Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Why do conservatives pick the Gipper, of all Repub President's in the 20th century to choose from, to idolize

the most devoted loony of them all is troll frank here.he runs off everytime you post a link and never addresses it knowing he is cornered.he must be a distant cousin of one of ronnies sons.thats the ONLY thing that makes any sense about his obsession of not looking at the facts about reagans corruption.:lol:
Reagan conservative policies amounted to the most successful economic experiment in world history:
•20 million new jobs were created.
•Unemployment fell to 5.3% by 1989.
•The top income tax rate was cut from 70% to 28%.
•The Reagan Recovery took off once the tax rate cuts were fully phased in.
•Total federal spending declined to 21.2% of GDP in 1989 (even with the Reagan defense buildup, which won the Cold War.)
•Eliminated price controls on oil and natural gas. Production soared, and aided by a strong dollar the price of oil declined by more than 50%.
•Real per-capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989 (meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in just 7 years.)
•The poverty rate declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak.
•The stock market more than tripled in value from 1980 to 1990 (a larger increase than in any previous decade.)
•The Reagan recovery started in official records in November 1982, and lasted 92 months without a recession until July 1990 (when the tax increases of the 1990 budget deal killed it.)
•During this 7-year recovery, the economy grew by almost one-third (equivalent of adding the entire economy of West Germany to the U.S. economy.)
•In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years.
•The inflation from 1980 (in the Carter era) was reduced from 13.5% to 3.2% by 1983.
(The contractionary, tight-money policies needed to kill this inflation inexorably created the steep recession of 1981 to 1982, which is why Reagan did not suffer politically catastrophic blame for that recession.)
•The Reagan Recovery kicked off a historic 25-year economic boom (with short recessions in 1990 and 2001.)
•The period from 1982 to 2007 is the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the planet. In 1980, the net worth–assets minus liabilities–of all U.S. households and business was $25 trillion in today’s dollars. By 2007, net worth was just shy of $57 trillion. Adjusting for inflation, more wealth was created in America in the 25-year boom than in the previous two hundred years.

Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes

more lies from the zionist shill.

Really? That's your answer?

Then you wonder why I ignore this thread
i see the two lover trolls meathead brain and cousin of reagan, frank kid,are here back to troll again so soon.:lol:

btw hypocrite troll frank,you really expose your hypocrisy and what a sad excuse of a human being you are "which again is no surprise since you are related to raygun somehow," you expose it acknowledging the truth that Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassination,but like the hypocrite troll you ignore facts that your bastard idol,did the same thing that the other bastard future president Ford did,like ford,raygun also participated in the coverup of the JFK assassination,and like Ford,was also rewarded the office of the presidency for his particpation in the coverup.

As governor of california,Raygun blocked many subpeonas of Jim Garriosn to subpeona many key high officials in high power in government during his investigation which AGAIN,is WHY he was rewarded the office of the presidency like Ford because like Ford,he also particpated in the coverup.:cuckoo:

I already knew about this years before i saw this video but this video down here below,talks about it as well.hypocrite Frank of course will dismiss it and not watch it.:cuckoo:

at about the 30 minute mark it talks about that.

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i see the two lover trolls meathead brain and cousin of reagan, frank kid,are here back to troll again so soon.:lol:
Butt hurt, eh? Really, it's been 25 years ffs!

hey meatbrain,Im taking you off ignore for a minute to ask you a simple we both know,you will evade it and not answer it of course since they are good said sometime back i cant be taken seriously because of my user name.well guess what?your lover troll frank no longer accepts the lies of the 9/11 coverup commission anymore either and doesnt believe the official version as well.not only that,but he also doesnt ignore facts how Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassination also.I can find a few references where he has said that before.

Isnt that being a hypocrite siding with a guy whom according to you,has the same warped logic about the kennedy assassination and 9/11 as I do?:cuckoo:

seems to me,since he has those same agreements with me on 9/11 and Bushwackers involvement in the jfk case,you would want to distance yourself from him and tell him it disgusts you to have him on your side on this?:cuckoo: thats the biggest hypocrisy I can possibly imiagine.

Frank cant have it both ways like the hypocrite wants to.Either reagan and bush are both corrupt,or they both are not.again,cant have it both ways the way he wants to.that again is being a hypocrite.:cuckoo:
speaking of this,for a long time I saw people callingfrank names for speaking the truth talking about Obama not being a us citizen,which is one more thing you dont agree with him on im sure?:lol:

He used to make lots of threads about that and I thought it was unfair the way he was attacked and called names for that for speaking a truth that is uncomfortable for a lot of americans to face which is why they attacked him.

Now I can understand WHY they called him names back then and laughed at him so much all the time because of how he blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong and wont even address them changing the subject when cornered.

its people like Frank that give people fighting for the truth about this fraud Obama and his illegal citizenship a bad name and give them a bad reputation thanks to the hypocrisy they display when it comes to another presidents corruption exposed.:rolleyes:

reminds me of that idiot troll Pale retard who used to post here.he really gave obama truthers a bad name.he always said alex jones was a nutcase for saying 9/11 was an inside job,but then when he made a video exposing Obama as the fraud he is,.he was on Jones bandwagon.:cuckoo: such hypocrisy.

same with troll frank here.Jones will be the first to tell you how corrupt and evil Reagan was back then and idiot dumbfuck Frank here will say Jones is stupid and doesnt know what he is talking about.

Yet when Jones statrs talking about how corrupt Obama is and how he is not a us citizen,like that other hypocrite disgracful troll Pale retard,Frank will be the first here to toot the horn of Jones.fucking hypocrite.:cuckoo: Franks kind is what gives the human race a bad name.
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Reagan didn't have Fox News or Rush either. He did it all by talking directly to the people.

He never had a Republican Congress either, he did it by negotiating with a Democrat Congress
Reagan didn't have Fox News or Rush either. He did it all by talking directly to the people.

He never had a Republican Congress either, he did it by negotiating with a Democrat Congress

"did it all"? You mean triple the nat'l debt, raise taxes, arm death squads in central america, and ship arms to Iran?
Reagan would be primaried-out by today's republican party. He, egad!, worked w/ the opposing party. Today's Repub party would ban him from their convention. FACT!
Reagan didn't have Fox News or Rush either. He did it all by talking directly to the people.

He never had a Republican Congress either, he did it by negotiating with a Democrat Congress

"did it all"? You mean triple the nat'l debt, raise taxes, arm death squads in central america, and ship arms to Iran?

Are you dense or what? Reagan spent a lot on Defense the results were the defeat of the Soviet Empire.. Raise taxes:lol: overall Reagan drastically reduced taxes, and simplified the tax code. He did agree to some tax increases after that, which here to be 3 to one spending cuts, congress however never came through with those cuts of course. There were death squad on both sides you idiot that's what war is killing. unlike our current president, Reagan did what was in the best interest of this country.
Reagan would be primaried-out by today's republican party. He, egad!, worked w/ the opposing party. Today's Repub party would ban him from their convention. FACT!

Unlike Obama, he never called the opposition party "the enemy"
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