Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Reagan would be primaried-out by today's republican party. He, egad!, worked w/ the opposing party. Today's Repub party would ban him from their convention. FACT!

Anyone who labels his own opinion as "fact" is both arrogant and profoundly ignorant. Nice combination.:eusa_angel:
Deficit Will Slip to Five-Year Low Under $1 Trillion, CBO says

Deficit Will Slip to Five-Year Low Under $1 Trillion, CBO says
Brian Faler, ©2013 Bloomberg News
Published 9:37 pm, Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Read more: Deficit Will Slip to Five-Year Low Under $1 Trillion, CBO says - SFGate



:eusa_whistle:We know the right wing keeps saying The Sky is Falling and and The End is Near, but reality strikes.:eusa_shhh:

:clap2: You idiot it'll go down slightly then rise again after Obamacare is fully implemented as the CBO projects we have almost 70 to 80 trillion is unfunded liabilities we need to reform these entitlements or we're through as the United States of America

which is precisely what they want.
Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.
Total Bullshit

Reagan got ERTA passed in Summer 1981

Oh, and with Reagan leading the way, the West pushed the USSR into oblivion

your post is whats bullshit.nope, internal strifes in the soviet union led to it,nothing to do with reagan,.deal with it. lets see,should I listen to franks rambings or what experts have said? I think I'll go by what the experts say.:D

The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"


The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.
your post is whats bullshit.nope, internal strifes in the soviet union led to it,nothing to do with reagan,.deal with it. lets see,should I listen to franks rambings or what experts have said? I think I'll go by what the experts say.:D

The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"


The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

thats because he knew after meeting Gorbachev that the USSR was ripe for taking down.
STOP THE RW PREVARICATING!!! :mad: The Gipper was a tax-raisin', terrist armin', death squad fundin', deficit spender. Accept it and choose another rw dear leader to idolize because the Gipper doesn't hold water :boohoo:
I find it amusing that so many progressives on this board are willing to invest this much effort in an attempt to rip Ronald Reagan's reputation to shreds twenty plus years after he left office.

You could see this coming a mile off though...

The comparisons between Obama and Reagan were inevitable. Reagan took over from Jimmy Carter and inherited an economy that was in shambles. Obama took over from W. with an economy also in shambles. Each man had VASTLY different solutions to the problems that faced them. Each man had a completely different way of dealing with opposition to their agendas.

In the early points of the Obama Administration, Barry's supporters repeatedly made the valid point that unemployment was up in the early stages of Reagan's first term and public approval of his approach to the economic crisis was low. Give Obama the same amount of time and you'll see that HIS policies are going to create the same results as Reagan's. Give Obama time and he'll grow the economy and cut unemployment just as Reagan did!

The problem that Obama supporters have is that Obama's economic "plan" was put into action over five years ago...we've spent an unprecedented amount of money on it...and the economy simply hasn't responded. Growth is anemic and unemployment levels have remained high. Let's face it, don't invent a statistic like "jobs created or saved" if your economic policies are working. You come up with that if they are NOT working.

At this point in Reagan's second term the country was experiencing strong economic growth and people felt good about the future because they believed that Reagan had a plan and that his plan actually worked.

How many people out there HONESTLY believe that Barack Obama has a plan to fix the economy any more? How many of you even know who's running the show for Barry now that Larry Summers, Christina Romer and Austin Goolsby have all departed? Who's Barry's chief economist now? What is their economic plan going forward? Does anyone know? Does one exist at all?

I ask those questions because what I think is happening with strings like this, is that the left have given up even trying to defend the economic policies of this Administration because they haven't worked so far and nothing indicates that will change any time soon. So what is left? If you can't talk about the "successes" of your guy then the only thing left is to talk about the "failures" of the other side's guy. That's why there are so many Reagan attack strings being started by Obama supporters.
I find it amusing that so many progressives on this board are willing to invest this much effort in an attempt to rip Ronald Reagan's reputation to shreds twenty plus years after he left office.

You could see this coming a mile off though...

The comparisons between Obama and Reagan were inevitable. Reagan took over from Jimmy Carter and inherited an economy that was in shambles. Obama took over from W. with an economy also in shambles. Each man had VASTLY different solutions to the problems that faced them. Each man had a completely different way of dealing with opposition to their agendas.

In the early points of the Obama Administration, Barry's supporters repeatedly made the valid point that unemployment was up in the early stages of Reagan's first term and public approval of his approach to the economic crisis was low. Give Obama the same amount of time and you'll see that HIS policies are going to create the same results as Reagan's. Give Obama time and he'll grow the economy and cut unemployment just as Reagan did!

