after not a one. (I probably sound like a complete pervert.) I feel this was in keeping with the righteous path and hopefully it will be much easier next time.

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