The problem that Obama supporters have is that Obama's economic "plan" was put into action over five years ago...we've spent an unprecedented amount of money on it...and the economy simply hasn't responded. Growth is anemic and unemployment levels have remained high. Let's face it, don't invent a statistic like "jobs created or saved" if your economic policies are working. You come up with that if they are NOT working.

At this point in Reagan's second term the country was experiencing strong economic growth and people felt good about the future because they believed that Reagan had a plan and that his plan actually worked.

How many people out there HONESTLY believe that Barack Obama has a plan to fix the economy any more? How many of you even know who's running the show for Barry now that Larry Summers, Christina Romer and Austin Goolsby have all departed? Who's Barry's chief economist now? What is their economic plan going forward? Does anyone know? Does one exist at all?

I ask those questions because what I think is happening with strings like this, is that the left have given up even trying to defend the economic policies of this Administration because they haven't worked so far and nothing indicates that will change any time soon. So what is left? If you can't talk about the "successes" of your guy then the only thing left is to talk about the "failures" of the other side's guy. That's why there are so many Reagan attack strings being started by Obama supporters.

It is amusing what the Left has tried to do to Reagan.

It amazes me that many on the Left believe BJ Bubba Clinton was a great president and regularly commend him for balancing the budget (not his intention, but thanks to an R Congress, gets kudos for it) and growing the economy. Ignoring his lies, corruption, and treatment of women. These same Leftists ignore Reagan's economic successes, while criticizing him for deficits (thanks in part to a D Congress). They also refuse to criticize Big Ears for his abysmal economic record, explosion of debt, and terrible corruption.

The hypocrisy is beyond words!
STOP THE RW PREVARICATING!!! :mad: The Gipper was a tax-raisin', terrist armin', death squad fundin', deficit spender. Accept it and choose another rw dear leader to idolize because the Gipper doesn't hold water :boohoo:

some of the brainwashed sheep here are so much conditioned and brainwashed by the CIA controlled media "which he let run amok and get back to their old ways of running covert wars again after carter had dismanted their operations by firing evil monster Bush sr as director whom Ford appointed,then bringing in Stansfiled Turner who cleaned house getting rid of many CIA covert specialists and cleaning up their imiage by doing so,then reagan got in and of course fired Turner,and replaced him with William Casey who got their covert wars up and running again which is why we had those deaths squads that reagan supported."

Yet somehow Reagan wasnt a puppet for the elite and was different than Bush somehow according to the troll reagan worshippers here liek frank and others.:cuckoo::lmao:

Reagan would be primaried-out by today's republican party. He, egad!, worked w/ the opposing party. Today's Repub party would ban him from their convention. FACT!

Anyone who labels his own opinion as "fact" is both arrogant and profoundly ignorant. Nice combination.:eusa_angel:

thats something all the Reagan worshippers like frank do,only give opinions instead of going by facts ignoring them.:lmao:
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your post is whats bullshit.nope, internal strifes in the soviet union led to it,nothing to do with reagan,.deal with it. lets see,should I listen to franks rambings or what experts have said? I think I'll go by what the experts say.:D

The same "Experts" who called Reagan a War Monger and Ronny Raygun for challenging the USSR are now saying "well it would have collapsed anyway"


The Soviet Union recovered from many crises in its 70-year history. So the empire would have recovered from any other factor besides Reagan. He went in for the kill, while others did nothing, expecting that the USSR would fall on its own.

which it did.I have said this a million times only to watch the fact get ignored by the reagan idiots that it did not matter who was president back then,that because of arms buildups over the years,thats what led to the collapse of the soviet union was internal strifes that went on which led to the end of the cold war.That even his long time pal Dick Nixon said it would have happened anyways no matter who was president and gorbechev when asked if reagan had a hand in it replied saying-are you serious?:cuckoo:
Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

STOP THE RW PREVARICATING!!! The Gipper was a tax-raisin', terrist armin', death squad fundin', deficit spender. Accept it and choose another rw dear leader to idolize because the Gipper doesn't hold water


The comparisons between Obama and Reagan were inevitable. Reagan took over from Jimmy Carter and inherited an economy that was in shambles. Obama

Uh actually those are lies that have been spread by the CIA media ever since Reagan left office.Carter was the one that took over an economy that was in shambles thanks to the prvious administration.By the time carter left,the ecomony was actually booming.Inflation was high but the ecomony was doing great under Carter.

Reagan got in and after his first term like you said,we were no better off that we were under Carter.It was Carters appointee Paul volker who turned the economy around in Reagans second term.Thanks to carter and his appointee,the economy turned around.Reagn just took the credit for it all.
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Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

Then maybe you need to find somebody who did live through it, child
Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

Then maybe you need to find somebody who did live through it, child

you might want to take your own advise child.:lol:
more lies from the zionist shill.

Really? That's your answer?

Then you wonder why I ignore this thread

Can you really have a serious conversation with this nut job conspiracy loon?:cuckoo:

whatever you say zionist paid shill troll.

Kinda like your lover fellow troll frank is who agrees with me that 9/11 was an inside job and Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassination yet you side with this relative idiot of Reagans about this issue.:cuckoo:

as i told meathead brain,seems to me you would want to distance yourself away from that idiot.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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This isn't surprising, the Left is a pathological lie; they lie about the economic greatness of FDR (7 straight years of 20% Average unemployment), they lie about McCarthy starting a Red Scare (more people in the FDR White House reported to Stalin than to FDR) and of course, they must lie about Reagan, who freed hundreds of millions of people from the crushing dehumanizing oppression that Liberals can't wait to bring here to the USA.

I don't answer the posts directly, because, what's the fucking difference? The Left is a hive-minded cult and they HATE Reagan simply because he called the USSR an Evil empire, make his goal to consign their Empire to the ash heap of history, and Sweet Fucking Jesus, did EXACTLY that.

The Hungarians tried to free themselves in 1956 and couldn't.

Throughout the years no US President directly challenged Soviet hegemony until Reagan. Sure, Reagan continued Carter's military build-up, but he pointed it directly at the Fulda Gap telling the USSR, "Try it fucker and we'll leave a mile long trail of burned out T72's"

Further, Reagan threatened to install Minuteman and Pershing missiles in Europe.

Most of all, Reagan refused to back down. He knew he was right, he knew his cause was just, he knew the USSR would not maintain itself as it was.

Grown men in Eastern Europe, who experienced first hand the disgusting conditions of the Progressive Workers Paradise will never forget Reagan and admire him for freeing them.

I talk with Russian emigres and they will tell you to your face that the American Left are the stupidest fucking people on the planet for admiring a system with a 100% Fail.

And I tend to agree with them
Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

Then maybe you need to find somebody who did live through it, child

Willing to bet that 9/11 was in diapers when Reagan was President
Really? That's your answer?

Then you wonder why I ignore this thread

thanks for showing as always,you have reading comprehension problems dumbfuck.

as always you evaded my facts that counted his lies and B.s when i addressed it here in post # on this page.
Reagan is despised by two types of people....Progressives who are butt hurt that he was so great and Young Conspiracy nutbag Paulbots who never grew up in the Reagan era. Paul despised Reagan and then like the scumbag he was tried to use him to make himself look less fruity. Reagan is everything Obama cant be. He was a adult who compromised ... Too bad the democrats cant be trusted to keep up their end of the compromise. He was strait with the american people about the enemy...Unlike democrats who worshiped the USSR ... Hell most still do. He wasn't perfect but he has been the greatest president we have had since Lincoln . He was also the last real republican president we have had.

Only stupid ignorant trolls like you and Frank defend the corruption of reagan.

The people that lived through it actually remember how bad things really were back then.

Its only the young brainwashed nutbags that listen to that idiot box in the living room and mouthpieces full of hot air like Rush Limbaugh who fueled it all right after he got out off office that believe all the lies made up that he did.:cuckoo:

the ones that grew up during the Reagan era are the ones that remember how bad it obviously did not despite your lies.:lol:

Your just as much of a fucking troll is that idiot retard frank is.The proof is in the pudding on that the way you worship the lies the CIA media has spun about him in the lamestream media all the years.:lmao::lmao:

Dante proved it earlier posting facts that Reagans popularity throughout most of his two terms,that he was very unpopular with the american people.:lol::lmao::lmao:

Hate to break your heart idiot,but Jfk was easily the greatest president since Lincoln.Unlike your bastard murdering idol,he actually tried to get rid of the CIA like the patriot he was and paid the price for it.He was our last REAL president we had despite franks lies in his avatar.

The CIA is the reason WHY the world is in the mess it is today and Obama just like every president since that bastard reagan,has been following the gippers footsteps sending jobs overseas and betraying the middle class.:cuckoo:

STOP THE RW PREVARICATING!!! The Gipper was a tax-raisin', terrist armin', death squad fundin', deficit spender. Accept it and choose another rw dear leader to idolize because the Gipper doesn't hold water


The comparisons between Obama and Reagan were inevitable. Reagan took over from Jimmy Carter and inherited an economy that was in shambles. Obama

Uh actually those are lies that have been spread by the CIA media ever since Reagan left office.Carter was the one that took over an economy that was in shambles thanks to the prvious administration.By the time carter left,the ecomony was actually booming.Inflation was high but the ecomony was doing great under Carter.

Reagan got in and after his first term like you said,we were no better off that we were under Carter.It was Carters appointee Paul volker who turned the economy around in Reagans second term.Thanks to carter and his appointee,the economy turned around.Reagn just took the credit for it all.

"Unpopular Reagan 1984 Map"

Count 'em he won 56 of our 57 states

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